After hearing the name [Hiko Seijuro], Nobunaga Shimada in the driver's seat looked astonished.

"What? Bigu Qingjuro? Are you the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style?"

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei kicked the opponent on the back of the chair, and roared ferociously, "None of your fucking business! Give me a good drive! Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Then Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at Yan Ye's mother, with a gentle smile on his face, which changed as quickly as it did.

"Madam, I'm sorry to involve you in such a matter. But please don't worry, I promise that this matter will not cause any trouble to you and your family. Please rest assured..."

"As for the explanation, I will explain it to you when I get to the place later, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. Before that, please wait a little longer."

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "Yan Ye should be able to understand what I mean, this is not a place to talk now, please wait a moment."

Lin Yuanfei's meaning is obvious, there are too many people here, and there are some things that Nobunaga Shimada should not know.

Katsura Manami hesitated for a few seconds, then subconsciously looked at her daughter.

I saw Yan Ye nodded seriously, and said, "Mom, please trust the master. The master is not a bad person. Although what he does seems a bit weird and crazy to ordinary people, he is indeed using his own method to protect In this world, don't worry, I will confess everything to you later."

Katsura Manami hesitated for a while, then looked at Hayashi Yuanfei and Shimada Nobunaga in the driver's seat.

She sighed helplessly and in despair, and murmured, "Since Yan Ye said so... It seems that we have no way out."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Lin Yuanfei, and said with a serious face, "Mr. Bigu Qingjuro, since you are the descendant of the Feitian Yujian School, you must be a scholar with noble ambitions. I believe that your actions are definitely not good. It will get Fei Tian Yu Jianliu in the dark."

"And you are still Yan Ye's master, I should support you both emotionally and rationally, so..."

"Please don't disappoint my expectations."

Katsura Manami said seriously, "No matter what happens next, please take responsibility seriously! Can you do it?"

Lin Yuanfei, the beautiful mother, couldn't help but sighed.

Speaking of which, Feitian Yujianliu has a very good reputation in this world...

It seems that Feicun Jianxin in this world is doing a good job. Whenever he mentions his identity as the inheritor of Feitian Yujian, it seems that he will be labeled as "good guy" and "good camp" immediately.

But it also depends on the person, guess, at least someone as talkative and good-natured as Yan Ye's mother is probably rare... eh...

He looked straight into Katsura Manami's eyes without any guilt, and said very seriously, "Please believe me! I will never let you down!"

Hey wait, why does this conversation sound like a son-in-law visiting?

I tm don't want to marry your daughter!

Lin Yuanfei felt that his sense of déjà vu was a bit strong.

Author's message:

ps: When writing this chapter, I looked indifferent...

Maybe it’s because the three views don’t match. I can’t understand that when a mother considers her children’s marriage, she always only considers whether her daughter can give her money in the future, whether she will take care of herself every day when she gets old, and how much benefits her daughter can give herself in the future. I don't care at all about who my daughter will marry, what is the family situation of the other party, and whether she will live well after marriage. I would rather have my daughter marry to the countryside in my hometown and live in poverty than marry to the city to find a stable life. happy at work...

Jiangxi's mother-in-law, really can't afford to provoke (indifference)

Chapter 137 Your Wife Comes to the Room with Me for a while

A dark gray Cayenne parked at the gate of my wife's house.

Shimada Nobunaga looked back at Lin Yuanfei, "That...Mr. Lin Yuan, the destination you mentioned is here, is it here?"

Shimada Nobunaga said, while looking at the residential area in front of him, he looked puzzled.

Obviously, he didn't understand why Lin Yuanfei, the kidnapper, asked him to drive his car here.

There are few people here and the roads are empty. No matter how you think about it, it is not a suitable place to escape.

How could a kidnapper run here... Aren't you afraid of being surrounded by the police afterwards?

Shimada Nobunaga's heart was filled with uneasiness.

The main reason is that Lin Yuanfei didn't play cards according to common sense, which made him unable to guess what the person in front of him was thinking, and was afraid that the other party would do something wrong.

After all, the scariest thing these days is not the enemy who is so powerful that you can't resist, but the enemy who you can't understand the other party's thinking.

Shimada Nobunaga felt that he was like a fish on a chopping board, letting Lin Yuanfei deal with him, but he was still unable to break free.

He swallowed, and said, "Mr. Lin Yuan, can you let go of my lover now?"

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and said, "It's already here, let's have a sip of tea before leaving. I won't let you say that I'm a stingy person."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei opened the door and dragged Fu Jiang who was still struggling out of the Cayenne.

Fu Jiang, whose arms were broken and with stockings stuffed in his mouth, was covered by curtains at this time, like a corpse in a body bag. Although he was struggling desperately, he couldn't struggle at all.

Her arms were broken, and her only two healthy legs couldn't make much difference.

Lin Yuanfei directly and roughly dragged Fu Jiang out of the car, then carried it on his shoulders, and looked at Nobunaga Shimada in the driver's seat.

"Let's go, Mayor Shimada, why don't you get out of the car? Don't you think that the house of our common people is too small to fit a great god like you?"

Shimada Nobunaga quickly shook his head, "No no no no! Mr. Hayashi Yuan, you misunderstood, I will come down immediately."

Saying that, Shimada Nobunaga obediently got out of the car immediately.

Yan Ye and her mother got out of the car at the same time.

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