After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei tapped the vacuum flask on his waist and said, "Mr. Freddy, do you have any suggestions for my deduction?"

Freddy's muffled hum came from inside the thermos.

"I know nothing! Don't expect any information from me!"

Hearing Freddy's words, Lin Yuanfei heaved a sigh of relief, "Oh, it seems that my inference is correct."

Sister Yuno looked astonished - didn't Freddy say nothing?How do you know what you say is right?

And who was also astonished was Freddy in the thermos.

It scolded angrily.

"Fuck your uncle's little warrior, I didn't say anything, okay? To your uncle!"

However, being scolded by this guy, Lin Yuanfei was not angry at all, and said with a smile, "Seeing that you are so anxious to get angry, I know that my inference must be right. After all, if my inference is wrong, At this time, you will only sneer at my jokes, and you won't say a word, right? Why are you so anxious to get angry?"

Freddy in the thermos suffocated and fell silent for a moment.

Sister Yuno looked at Lin Yuanfei speechlessly, her expression was clearly expressing the same sentence - your hearts are dirty when playing tactics.

Lin Yuanfei was in a very happy mood after successfully prying information from Freddy.

He knocked on the thermos cup with a smile and said, "In short, our next task is to find the body of Kayako and burn it. And if the haunted house is not the body, then the thing that may become the body of Kayako is actually There are only so many."

"The corpse of Gayako, and the notebook she left behind."

Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "However, considering that Junxiong's corpse was also in that haunted house, but Junxiong really died after he died, and he didn't come back to life like Kayako, so it can be speculated that the mother and son may not have used the corpse To be the main body. In other words, even their corpses cannot be the main body, otherwise Junxiong would not be able to die completely once he died."

"Then... the final suspect is the diary that Kayako left behind back then. This is currently the biggest suspect."

Lin Yuanfei said solemnly, "Our current combat goal is to rush into Gayako's haunted house, snatch its diary from its hands and burn it... How about it? Do you have confidence?"

The girls in the room looked at each other, and Yuno asked coldly, "How do you know that there is a diary in that haunted house?"

"..." Lin Yuanfei was instantly dumbfounded.

Yuno stared at him with cold eyes, "...You guy, you really are still hiding something from us, aren't you?"

Chapter 141 Amnesia is Being able to do whatever you want

"... You bastard, you are still hiding something from us, aren't you?"

Hearing Yuno's words, Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded.

Damn, yes!Where the hell am I going to explain that I know there is a diary in the haunted house?

Although anyone who has watched the original movie knows that it is an important plot item and the culprit that caused everything.

Kayako's husband, Takeo Saeki, understood his wife's admiration for Kobayashi only after seeing his wife's diary. In addition, Kobayashi happened to be the teacher of his son Toshio and often had contact with Kayako.

In this case, he began to suspect that his wife had an affair and was unfaithful.

After all, compared to the handsome and suave Kobayashi, Saeki Takeo is a rude, incomprehensible bastard who likes to beat his wife. This guy deeply understands that his kind of social scum is completely incomparable with the handsome Kobayashi.

So, under the mixed jealousy and hatred, I found that my sperm activity was very low, so low that it could be called infertile, and I was immediately stimulated, thinking that my son was not my own, and I was green.

Immediately, he was furious, and the evil grew out of his guts. He hacked his wife to death and quartered his body, sealed his son in a closet and starved to death.

Such insane development led to Kayako's mother and son becoming cursed evil spirits one after another, and began to kill all the residents who entered the haunted house... The origin of all this, in a sense, is the fault of that diary!

So write something in your diary!

This is the plot in the original movie, and Lin Yuanfei's understanding of this thing is taken for granted.

However, he forgot an important point, that is, there is no movie "The Grudge" in this world, and the residents of this world know almost nothing about the experience of the Kayako family.

Through all kinds of cautious mustache before, he can barely say that he deduced it from the basic clues.

But now, as soon as the matter of the diary came out, the truth was instantly revealed...

Hey... I regret it at the beginning!

Lin Yuanfei had a headache, and was stared at by Yuno's cold gaze, he tried to defend himself.

"That... Actually, that's how it happened."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Yuno, you also know that I have amnesia. But my mind is muddled and occasionally some memories from the past will emerge. Well, in short, it is cognitive confusion."

"Although I don't know how I knew there was a diary in that haunted house, but I knew this important information subconsciously. But how did this information come from and who told me, I really don't know anything , can’t remember at all.”

Lin Yuanfei explained very sincerely, "If I really regain my memory, I will definitely not hide it from you, and I will definitely share all the information with everyone. The situation is so dangerous now, and I am not a fool. Hide the important information? The power of many people is great!"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuno couldn't help but sneer, "Amnesia is really a universal excuse, Mr. Lin Yuan..."

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly——sorry, amnesia means that you can do whatever you want.

Yuki hurriedly smoothed things over at this moment, "Okay, you two, stop arguing. Yuno, I believe Hayashi Yuan-kun will not deliberately hide us or anything, if there is something he chooses not to say, then there must be his reason .We've all been through so much together, don't you know what kind of person Lin Yuan-jun is? He's definitely not a bad guy~~~"

Yuki said sensiblely, "So, I believe Lin Yuan-kun will not intentionally deceive and hide us... right? Lin Yuan-kun?"

Yuki looked at Lin Yuanfei with a pure and lovely smile on his face.

That smile was so warm that Lin Yuanfei's heart was almost drunk.

Yuki is really good...

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