Lin Yuanfei rushed out without Freddy saying who to stop.

His speed was extremely fast, but just as he climbed halfway up the stairs, a woman's shrill screams sounded from the room on the second floor.


What followed was the man's angry growl.

"You want to find him? Then you go! I chopped off your leg, you go and ask that bastard to save you!"

Behind the frosted glass of the window on the second floor, a vague silhouette of a man chopping something frantically appeared.

The woman's shrill screams and the man's angry roars were intertwined, like a movement from hell.

Blood spilled out from under the crack of the door of that room.

The strange red color reflected Lin Yuanfei's complexion a little gloomy.

Subconsciously, he gripped the wooden knife tightly.

took a step back.

"Damn... a step late..."

Lin Yuanfei murmured, "Brother Foo, are we getting cold?"

Chapter 146 Are You Willing To Marry Her?

"Foge, are we going to be cold?"

In the dimly lit haunted house, Lin Yuanfei stood in the middle of the stairs, looking at the crimson blood slowly overflowing from the crack in front of the door, and murmured.

Although I don't know why Freddy asked him to rush in to stop Gangxiong from killing Kayako, but since he can't stop it now, it would be bad luck to use his knees.

In the air, the disturbing and weird smell is getting stronger and stronger.

In the room that seems to be close at hand, the man's angry curses and the sound of chopping something crazy can be heard constantly.

The blood kept spilling out, and soon rushed towards the stairs.

And the voice that belonged to the woman has gradually become weak, leaving only a low cry of pain.

Finally, when the wailing sound also disappeared, the sound of Takeo Saeki chopping up flesh and dismembering corpses in the room also disappeared.

Scarlet blood slowly spread to the end of the stairs.

...not moving.

The scarlet blood just stopped at the end of the stairs and never surged forward.

However, Lin Yuanfei did not relax in the slightest.

He clenched the knife in his hand, staring at the scarlet pool of blood, and murmured.

"Brother Fo... what should we do next? Say something..."

However, the evil spirit in the thermos was silent and didn't say a word.

The weird stalemate lasted five seconds.

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and rushed out.

These days, no one can be relied on. Since Freddy refuses to speak, he can only rely on himself.

Lin Yuanfei let out an angry roar, jumped up from the stairs, leaped more than one meter high from the ground, leaped across the entire narrow corridor, and then kicked the door.

boom -

Amidst the loud noise of the door being kicked away, Lin Yuanfei's two feet stepped on the door frame at the same time, one left and one right, and hung in mid-air like this.

Scarlet blood flowed under his feet.

Lin Yuanfei stared fixedly at the room.

However, the room was empty, there was no man or woman, only red and sticky blood continuously overflowing from the closet.

The field of vision was filled with a strange scarlet.

Freddy, who was in the thermos, let out an intermittent muffled sound at this moment.


The intermittent voice, like a communication whose signal has been interfered with, made it impossible to hear the specific content of the words clearly.

And more and more scarlet blood poured out of the closet, but when it spread to the stairs, it seemed to be blocked by some invisible force, but it just accumulated more and more in the small space and corridor on the second floor.

Visible to the naked eye, the crimson blood spreading on the floor gradually increased.

One centimeter, two centimeters, three centimeters... More and more blood and water accumulated, and the water level got higher and higher, and soon reached the level that could submerge a person's ankles.

At this moment, a piercing meow came from behind Lin Yuanfei in vain.

In the eerie haunted house, the sharp and piercing cat meows sounded in vain, making one's scalp tingle.

The icy chill made Lin Yuanfei turn his head subconsciously.

The cold wind is coming.

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