Freddy in the thermos was stunned for a second, and then cursed angrily.

"I'm fucking your uncle's bastard, you tm [beep beep beep beep], you are [beep beep beep beep], fuck you [beep beep beep beep beep]! From entering this broken house, Uncle Freddy has been helping you all the time, how can you repay me like this?"

Lin Yuanfei stared at the wriggling body bag on the opposite side, as well as the cat and Kayako who were staring at him, and nervously clenched the handle of the knife in his hand.

Said, "Follow the power when you are in a hurry! Follow the power when you are in a hurry! Brother Fo, if you don't add status to me, I will be really cold!"

If Freddy could do it right now, he'd be yelling and yelling non-stop for half an hour.

But the pressure in the air was getting bigger and bigger, and the cold aura belonging to the grieving ghost in the attic was getting more and more infiltrating. From the darkness in the corner, many pale figures crawled out silently.

Those were the victims who were killed by Kayako. After death, they were polluted by Kayako's grievances and became the same grievance evil spirits.

Now, these ghosts squirmed and crawled, crawled out from the darkness in all directions, and crawled towards Lin Yuanfei in the middle.

This army of evil spirits is an unsolvable horror scene in the original movie.

Horrific evil spirits crawled out of the darkness one after another, blocking all escape directions of the victims. They could only watch the approach of the wraiths, screaming in despair, and were dragged away by these wraiths , become one of them.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck-

Ahead, the Kayako in the body bag has squirmed and crawled out of the body bag.

The distorted body crawled slowly on the floor, leaving a long trail of scarlet blood.

All around, those grieving ghosts crawled closer.

The nearest grudges have even climbed to a half-meter radius around Lin Yuanfei's body.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuanfei chopped out the wooden knife in his hand.

He swung the blood-smeared wooden knife in a circle, but the group of wraiths quickly and swiftly dodged his slashing, leaving Lin Yuanfei stunned.

"Damn! Are these things smart?"

Lin Yuanfei yelled, seeing the wraiths around him getting closer and closer, he slashed up the samurai sword in his hand without hesitation.


Amidst the deafening bangs, Lin Yuanfei actually split a hole in the dilapidated board above Lin Yuanfei's head.

All around, more wraiths crawled closer.

And Lin Yuanfei slashed upwards frantically, quickly breaking a big hole in the ceiling above his head.

Lin Yuanfei climbed out directly.

"Go out first...Fuck!"

Originally, the top of Lin Yuanfei's head was the ceiling, if he split the ceiling and climbed out, he should appear in the sunlight.

However, after he climbed out of the hole, he found that there was actually a ceiling above his head?

He looked around, and the surrounding environment was still that low attic.

In the pale light, countless squirming ghosts stretched out their pale arms and grabbed him.

And under his feet, the big hole is still there, and the scene below is also the attic, and there are also a group of wriggling wraiths howling and crawling towards him.

It seems to have fallen into an infinite loop of mirror space.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck-

Ear-piercing and strange voices sounded from all directions.

Those victims who were killed by Kayako turned into the same curse as Kayako after death, and all of them became the image of Kayako.

In other words, these things are all the avatars of Kayako, and they are also the real body of Kayako.

It should be one of these things that Lin Yuanfei fought several times before.

In the vacuum flask, Freddy sneered, "Don't bother, little samurai, you won't be able to escape without killing this thing."

Lin Yuanfei clenched the wooden knife in his hand, squatted down and slashed at the group of wraiths around him.

However, this group of grieving ghosts seemed to have understood the sharpness of the wooden knife, and did not touch the wooden knife at all, and avoided all of Lin Yuanfei's slashing with incomparable agility.

Freddy sneered.

"Surrender yourself, little samurai, and die like that with a bit of dignity. If you don't have amnesia, you might still be able to struggle with this exorcism wooden knife and your swordsmanship, but now you with amnesia don't struggle. There's no hope."

Lin Yuanfei had a black line on his face, "Is there no hope at all? Brother Fo, I don't believe you are willing to sit and wait like this."

All around, those wraiths crawled closer and closer.

Some of the wraiths even crawled to Lin Yuanfei's feet.

If it wasn't for Lin Yuanfei's crazy swing of the wooden knife, he would have been dragged away by these grieving ghosts long ago.

But this high-intensity state cannot be maintained for too long. Seeing that Freddy shut up and began to pretend to be dumb, Lin Yuanfei roared angrily.

"You don't need to tell me that I know, that diary is the key!"

He roared angrily, and looked at a dark yellow diary next to the bloody body bag in the corner.

That diary exuded a strange aura from the very beginning, and it was clearly the [main body] that Lin Yuanfei had been looking for.

However, facing Lin Yuanfei's roar, Freddy in the thermos sneered.

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