"You know shit!"

Freddy snarled angrily, "You also know that this Kayako is not a pure evil spirit, and dares to come to its home court to die, is it because it doesn't die fast enough? Uncle Freddy left the word today. Here it is, if you dare to step into the gate of this haunted house, you will definitely die!"

Lin Yuanfei still had a smile on his face, "Oh, Brother Fo, you said that you are also the famous Elm Street ghost king, a fourth-level demon, and the boss of the Xinshou Village dungeon like Biga Coconut. Can you grow her ambition and destroy your own prestige? Don't you think so?"

"And even if I'm not Kayako's opponent, wouldn't there still be you, Brother Foo?"

"In case of any unexpected situation, Brother Foo, you can use your words to guide me, little brother, wouldn't we be able to save the day? Right? With you here, Brother Foo, we are safe! "

Freddy sneered at Lin Yuanfei's nonsense.

"You expect me to help you? Impossible little samurai, even if I, Freddie, are dead! I'm swallowed by Kayako, and I won't give you any advice, you little bastard, you fucking die as soon as possible!" "

Lin Yuanfei sighed, "In this case, I can only invite you, Brother Fo, to witness my performance with your own eyes and see if I will die or not."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei pulled out the wooden knife and walked into the small courtyard first.

Behind him, Yuno and Yuki wanted to follow in, but Lin Yuanfei refused.

"You guys help me watch the wind outside."

Speaking of the words commonly used by criminal organizations, Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "The space inside is very small, and it is not suitable for many people to act together. It is easy for me to move around by myself. You just wait for me outside."

Yuki looked worried, "But Lin Yuan-kun..."

"Don't worry, I know it well," Lin Yuanfei stood at the entrance of the haunted house, with a bright smile on his face, "Don't you know how afraid I am of death, Yuki? If there is any danger, I will escape immediately Don't worry, Kayako will never be given any chance."

Yuki hesitated for a while, and finally lowered his head in frustration, "It's all because I'm too weak, I can't help Lin Yuan-kun with anything..."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "What are you talking about, silly girl, if you hadn't been helping me, I would have died in some unknown corner long ago? You have done a good job, so don't feel sad."

If it wasn't for Yuno who was on the side staring at him with dangerous indifference, Lin Yuanfei could not help reaching out to stroke the girl's hair to comfort her.

It's just that Yuno's cold eyes clearly express a meaning - if you tease my sister again, I will hack you to death here first!

Lin Yuanfei stared back at her lacking in confidence - what is so fierce?Damn you!Do you really think I'm afraid of you?Make me anxious, chop you into a stick and feed Fu Jiang first!

Yuno smiled coldly—then you come!Let's see who will be chopped into a stick!

The eyes of the two met, and they stared at each other without giving an inch, and the smell of gunpowder in the air became heavier and heavier.

...But after Yuki raised his head, all the smell of gunpowder disappeared instantly.

Lin Yuanfei tilted his head guiltily, whistling pretending to be relaxed.

Yuki looked at Lin Yuanfei's profile seriously, and said, "If you are in danger, Lin Yuanfei, call me immediately. No matter what happens, I will rush in with Yuno to help you!"

Lin Yuanfei was a little moved by the girl's deep affection.

He nodded heavily, "I understand."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei turned around and walked towards the direction of the haunted house, he didn't want to turn his head to look behind him, as if he was afraid that he would never want to leave again.

Outside the gloomy small courtyard, the two girls watched him leave without saying a word.

Only Lin Yuanfei's back, which seemed to suddenly become extremely tall and generous, went further and further away, and finally disappeared at the entrance of the haunted house

Single-brush Cursed Haunted House!

Author's message:

ps: It’s really uncomfortable to type on a mobile phone... After typing a chapter with a mobile phone, I feel that my fingers are about to cramp

Chapter 143 Sexy Wife, Chasing Soul Online

Weeds are overgrown in the dimly lit small courtyard.

The wildly growing weeds and trees looked like they hadn't been taken care of for many years, and they were all distorted into weird shapes.

Rotting leaves piled up in the thick grass, filling the air with some eerie faint stench.

When stepping into this small courtyard, it was clearly sunny at noon, but Lin Yuanfei felt as if he had stepped into another dark world, without any warmth from the sun.

In the quiet residential area, there was no sound, no sound came.

It seems that this place has been abandoned by the whole world.

A disturbing and creepy atmosphere wafted in the air.

However, Lin Yuanfei's face remained unchanged, and he walked straight to the two-story small house with the exorcism wooden knife in his hand.

Kayako's Haunted House...

Once you step into this haunted house, you will be targeted by vicious curses and die without a whole body.

The closer Lin Yuanfei got, the more he could feel the strange and eerie aura wafting in the air.

When he came to the wooden door, Freddy in the thermos finally couldn't help making a muffled sound.

"Stop, little samurai! You f*ck stop!"

Freddy roared anxiously, "You will definitely die if you go in! Don't think about committing suicide, okay?"

Lin Yuanfei paused slightly and smiled.

"What are you afraid of? Foge, if we die, let's die together."

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