Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at this beautiful wife with big breasts, round buttocks and a smile on his face, "Madam, please wait a moment, I will explain to you later. Before that, please come in with us for a drink Tea."

Gui Manami looked at Lin Yuanfei, then at the still struggling human figure on Lin Yuanfei's shoulder, and sighed long, "Okay, I understand."

That's what I said, but Katsura Manami actually has nowhere to go.

She could only choose to believe in Lin Yuanfei at this time.

Because she has been involved in this matter and offended Nobunaga Shimada, if this incident cannot end with a good ending, the revenge of the Shimada family will be very uncomfortable.

In any case, Katsura Manami can only choose to believe that Lin Yuanfei is gone.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei led the way, followed by three people.

"Yuki? Yuno? A guest is coming, open the door!"

Lin Yuanfei walked into the courtyard gate of my wife's house while talking.

That relaxed tone really looked like a host who brought friends to visit, not a kidnapper at all.

Nobunaga Shimada felt even more guilty when he saw him strolling around in the courtyard - this guy seems to be holding a wisdom pearl, there won't be any traps in this room, right?

As soon as Lin Yuanfei's voice fell, the door was opened immediately.

Yuki rushed out excitedly, ""

Yuki, who just came out, looked at the picture in front of her and was stunned.

At this time, Lin Yuanfei was carrying a human-shaped object wrapped in curtains on his shoulders, and the human-shaped object was still struggling.

Behind him was a handsome young man with an unlucky face, Gui Yanye, and a mature woman who seemed very close to Yan Ye.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yuki was stunned.

"Lin Yuan-kun, you... who did you kidnap again?" Yuki looked astonished.

Emmm... this...

"Yuki..." Lin Yuanfei's eyebrows twitched, his smile was a little stiff, "What do you mean I kidnapped someone again? Please don't make me look like a professional kidnapper! Am I that kind of person?" ? Don't make jokes, be careful to scare the guests!"

Behind Lin Yuanfei, Shimada Nobunaga didn't dare to go any further... Damn!Was this a den of thieves?

How many people has this Lin Yuanfei kidnapped!As the mayor, why there are such horrible criminals rampant in Raccoon City, but he doesn't know it at all!Where did the kidnapped people go?

Human meat buns?The hag grandson Erniang?Zhang Qing, the vegetable gardener?cross slope?

Shimada Nobunaga looked terrified.

And Gui Zhenami, who was beside Gui Yanye, felt cold in an instant—could he have misjudged the wrong person?Aren't the descendants of this generation of Feitian Yujian good people?

The two guests felt guilty for a moment, because the content mentioned in Yuki's sentence imagined many terrifying scenes.

At this time, Yuno's figure also appeared behind the door.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei outside the door, and snorted, "The mayor didn't kill you when he came after you? And he kidnapped another person. You're addicted to kidnapping. Every time you come back, you kidnap one." Is anyone back?"

Lin Yuanfei had black lines on his face, "How can you people defile people's innocence out of thin air?"

Lin Yuanfei blushed, stiffened his neck, and said loudly, "Scholar's business... exorcising demons and defending Taoism... is not kidnapping! It's just a matter of urgency."

As he said that, he said some things that people didn't understand, what was for the sake of the common people, what was being forced to do nothing, and the door was filled with cheerful atmosphere...

Lu Xun wanted to hit someone after hearing this!

Lin Yuanfei glared at Yuno who couldn't help but laugh at the door, and said, "Laugh at your sister! Get out of the way and let the guests in."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei carried Fu Jiang directly and slammed into the door with a dark face.

Behind him, Shimada Nobunaga originally wanted to run, but seeing Fu Jiang being carried in by Lin Yuanfei, he could only follow obediently.

Katsura Manami was half-forced by her daughter to drag her in.

After the door of my wife's house was closed, when Nobunaga Shimada took the shoes from Yuki and was about to change them, he found that Lin Yuanfei had already walked into the house with Tomie on his shoulders.

Immediately a little anxious.

"Lin Yuan-jun! You..."

He anxiously shouted, "Where are you taking my lover?" Didn't you promise to return her to me when you got there?

Lin Yuanfei looked back at this guy, and said, "Can I still eat your wife? Howling? I'll take her in to treat her arm first, and you can rest outside for a while and drink some tea. When I come out , I promise to bring out your wife intact for you."

It looked like "I'll take your wife to the room for treatment, and you stay at the door, don't come in no matter what sounds you hear".

Watching Lin Yuanfei carry his lover into the house, Nobunaga Shimada looked blank and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Vaguely, he felt his head was a little green...

Chapter 138 Er Bao Fu Jiang

In the dimly lit basement, there was a dead silence.

The mottled walls, with traces of time remaining, prove that this basement has existed for many years.

The originally messy space has now been cleaned up. Except for the few large boxes in the corner, almost all the sundries have been emptied out.

In the underground space that looks orderly and empty now, it is depressingly gloomy and stuffy.

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