"If you tm can rush out from among so many evil spirits, I'll tell you the way to completely solve this thing!"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei sneered, "I finally waited for your words, Brother Fo..."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei clenched the wooden knife in his hand and roared angrily.

"Next, let you see my performance!"

"Flying swordsmanship! Nine-headed dragon flash!"

Chapter 149 If you don't go crazy, you can't survive

In the pale attic, the moment Lin Yuanfei slashed out the wooden knife in his hand, a dazzling cold light shone.

In an instant, the nine blades of light slashed out, cutting several wraiths in front of Lin Yuanfei into pieces.

The nine knives were approaching the limit, there was no possibility of any awareness, no hope of dodge at all.

In an instant, several wraiths screamed and were cut to pieces.

A dark, foul-smelling dead air spread out, and Freddy let out a sound of panic and anger.

"You tm recovered your memory?"

Lin Yuanfei's body rushed out the moment the wraith in front of him was chopped into pieces.

His speed was reaching the limit, and the strength of his body was squeezed to the maximum.

In the state he could play, Lin Yuanfei's body spanned a distance of three meters in an instant.

In front of him was the twisted human body covered in blood.

It was the Kayako crawling out of the body bag. The blood-stained body was significantly different from the group of pale wraiths around him, and even the cold and strange sense of oppression made people tremble more than other Kayako.

The moment Lin Yuanfei rushed over, this Jiaye raised his head, staring at Lin Yuanfei with resentful eyes.

The weird black cat behind her howled, turned into a black lightning and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei.

The moment the two sides collided, Lin Yuanfei, who was running at high speed, was shocked back half a step, and the wounds all over his body burst open.

"Depend on!"

Lin Yuanfei snorted, a bloody red color overflowed from under the bandage.

The speed and strength of the black cat were beyond imagination, as if he had hit a speeding car head-on.

Although he resisted forcefully with his strong physical fitness, he was still numb from the shock and his wounds burst open.

Lin Yuanfei didn't get the memory of the original owner of the body at all. The reason why he was able to use the nine-headed dragon flash was because of the muscle memory of this body.

When he used Feitian Yujianliu in the dream, there was a faint resonance in his body.

After all, this body is the body of a swordsman who has been tortured day and night. Before he practiced flying swordsmanship and inherited the name [Bigu Qingjuro], the original owner of the body did not know how many times he swung his sword every day.

The body's muscle memory has already engraved Feitian Yujianliu's swordsmanship into his instincts.

When confronting Freddy in the dream before, Lin Yuanfei's body resonated, allowing him to briefly master the unique move of Nine-headed Dragon Flash.

...but that's the only trick.

Probably because this move was practiced the longest by the original owner of the body, and the body has the deepest muscle memory.

Relying on such muscle resonance, Lin Yuanfei was able to barely use the nine-headed dragon flash.

Perhaps the power used is not as powerful as the original owner of the body, but it is still the sword technique of Feitian Yujianliu.

The few wraiths that were cut to pieces in an instant are the best proof.

It's a pity that although Lin Yuanfei has used it, his skills and experience are completely non-existent.

He exerted all his strength to perform a unique move, not only the power was completely inferior to the original owner of the body, but even the potential of the body had to be squeezed, so it was impossible to do it easily and freely.

It can't last long, and it can't be kept.

Lin Yuanfei used this sword move dully, but was knocked back half a step by the black cat in the next second.

If it was the original owner of the body, it is estimated that he could easily and freely use more exquisite sword skills to deal with this black cat...

Lin Yuanfei let out a miserable laugh, looking at the wraiths around him who were crazily crawling towards him, trying to surround him again, he clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

"This boss is really hard to defeat..."

Lin Yuanfei murmured, holding the wooden knife horizontally, his eyes turned cold.

Flying sword flow!Nine-headed dragon flashes!

The moment the black cat landed, he slashed out the wooden knife in his hand again without the slightest hesitation.

Nine blows in a flash, blocked all the black cat's escape routes.

The weird black cat screamed, and was instantly dismembered by wooden knives coming from all directions.

The stench of death erupted in the attic, and the group of pale Kayakos screamed and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei's body was only two meters away from the diary.

Kayako, covered in blood, stood in front of him, howling with resentment and terror.

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