Here, you can't even feel the flow of air, and you can't feel all the sounds from the outside world.

Once the basement door is closed, the whole world seems to go silent.

It was like, the whole person was isolated from another cold and dead world.

That kind of indescribable gloomy depression makes people panic subconsciously.

It wasn't until the moment the basement door was pushed open that the girl who seemed to have merged into the darkness slowly opened her eyes.

The body in the corner, whose limbs were bound by the chains, moved slowly, making a rattling sound of the chains rubbing against each other.

Seeing that familiar figure watching a wriggling and struggling "thing" walk into the basement, Fu Jiang's mouth curled into a seductive smile.

——Although under the cover of the headgear, no one can see the smile that is enough to fascinate all men in the world.

There was a chuckle in her mouth.

"Hey... my dear, what gift did you bring for others this time?"

Lin Yuanfei carried Fu Jiang, who was wriggling and struggling, to the front of Fu Jiang, coughed dryly, and said, "I brought you new rations."

Saying that, Lin Yuanfei put Fu Jiang on the shoulder on the ground, and then lifted the curtain covering Fu Jiang, revealing Fu Jiang's head.

In the dimly lit basement, the moment the two Fu Jiangs looked at each other, the Fu Jiang caught by Lin Yuanfei began to struggle desperately, with an angry expression on his face.

"Mmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!"

However, with a ball of stockings stuffed in her mouth, she couldn't make any sound at all.

Fu Jiang, who was locked in the corner, smiled even more happily, "This bitch seems very angry... My dear, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yuanfei put the curtain cloth over Fu Jiang's head again, and said, "It's very simple, I'll feed you. This guy will be your ration in the future. How about it? Are you satisfied with this gift?"

Fu Jiang hates each other, and once two Fu Jiangs meet, they will definitely kill each other.

Lin Yuanfei was not worried at all that Fu Jiang in front of him would refuse.

And the fact was not what he expected, Fu Jiang, who was chained, let out a cheerful laugh.

"This is really a pleasant gift~~~ My dear, I really want to reward you well. Do you want to take off your pants and let him serve you with your mouth first? His technology , but it’s very good~~”

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly and said, "Stop driving. Since you share memories with each other, you should know the current identity of this bitch, right? She is the lover of Nobunaga Shimada, the mayor of Raccoon City, and Nobunaga Shimada It's outside right you understand what I'm saying?"

Fu Jiang frowned, "It turned out to be this bitch..."

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"Hey! Wait! What do you mean it's... So you thought Fu Jiang who was going to attack me wasn't this guy?" Lin Yuanfei looked shocked, "Is there any other Fu Jiang who wants to attack me?"

Facing Lin Yuanfei's fierce reaction, Fu Jiang couldn't help sighing.

"The group of sluts are just sharing memories with me, but there is also a time delay in sharing memories, and it's not real-time sharing. I can only receive their memories before twelve o'clock in the morning last night, and there is no memory after that. know."

"So, I don't know which slut will continue to attack you next. After all, those sluts know that we share memories with each other, and even if they have actions, they will do so in the gap before the start of memory sharing. Time to act, I only know that there are probably a lot of sluts who are more interested in you, but who among the group of sluts will actually do it, I don't know."

Fu Jiang chuckled and said, "But my dear, you are so powerful, what are you afraid of them doing? If they attack you, you can catch them all and give them to me to eat, although the flesh and blood of these bitches don't taste very good, But if you can share the troubles for my dear, they are willing to make it difficult."

Facing Fu Jiang's teasing, Lin Yuanfei sneered.

"Feed them all? It depends on your performance. Anyway, to me, you Fujiang are all the same. I shut everyone down. If you dare to be disobedient and mess up, I will catch you later. The new Fu Jiang will replace you and feed you to her."

Lin Yuanfei's threat made Fu Jiang's laughter a little forced.

"Dear... my dear, you are really heartless and righteous. You obviously saved your life, but my dear still owes him two wishes... but now you say such terrible things, it really makes me sad."

In Fu Jiang's self-pitying weeping, Lin Yuanfei sneered, "Didn't I say that? Anyway, you Fu Jiangs have almost the same memory and thinking with each other. To me, you are the same. You saved my life. I owe it to you." Your two wishes, I can completely transfer these things to the new Fu Jiang... I believe that Fu Jiang will be happy to accept it."

In the corner, there was a rattling sound of chains shaking.

Fu Jiang whispered softly, "Darling is really hard-hearted and unreasonable... Well, what do you want someone to do for you, dear? To deceive that Shimada Nobunaga outside?"

"My dear, it must not be that easy to kidnap his lover in front of the mayor of Raccoon City?" Fu Jiang said with a smile.

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and glared at Bichi, "It's good that you know. I'll let you out later, and you go talk to that Shimada Nobunaga. Anyway, I just need to fool you away for a short time. Just don't come to harass me, how about it? As long as you can do it, I will feed you Fu Jiang in my hand."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Fu Jiang in his hand began to struggle desperately.

But this Fu Jiang's arms had been broken long ago, and now Lin Yuanfei kicked two feet one after another, mercilessly breaking the opponent's two intact legs.

In an instant, Fu Jiang in Lin Yuanfei's hands lost the ability to struggle, and lay limp on the ground, while the body under the curtain wriggled feebly.

Fu Jiang in the corner watched this scene and smiled sweetly.

"This is really a pleasing picture... Honey, when are we going to meet that Nobunaga Shimada?"

Chapter 139

In the living room of my wife's house, everyone sat down one by one.

As for the teacher Takagi who likes to squat in the corner, Yuno has long since driven him to the garage to lock him up, to prevent him from doing bad things outside.

Now after Shimada Nobunaga and the others came in, they didn't see Mr. Takagi who likes to squat in the corner like a husky.

Yuki was serving tea to several guests.

It's just that Shimada Nobunaga obviously didn't dare to touch the teacup.

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