It's a pity that there is a sick and delicate sister who controls the younger sister, eh...

Lin Yuanfei sighed, "Anyway, while it's daytime, let's go to Kayako's haunted house to start a monster. I'll rush in and see if I can find Kayako's diary."

And there is a videotape of Sadako in that haunted house...

Lin Yuanfei glanced at Gui Yanye's mother and daughter at the side, and found that the mother and daughter had almost discussed it at this time.

Although Gui Manami still doubted everything she said to her daughter, when Lin Yuanfei took out Freddy in the small glass bottle in the thermos, and looked at the ugly villain in the glass bottle, all worries of Gui Manami were dispelled up.

... Then, with a look of horror.

It seems that the value of san has dropped a lot.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, pretending not to see Gui Manami's frightened expression, and said, "Madam, the reason why I told you this is because I need some help from you."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Can you provide us with some gasoline? It needs to be enough, preferably enough to burn a house quickly."

Yuno was a little strange, "Didn't you say you can't burn down the house? Why prepare so much gasoline?"

Lin Yuanfei said righteously, "I said you can't blow up the house, I didn't say you can't burn the house. Blowing up the house can only blow up there. In case the main body of the coconut is not blown up, there are remaining fragments that escape. Don't we want to cool off when we come out? But if it is burned, it will be much safer, and it is guaranteed to burn everything in that room!"

At least, when the police in the original book wanted to burn down the house, Kayako did show fear and a sense of crisis, proving that burning down the house would definitely work.

Besides, dead Taoist friends are not dead poor, there is an umbrella company in the city center, and there is Kotomine Shiro in the parish church, even if the house is burned and Kayako is not burned to death, she crawls out instead, isn't there still a lot of big bosses covering it? Are you wearing it?

This is the moon world.

Maybe Gacoko is too fierce, releasing it will harm human beings, and the suppression force decides to send a heroic spirit down to kill Gacoco in seconds.

Even if the restraint doesn't come, Lin Yuanfei doesn't believe that Kotomine Shiro can continue pretending to be his grandson when Kayako really started to kill without restraint.

Kotomine Shiro, Xingyue World, is still a priest of a church, the church is in a ghostly place like Raccoon City... You tell me you don't know the Church of the Holy Church?You tm fooling fools!

Anyway, there are bigwigs out there, and Lin Yuanfei also started to mess around.

"However, burning the house is only the ultimate hole card. It cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Before that, we still have to try a safer method."

With a thermos and two knives hanging on his waist, Lin Yuanfei said with a serious face, "Everyone get ready later, and I'll go to Kayako's haunted house again! Find a way to get rid of her grievance diary Bring it out."

"This time, I want to see for myself how fierce that guy Jiaye is! Is it really invincible!"

Lin Yuanfei said impassionedly, like a... martyr who is about to go to the battlefield.

Chapter 142

To be honest, according to the normal situation, it is not suitable for Lin Yuanfei to tell Gui Manami about all kinds of supernatural and supernatural events.

However, Lin Yuanfei had other considerations in mind, and that was Gui Yanye, an innocent and lovely girl.

Well, Lin Yuanfei kept it at a respectful distance.

Although this girl will not kill her lover after being sick and blackened, she is merciless in killing her rival.

In various be endings, the world of Xiyuan Temple that was hacked to death by Yan Ye can add up to circle the school three times.

What's more, Lin Yuanfei has no interest in this girl at all, even if he wants to fall in love, he only wants to fall in love with a normal girl.

Like Yuki.

What is my wife Yuno, what is the world of Xiyuan Temple, what is Gui Yanye, what is Fu Jiang... Please stay away from me, please?

In this case, it is a matter of course to take the parental route.

Let Katsura Manami know her own danger first, and understand how dangerous her daughter is doing behind her ass every day.

In this way, Lin Yuanfei doesn't have to do anything, Katsura Manami will take her daughter home by herself.

No mother would sit back and watch her daughter go through life and death with a man of unknown origin, this is human nature.

So in the future, Lin Yuanfei should no longer worry that Yan Ye will continue to write herself, her mother will force her to leave her.


After shutting Fu Jiang back to the basement, and giving Fu Jiang in the basement to her to eat, Lin Yuanfei locked the door of the basement.

In order to take precautions and let Yan Ye stay to guard the house, Lin Yuanfei took my wife and sisters out to visit Kayako's haunted house.

When the three of them entered the garage, Mr. Takagi was sleeping soundly in the corner - this guy is getting more and more like a dog!

But now there is no time to talk to this guy, Lin Yuanfei pretended not to see him, opened the garage door directly, and then drove out the white Honda of my wife's house.

Yan Ye's mother had already left to prepare the gasoline that Lin Yuanfei needed.

And when Lin Yuanfei drove the car and stopped in front of the Kayako haunted house, Freddy, who had been silent in the thermos for a long time, finally couldn't hold back.

"Hey! Bastard little warrior, do you really want to go in and die?"

This coquettish chatterer has been holding back for so long, he is probably going crazy.

It yelled: "It's not what you do to die! And if you die, don't take me with you? I don't want to die with you, you bastard, can you leave me outside?"

Lin Yuanfei stood in front of Jiaye's haunted house, looking at the gloomy haunted house in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"Oh, did the famous ghost king of Elm Street, Freddy, actually give in? Didn't you fight back and tore up the son of the coconut? Last night, you had a fierce face, punched Junxiong, and stepped on the coconut. Why did you give up today? "

In the thermos cup, Freddy's muffled humming sound could be heard.

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