"Hey... Brother Foo is finally in a hurry, why don't you show me a way to survive? The most precious thing in life is to find a light to guide you. Brother Foo, you are a light in the dark, illuminating my way forward The way!"

"Tell me, Fogo, where is the diary of Kayako, can you feel it? If everyone is a ghost, you should be able to feel something similar to Kayako's body? After all, that Such a thing, no matter how you think about it, it looks very evil."

Facing Lin Yuanfei's playful smile, Freddy was silent for a few seconds, seeming to remember what he said before.

— I, Freddie, are dead!Swallowed by Kayako, I won't give you any ideas, you little bastard!

At this time, a strange evil spirit in the room became more and more intense.

Even Lin Yuanfei could clearly feel that more and more terrifying aura was intensifying, as if there were scary monsters crawling out of the dark corners at any time.

Finally, Freddy spoke.

"Not on the first floor..."

Freddy's voice was full of humiliation, "That thing is not on the first floor!"

That humiliating voice sounded like a flesh x weapon that was taught to climax by being bullied x, humiliation, unwillingness, anger...

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, pretending not to hear Freddy's inexplicable grief and indignation, not to provoke Freddy at such a juncture.

He said, "Isn't it on the first floor? Fogo, is it on the second floor?"

After all, this hut only has two floors.

But the second floor seems to be closer to Kayako's corpse...

Lin Yuanfei felt a little hairy.

In the original movie, Jiaye seems to like to appear on the second floor.

After all, her body was hidden in the small attic.

Do you really want to go to the second floor?

Holding the Sadako video tape in his hand, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said, "Then I'm going to the second floor, Brother Foo, don't lie to me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei pushed open the door of the room and came to the corridor.

The stairs leading to the second floor are at the entrance.

Standing here, Lin Yuanfei could directly see the direction of the gate.

However, the moment he stepped out, the closed door was pushed open at the same time.

The bright sunlight shone into the entrance, and a girl in a Japanese kimono walked in.

The short hair that just covered the ears looked lean and neat.She wore a red leather jacket over the light blue sleeves, which made her look a little strange.

The woman's hand is carrying a bag.

In the pocket are two bottles of mineral water, and a familiar video tape... Sadako's video tape.

Calmly and calmly, the woman bent down at the entrance and began to change her shoes.

With that indifferent and calm appearance, it seemed that he didn't see Lin Yuanfei at the end of the corridor at all.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

"Shi... Miss Shi?"

He subconsciously took a step forward, but that scene disappeared instantly.

The two men carrying the shopping bags disappeared, the open door and the sunlight disappeared, and in the dark room, a gloomy atmosphere enveloped him.

Freddy in the thermos roared.

"It's an illusion! Brat! It's an illusion!"

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously ran two steps forward, but it was already too late.

The scene around him has changed drastically.

It was clearly daytime, but the light outside the door was pitch black, as if it had already entered the night.

The mottled walls have turned into a gorgeous appearance that has not faded after being painted.

In the originally empty entrance, there is an extra shoe cabinet and several pairs of shoes.

The light bulb above the head that had been extinguished long ago was now lit with a dim yellow color, reflecting the dimness in the entrance.

The huts in front of and behind him are no longer deserted and empty at all, but are filled with furniture and various decorations, which seem to be lived in.

On the second floor above, there was the sound of a man and a woman arguing.

The ferocious roaring man and the mournful and weeping woman were interspersed with one or two short meows...

"Depend on……"

Lin Yuanfei cursed secretly, and clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

He knew that he had seen what happened the night Kayako died.

The men and women who are arguing above their heads are Kayako and the rough Saiki Takeo.

In the thermos, Freddy's shout came.

"Go to the second floor! Quick! Go to the second floor! Stop him!"

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