After speaking, he forcefully opened the wooden door.

In an instant, a bone-chilling cold breath poured out from the gloomy room, washing his body frantically.

Even if that feeling disappeared for just a moment, the terrifying and cold aura still made people tremble.

In the thermos, Freddy's voice came.

"Uncle Freddy didn't lie to you, did he? Little samurai, you will never come back after entering."

However, after Lin Yuanfei turned his head and glanced at my wife and sister behind him, he stepped into this haunted house without the slightest hesitation.

The dilapidated wooden door closed silently behind him.

The moment Lin Yuanfei stepped into the porch, a creepy feeling crawled over his body.

It seems that something is staring at him...

"Wow... Sexy wife, chasing souls online."

Lin Yuanfei murmured and swallowed.

Subconsciously, Lin Yuanfei clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

In this gloomy cursed haunted house, only this exorcism wooden knife can bring him a little warmth.

Holding the wooden knife, Lin Yuanfei didn't even change his shoes—of course, there were no shoes for him either—Lin Yuanfei walked directly into the room.

Unlike the mess in the courtyard, the house looked clean.

The floor is even more spotless, someone should have scrubbed it carefully.

Lin Yuanfei's shoes stepped on the clean floor, leaving some dust marks.

He went straight to the room where the TV was placed.

And Freddy in the thermos made a confused whisper at this moment.

"Something's wrong... The resentment in this room is lower than expected. It doesn't look like it's been occupied by that kind of thing for many years, but it seems that something has changed recently... Little warrior, what happened in this room not long ago What have you been?"

"Recently?" Lin Yuanfei tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Liang Yi, the contemporary heir of the Liangyi family, one of the four major exorcism families in Japan, has lived here for a month, does that count?"

Freddy in the thermos fell silent.

"...The Liangyi family? What is that? Can you please tell me some terms that I understand, little samurai? I am a foreign friend, do you expect me to know what special families are there in Japan?"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "It's still a foreign friend... If you are considered a foreign friend, then there will be no bad people in foreign countries."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei pushed open the door and entered the living room where the TV was placed.

Here, it is exactly the same as the scene that Lin Yuan flew through.

In the empty and deserted room, there is only a solitary TV set, and nothing else.

Lin Yuanfei didn't stop at all, he went straight to the TV and squatted down.

The screen of the TV stayed in the standby state at the end of the broadcast, and it was obvious that no one turned off the TV during this time.

Of course, it is impossible for someone to turn off the TV.

After Lin Yuanfei turned off the power, he pressed a few buttons, and the video tape was ejected slowly.

When Lin Yuanfei held the video tape with both hands, Freddy in the thermos was excited.

"Damn! Let go of the dead boy! You tm quickly let go!"

However, Lin Yuanfei still grabbed the tape.

"What's wrong? Brother Foo, is there something wrong with this tape?" Lin Yuanfei asked knowingly.

Freddy in the thermos snorted, "This video tape is related to another unclean thing, and judging from the aura emanating from it, it is more violent and troublesome than the owner of the haunted house you are in now. You If you get involved with this thing, you will definitely die a miserable death!"

As he spoke, it seemed that he was afraid that Lin Yuanfei would not believe what it said, so Freddy repeated it again.

"If I were you, I'd throw this thing aside and pretend I didn't see it. Only when I'm tired of doing things like this..."

Lin Yuanfei stood up holding the video tape, and sighed, "I want to throw this thing away too... It's a pity that I have already seen this video tape, and I have been stared at by the things behind it. Brother Foo , do you have any good advice for me?"

There was a few seconds of silence in the thermos, and Freddy snorted.

"It's hopeless, wait for death, and leave!"

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless, "Brother Fo, don't be so heartless. You see, I know something about this video tape anyway. If that guy really crawled out to kill me, I will definitely throw you away immediately." In the past... Maybe it thought I was sincere in offering sacrifices, so it let me go."

Facing Lin Yuanfei's threat, Freddy in the thermos sneered coldly, "Survive this level before you talk about anything else... Raise your head and look with your dog eyes wide, the top of your head What is it."

Hearing Freddy's words, Lin Yuanfei raised his head subconsciously.

On the black ceiling, there was a strange and pale figure lying silently.

Long black hair, slowly falling down.

The moment Lin Yuanfei raised his head, the eyes of both sides met.

The weird long black hair had spread to several centimeters above Lin Yuanfei's head, and Lin Yuanfei could even smell the weird stench that was so close at hand.

Time seemed to stop for a second.

Lin Yuanfei murmured a curse.

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