"Gan your mother..."

The wooden knife in his hand slashed out heavily.

Chapter 144 I Unlocked Wushuang in The Grudge

The jet-black hair was so thick that it almost covered the entire ceiling.

The pale figure looked like an ugly monster growing out of the jet-black hair.

The disgusting long hair, hanging down, has silently spread to several centimeters above Lin Yuanfei's head.

Close at hand.

The moment Lin Yuanfei raised his head, both sides looked at each other.

In an instant, all the hair rioted, like a group of boiling snakes.

The most pointed lock of hair was wrapped around Lin Yuanfei's neck, and the bitter cold rushed towards him.

Without hesitation, the wooden knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand struck out.

However, it was unable to cause any damage. The wooden knife slashed on the hair and slid out, and more hair entangled Lin Yuanfei below.

The Kayako on the ceiling wriggled and made that weird sound.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck-

The rhythmic piercing sound made the scalp of the listener go numb.

A bunch of hair at the front had already wrapped around Lin Yuanfei's neck, and the wooden knife couldn't cut these soft strands of hair at all.

The icy chill spread from the place where the hair touches the body to other parts of the body, about to deprive Lin Yuanfei of his ability to resist.


The long knife was out of its sheath, and at a critical moment, Lin Yuanfei slashed out with another knife at his waist.

With a flash of light, the sharp samurai sword directly cut off the lock of hair that was entangled with Lin Yuanfei, and his body fell heavily.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Yuanfei let out a painful cough, leaving bruises on his neck.

The force of that strand of hair tightened was greater than he had imagined, obviously it was only a split second, and he felt like his neck was about to be strangled.

Above the head, Kayako on the ceiling opened its pitch-black mouth and let out a silent roar.

The piercing coldness blew Lin Yuanfei's hair head-on.

He subconsciously rolled back...


Amidst the loud noise, the pale mass jumped down from the ceiling and landed on the position where Lin Yuanfei had been before.

Inside the thermos, Freddy's roar came.

"Run, brat! You fucking run! It's still too late!"

However, the thing on the ground is guarding the only way to the gate.

What's more, Lin Yuanfei didn't have the idea of ​​running away.

He struggled and took a few steps back, with the wooden sword in his left hand and the samurai sword in the right, he gritted his teeth and said with a sneer, "Is that so cowardly? Foge, you're really giving up on the word King of Ghosts!"

Holding the samurai sword in his right hand, he wiped it on his finger, and Lin Yuanfei wiped the scarlet blood from the wound on the blade of the wooden knife.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei rushed out, waving the sharp wooden knife.

"When you see a ghost, of course you want to fuck her mother!"

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, and rushed towards the pale and strange thing.

cluck cluck-

Amidst the harsh and strange sound, Jiaye raised his head, and stared at Lin Yuanfei with cold and resentful eyes under his hair. Countless strands of hair squirmed and spread wildly, rushing towards Lin Yuanfei like a group of runaway snakes.

However, the light of the sword flickered, and the samurai sword in Lin Yuanfei's hand was invincible, and all the entangled hairs were cut off by him.

His body rushed towards the pale figure on the floor without any hindrance, and he slashed out with the blood-stained wooden knife in his hand.

"Die! Kayako!"

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, and the wooden knife fell heavily.

At this time, the distance between him and Jia coconut is only one step.

That pale and strange thing was just a step away from him.

In the air, there was a biting chill that made the scalp tingle.

If ordinary people get close to this distance, their consciousness and soul will already be frozen, and they will not be able to move a single step.

But that wooden knife exuded a kind of warm power, which allowed Lin Yuanfei to maintain the most basic ability to move.

Roaring, he chopped off the blood-stained wooden knife in his hand.

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