Chapter 135

The atmosphere in the room was a little awkward.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the apprentice who was seriously warning him, feeling very embarrassed.

Mom!Is this beauty Gui Yanye's mother?so young?

And this breast...can fight Ju Chuan Shizuka in the ring!

Facing the disciple's questioning and vigilant eyes, Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly and said, "What are you talking about, Yan Ye, am I that kind of person? You have a big misunderstanding of me! I have always been a good person!"

Lin Yuanfei, holding a knife in his right hand and holding hostages in his left hand, said these words surrounded by six policemen.

After Shimada Nobunaga struggled to get up, he looked panicked and angry, "Let her go! Lin Yuanfei, you are not allowed to hurt her!"

Lin Yuanfei just looked at the second generation of power, feeling very helpless, "My Lord Mayor, how often do you still miss her... You are really a hero among green hats! A warrior among wives and slaves! Wife's heart is like a knife, do you want to understand?"

Regarding Lin Yuanfei's cynicism, Shimada Nobunaga looked indifferent.

He just said coldly, "I swear by the glory of the Shimada family, if you dare to hurt her a finger! I will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow!"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes.

The glory of the Shimada family?Please don't take it out and swear casually!

Genji Shimada wanted to kill someone after hearing this!

And at this time, the beautiful sister Yu who broke in suddenly, Gui Yanye's mother, finally spoke.

"what's going on?"

Sister Yu looked at the situation in front of her in astonishment, and said, "Mayor Shimada, and Mr. Hayashi Yuan, you... what kind of development is this?"

Didn't it mean that the daughter's master was kidnapped by Shimada Nobunaga?Why does it seem that the positions of the two sides are reversed now!

Shimada Nobunaga took a look at Yujie and said, "Oh, it's Aunt Manami... What can you do for me?"

Shimada Nobunaga pointed to Lin Yuanfei in front of him, and said, "You have also seen the situation in front of you. There is a little trouble in my family. If you have anything, can you wait a little longer? I will Let my assistant entertain you."

Yan Ye's mother, Katsura Manami looked at everything in front of her in astonishment, and then looked at her daughter.

"Yan Ye, what... what's going on?" Didn't you say that Master was moved?Why is the situation different?

Gui Yanye stared at Lin Yuanfei and said, "Master, who is that person you are holding? Why did you hold her hostage?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "This woman's name is Fu Jiang, and she is the favorite woman of Mayor Shimada... So you understand?"

Gui Yanye was stunned for a second, "Fu... Fu Jiang? That Fu Jiang?"

"Yes, it's the Fu Jiang you're thinking of," Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "I was also forced to do nothing, this is a trap! If I don't do it, I will be gnawed to pieces!"

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei looked at Nobunaga Shimada and said loudly.

"I'll give you a chance. If you let me go and swear that you won't trouble me, I'll give you this woman back! How about it? Mayor Shimada, are you willing to accept my terms?"

Before Shimada Nobunaga could speak, Tomie began to struggle, "Nobunaga! Don't listen to him, shoot! Just don't kill him!"

Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent, this Bichi was relying on his own immortality to survive the waves, but Shimada Nobunaga on the opposite side probably didn't know Tomie's immortality, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious.

In order to prevent the woman from continuing to say bad things, Lin Yuanfei took out a ball of stockings from his pocket without saying a word, and then stuffed the stockings into Fu Jiang's mouth under the curtain while everyone was staring dumbfounded, blocking all of Fu Jiang's words.

What?Why do you think there are stockings in Lin Yuan's flying pocket?

It's not easy, I used the leftovers from last time!

By the way, its last user was a student council president named Akiko Sato.

At the beginning, Lin Yuanfei planned to throw it away when he was done using it, but he forgot about it after so many things happened later, but he didn't expect it to play a key role now.

In Lin Yuanfei's hands, Fu Jiang began to struggle desperately to pull the stockings in his mouth.

However, Lin Yuanfei didn't say anything, and mercilessly broke it...

With two clicks, Fu Jiang's two arms were roughly broken by Lin Yuanfei, and they hung down weakly.

Shimada Nobunaga, who was not far away, cried out in pain at the cruel and violent scene.

"No! Don't hurt her! I promise you everything! I promise you everything! Please don't hurt her!"

It seemed that this guy took Lin Yuanfei's behavior as a threat and punishment to him.

It's like in the movie, if you don't do well, I will treat the hostages and so on.

Seeing Tomie suffer the moment, Shimada Nobunaga's spirit collapsed.

He yelled in pain, "Please stop! I'll let you go! I'll let you go! I won't bother you. I promise you whatever you want. Please don't hurt her again."

Seeing such a scene, Gui Yanye's mother subconsciously took a step back.

"Yan...Yan Ye..." Katsura Manami murmured, "Isn't your master really a bad person?"

Yan Ye opened his mouth to defend himself, but after seeing the scene of Lin Yuanfei taking hostages, he couldn't say anything.

She hesitated for two seconds and said, "Although the master is very rough, but... he shouldn't be a bad person..."

At this time, Lin Yuanfei had no time to pay attention to the thoughts of the mother and daughter, he said to Shimada Nobunaga.

"You ask your subordinates to drive me in, and then ask your subordinates to withdraw and get out of my sight. You drive me away, and I will let you go when I arrive at the place. I will do what I said!"

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