Without the slightest hesitation, Shimada Nobunaga immediately said to the policemen under him, "All of you go! No one is allowed to come near here. Then quickly get me a car, do you hear me?"

The group of policemen went to execute it without the slightest hesitation. No one cared how the car was driven in with so many valuables in the house.

In the eyes of this group of men, no matter how valuable things are, Fu Jiang's safety is not as important. All the police understand Shimada Nobunaga's thoughts.

After they quickly left the hall, they didn't make Lin Yuanfei wait too long.

In less than two minutes, a Cayenne stepped on the gas pedal and smashed through the glass of the hall and rushed in, stopping between Lin Yuanfei and Shimada Nobunaga.

The policeman who was driving hurriedly got out of the car, handed the keys to Nobunaga Shimada, and ran away obediently.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at the luxury car and said, "Go to the driver's seat first."

Shimada Nobunaga obediently complied, and lit the fire.

So Lin Yuanfei dragged the struggling Fu Jiang into the back seat.

Then, he looked at the mother and daughter Gui Yanye who were at a loss at the door.

"Then...do you two want to be together?" Lin Yuanfei said, "Anyway, you have already been labeled as my accomplices, so it's not good to stay?"

Gui Manami looked at Lin Yuanfei blankly, and then at Shimada Nobunaga's hateful eyes, knowing that Lin Yuanfei was right.

But the moment she obediently followed her into the car, she felt a sense of powerlessness and some kind of weird illusion.

——I seem to be on a thief ship?

Chapter 136 Kidnapping the Mayor is Exciting

The dark gray Cayenne slowly drove out of the luxurious hall.

The shattered glass was run over by the wheels, making a harsh and crisp sound.

Lin Yuanfei was sitting in the back seat, holding a hostage who struggled hard but his hands were broken.

In the driver's seat was the gloomy mayor of Raccoon City.

And what Lin Yuanfei held was the mayor's lover.

Now I am holding the mayor of Raccoon City's lover hostage, forcing the mayor of Raccoon City to drive for me and send me away.

On the road outside the manor, several police cars were parked.

Those police escorted Lin Yuanfei here, but now they can only watch their mayor being kidnapped and left...

Wow!Why do you feel that the villain smell in your body is stronger?

Lin Yuanfei felt very innocent, he was obviously a good young man who obeyed the law!Why did things become like this?

In the beginning, the student council president is kidnapped.

Then, kidnap the school teacher.

Now it has even reached the point of kidnapping the mayor of Raccoon City.

Next, I shouldn't go to the point of kidnapping the president of the United States or the head of Wall Street, right?

How do you feel that after time travelling, you have gone farther and farther on the road of kidnapping?

And now I am getting more and more familiar with it, which is in stark contrast to the flustered rookie at the beginning, this proficiency is the wrong skill!

Looking at the policemen who stared at him with fear and hatred outside the car window, Lin Yuanfei felt very helpless.

Then he kicked the back of the driver's seat and said fiercely, "Tell your subordinates, don't send anyone to follow us! If I find any vehicles following behind me, whether it's a police car or not, I'll arrest you first." Chop off one of my wife's hands! I will do what I say!"

Shimada Nobunaga nodded quickly, "Okay, I will warn them."

As he said that, while driving, this guy took out his mobile phone and made a call, repeated similar words to the other end of the phone several times angrily, and then obediently hung up the phone.

Shimada Nobunaga turned back and said to Lin Yuanfei, "I have already informed them, Mr. Lin Yuan, they will never follow. Now please tell me the address you are going to, and I will send you out of Raccoon City."

Different from being arrogant and domineering in front of his subordinates, as soon as this guy talked to Lin Yuanfei, he was as cute as a grandson. His cowardice is probably comparable only to the unlucky guy who meets his girlfriend and mother-in-law.

How do you say that?After all, the lover is in the hands of the other party, no matter how much dissatisfaction you have in your heart, you can't make any waves at all!

Lin Yuanfei glared at Shimada Nobunaga, "Don't try to play tricks with me, if I find out that you are doing tricks behind your back... Huh! Just wait to collect Fu Jiang's body!"

After threatening the family members of the hostages with ease, Lin Yuanfei told Nobunaga Shimada the address of my wife's house and asked Nobunaga Shimada to drive there.

Shimada Nobunaga looked astonished, "City...downtown?"

According to his idea, shouldn't he drive to the deep mountains and old forests?What is the operation of driving to the city?

Lin Yuanfei glared at him, and said, "If you tell me to drive, you can do it, don't gossip, you are not qualified to ask questions, understand?"

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei held the samurai sword horizontally in front of Fu Jiang and made a gesture.

Shimada Nobunaga immediately apologized in panic, "Mother Smith! Mother Smith!"

Then he drove the car away in a hurry, afraid that Lin Yuanfei would really look at Fu Jiang's arm in a fit of anger.

At this time, Katsura Manami who was next to her finally couldn't help but speak.

"That... Yan Ye's master?" Katsura Manami said cautiously, "Is your name Hiko Kiyojuro?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "You can also call me by my real name, Lin Yuanfei."

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