That posture is quite the demeanor of an ancient bully bullying men and women.

Shimada Nobunaga looked helplessly at Fu Jiang behind Lin Yuanfei, "My dear..."

He tried to make a final struggle.

However, Fu Jiang just smiled lightly and said, "Go back, Nobunaga, I have you in my heart. Don't worry about my safety, Mr. Lin Yuan will take good care of me. When our matter is resolved, I will go back and find Yours, before that, I will trouble you to be patient."

"If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the day and night...isn't it?" Fu Jiang whispered an ancient Chinese poem.

Looking at his beloved lover, Shimada Nobunaga couldn't help but shed tears, "My dear..."

Lin Yuanfei pushed him out of the house with a look of disgust.

"Okay, I've finished talking, let's go. If you want to cry, go out and cry, cry away, the elders are crying, looking upset."

Lin Yuanfei glared at this guy, kicked Shimada Nobunaga out of the door of my wife's house, and locked the door directly.

Outside the door, Shimada Nobunaga's mournful cry was heard immediately.

"Honey! I...I'm waiting for you! You must come back early!"

In the room, Tomie's cry was also heard, "Nobunaga~~"



"Okay! Stop howling," Lin Yuanfei dragged Fu Jiang into the living room with a black face, and said, "Are you howling? It's time to discuss the business."

As he said that, Lin Yuanfei looked at the women in the room—damn!There is only one man left in this house?

Why is it that Mao is obviously the protagonist of the harem style, but he can't be happy at all?

Pushing Fu Jiang who was wearing a skull mask to Yuno to control, Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly and said.

"Although it was delayed for a while, fortunately, the problem is not serious. Next, we will continue with our battle plan."

"How to kill that annoying wife Kayako!"

Chapter 140 How to Raid the Married Wife, Kayako

Lin Yuanfei felt that his hostility seemed to be a bit heavy...

Eh... This desperate imperialist world really turns people into ghosts.

Coughing earnestly, Lin Yuanfei said, "Our top priority right now is to solve the wife, Gayako! Only after we solve Gayako, can we control the future!" Only then can I live the beautiful life in the other world as mentioned above!

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, several girls in the room nodded one after another, but Katsura Manami was at a loss.

"What... What... Mr. Lin Yuan, what are you talking about... What kind of coconut... Who is that?"

Why does it look like a cult mobilization scene? These guys don't plan to kidnap someone, do they?

Seeing Katsura Manami's uneasy and frightened expression, Lin Yuanfei remembered that there was a newcomer who didn't understand anything.

"Well... I almost forgot my wife, I'm really sorry."

Lin Yuanfei said, looking around the room, "Well, who will explain the basic situation to the newcomers? There are 1000 reward points."

The girls all looked at him in bewilderment—what reward points?

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and finally appointed Yan Ye, "Well, Yan Ye, explain the most basic situation to your mother, and let's continue discussing the battle plan."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei said, "About the way to deal with Jiaye, I actually already have a draft, but I still want to discuss it with you."

Lin Yuanfei said, "According to the information obtained from Freddy, we can deduce a basic information. That is, Kayako also has a [body] similar to Freddy's corpse, as long as the body is burned , then Kayako will be dead."

"So our combat goal is to find out the body of Kayako and burn it!"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuno asked, "Then what is this body? According to what you said, as long as you step into that haunted house, you will be followed by Kayako... Could it be that haunted house is Kayako's body? We put Just burn down the haunted house?"

Yuki on the side shook his head, "Even if that haunted house is really Kayako's body, if we burn it, it will definitely not sit still. It will definitely come out to kill us and stop us like Freddy. To confront it head-on."

Yuno stroked his chin and thought for a while, then said, "By the way, isn't the mayor obedient to us?"

Yuno stared at Tomie in Hayashi Yuanfei's hand, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes, "Just ask that Mayor Shimada to throw a few missiles at the haunted house in Kayako."

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei sighed, "I think this idea is terrible."

Lin Yuanfei saw a post on the Internet that analyzed the curse and coconut, and he thought it was very reasonable.

"Have you ever wondered why Kayako is such a fierce ghost, but why does she only exist in that cursed haunted house, and only those who enter the haunted house will be attacked by her? She is so terrifying, why do those who live around her haunted house Are all the neighbors safe and sound? Could it be that Kayako would show mercy and let these neighbors go?"

Yuno thought deeply, and said, "Gayako is an earth-bound spirit? Can only kill people who enter the haunted house?"

Lin Yuanfei spread his hands helplessly, and said, "That guy chased us to Qiuming Mountain... If the Earth Binds the Spirit, it won't be able to threaten us if we leave its haunted house, right?"

Yuki said seriously, "Lin Yuan-kun, please speak out your thoughts directly, we will all listen to you."

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "I'm just guessing... According to the current information, Kayako is probably not a pure resentful spirit, but something similar to a curse or a virus. That haunted house It is the source of the curse, once it enters, it will be infected with the curse, and will be killed by Kayako.”

"And that haunted house is also a restraint that restrains the source of the curse from spreading out. It is precisely because of the existence of that haunted house that Kayako cannot harm the surrounding residents. If we blow up the haunted house, maybe Instead, he helped Kayako untie the shackles, not to mention how many people it can kill, at least a few blocks nearby, and even the entire Raccoon City will kill a lot of people."

The Kayako in the original movie can create a strange empty city called the end of the world!

Once this guy's power spreads out, who knows how many people will die.

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