The ear-piercing howl made one's scalp tingle.

This was the first time Lin Yuanfei heard the screams of Kayako, and he seemed to see the scene of the wife being brutally dismembered by her husband again.

The terrifying mental pressure made Lin Yuanfei feel cold and heavy all over.

But he still roared, and once again chopped out the wooden knife in his hand.

"Nine-headed dragon flash!"

Squeezing the strength of his body three times in a row to activate this trick, Lin Yuanfei's muscles trembled and his bones groaned.

All his wounds burst open, and thick blood gushed out.

It reflected his whole body like a Shura blood demon in hell.

Roaring furiously, Lin Yuanfei rushed towards the Kayako in front of him.

His expression was ferocious, his eyes were cracked, and the wooden knife in his hand was so close that ordinary people couldn't see it clearly.

The Flying Yujian swordsmanship of nine strikes in an instant locked all the escape routes of Kayako.

This is the only ultimate skill in the Feitian Yujian style that Tianxianglongshan can match. The blood-stained Kayako couldn't even back down, so he was hit.

...but nothing happened.

When the blood-stained wooden knife, which is omnipotent to spiritual bodies, hit the blood-stained coconut, it just made a dull sound like it was hitting a human body.

Juli sent Jia coconut flying away, but the counter-shock force also fed back to Lin Yuanfei's right hand holding the knife.

Visible to the naked eye, Lin Yuanfei's right arm was twisted.


Amid Lin Yuanfei's shrill screams, several pale hands grabbed his ankles at the same time.

And the Kayako, which was split by him, rolled twice in the corner and got up again.

Lin Yuanfei understood.

This Kayako is not a simple spirit body, but a corpse driven by evil spirits...

But at this time, he was already surrounded by that group of strange wraiths.

The slowness of less than three seconds just now created time for these wraiths.

Seeing that the army of pale and strange ghosts was about to overwhelm Lin Yuanfei, his twisted right hand forcibly chopped out the blood-stained wooden knife again.

Flying sword flow!Nine-headed dragon flashes!

The conduction of power twists the flesh and blood under the skin.

Pale bones protruded from the flesh and blood of Lin Yuanfei's right hand.

The trick of forcibly squeezing his strength actually took the lead in disabling his right hand.

But the forced sword move has already erupted among the evil ghosts.

With nine blows in an instant, all the ghosts in front were chopped to pieces, clearing the path for an instant.

In all directions, more ghosts screamed and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei.

But Lin Yuanfei was already dragging his seriously injured body, screaming and roaring, and rushed towards the diary two meters away like a madman.

Within half a meter, everyone is the enemy.

Two meters away, hell and heaven.

Lin Yuanfei's terrifying figure covered in blood roared and struggled like a madman, and rushed out of the encirclement of evil spirits.

The intact left hand held the wooden sword and the samurai sword at the same time, and slashed with the same force!


With a loud noise, two knives slammed into the strange yellowed diary at the same time.

In an instant, the whole world was quiet...

Chapter 150 Do You Want To Take Off Your Clothes First?

When the blood-stained wooden knife and the sharp samurai sword fell on the old yellowed diary at the same time, the small attic was instantly quiet.

Those wriggling ghosts, blood-stained female corpses...these weird things all stopped in an instant.

It was like the scene where someone pressed the pause button, and all the actions of the evil spirits froze at that moment.

Invisible power is spreading in the attic.

The sharp samurai sword could not break the diary, but when the blood-stained wooden knife fell on the cover of the diary, Lin Yuanfei vaguely heard a mournful howl.

Then, all the wraiths stopped moving.

Their resentful eyes were still staring at Lin Yuanfei.

However, their bodies were unable to move.

Lin Yuanfei curled up in the corner, panting heavily, blood was flowing all over his body, staining his clothes red.

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