Lin Yuanfei was also sure of her point, so he decided to tell Yuno the way to break the curse.

Of course, the so-called solution to the curse is only "possibly" effective.

At least the original movie didn't seem to have any effect. Lin Yuanfei was just trying to give it a try.

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and said, "Find a chance, make a copy of this videotape, and then give it to Yuki, and find a way to arrange for Yuki to watch this videotape with other people, so that maybe the curse of Sadako Yamamura can be lifted ..."

"Sadako Yamamura..." Yuno repeated the name silently, and then looked at Lin Yuanfei, "As long as you copy this video tape for others to watch, you can transfer the curse? Will the wraith kill the other person?"

This girl cleverly guessed the truth about the way to unravel the spell.

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "The information I know so far is probably like this... But it doesn't matter whether it will work or not. This is just a back-up preparation. If we fail to exorcise the demon, even if I You were killed by Sadako, but if this solution works, Sadako might be able to let your sister go."

Yuno narrowed her eyes, "You don't plan to use this method?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled helplessly, and said, "I'm very selfish and afraid of death, but my sense of shame and human morality still bind me. I can't do it if I want to kill others in order to survive."

Yuno's eyes were cold, "Then you asked me to take the video tape to copy and arrange someone else to be your sister's scapegoat, wouldn't you be ashamed?"

Lin Yuanfei shrugged his shoulders and said, "In a sense, it is like this... because the scapegoat I found for Yuki deserves to die in my opinion."

"Or, if she continues to live in this world, my view of good and evil will make me feel sick..."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuno asked directly, "Who is that person?"

"Miyamoto Rei..." Lin Yuanfei smiled and said the name, "Although I am not stingy, I am still angry after being tricked. And that woman has framed her boyfriend and childhood sweetheart one after another in order to survive. , and my friends and classmates, if such a guy can let her continue to live moistly after the incident is over, I will feel disgusted."

"I'm not an envoy of justice, and I'm not qualified to judge her crimes. It's just that as one of the victims who was framed by her, I think I should have the qualifications to come back for revenge, right?"

Lin Yuanfei on the hospital bed smiled, like an evil villain behind the scenes.

"This video tape should be a big gift to her in return."

"She found Freddie for me, and I gave her a Yamamura Sadako... come and go without indecent assault."

"Isn't that too much?"

Chapter 154

In the advanced intensive care unit, Lin Yuanfei sat on the hospital bed, smiling and uttering terrible words.

In the ward where the lights were not turned on at dusk, half of Lin Yuanfei's body was hidden in the shadows.

The cold wind blew past, blowing the curtains of the balcony, making a rustling sound.

In the ward, there was dead silence, and a needle drop could be heard.

The man who was smiling and calculating her life and death sat in the darkness, inexplicably giving off a strange and sinister feeling, like an evil and terrifying super villain, which made people subconsciously shudder.

Yuno took a step back silently, his eyes turned slightly cold.

"...Is this your plan?"

Yuno asked, "Transfer sister's curse to someone else? Are you sure it will work?"

In the shadow of the ward, Yuno couldn't see Lin Yuanfei's expression clearly.

But the tone of the sigh can be heard clearly.

"It's just a backhand that may be useful. To be honest, I'm not sure if it will be effective. But now there are no clues, we can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and we won't lose anything if we try it."

Regarding this, Yuno asked again, "Since it is a curse aimed at my sister, is it really effective for me to copy the video tape? If you want to really transfer, no matter how you think about it, my sister should copy it herself, right?"

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, "That's why I asked you to come in here. I will find a way to get Yuki to make a copy of this video tape later. I hope you don't make trouble when the time comes. This is definitely not to frame your sister, but It is a possible way to save her, I hope you can understand."

Lin Yuanfei believed that if he fooled Yuki to copy this video tape, Yuki would definitely not doubt and refuse.

But if you don't talk to Yuno first, then the sick girl accused by the elder sister will definitely do bad things.

After all, this is a sick girl who has a strong desire to protect her lover to the point of being twisted and perverted. She has always been full of distrust for Lin Yuanfei. He drew his sword and fought with himself.

So I had to tell Yuno first, lest she misunderstand.

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's narration, Yuno was silent for a few seconds.

Then he said, "Yes, I will cooperate with you, but the premise is that doing what you say will not hurt my sister. If you dare to design and frame my sister... Huh! Even if you escape to the Maria Trench, I will find you and kill you." Lose!"

Yuno's icy death announcement gave off a chilling chill.

Lin Yuanfei sneered, as if he had no doubt that this sick girl would do what she said.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei felt that Yuno's current plan was to kill Sadako after solving the matter.

After all, Sadako was the last threat before the three of them.

Now that Freddy is trapped to death and Kayako is sealed, as long as the last Sadako Yamamura is dealt with, Lin Yuanfei will be of no use to her.

This three-person team was just put together temporarily because of the crisis and the common enemy. Once the enemy no longer exists, Yuno's butcher knife will immediately slash at Lin Yuanfei.

Well, so before recovering from the injury, let's slow down Sadako's affairs for a while.

Anyway, Sadako will not crawl out for a few days, so let's rest before that.

As for the investigation of Yamamura Sadako, Hayashi Yuanfei has entrusted the raccoon mayor Shimada Nobunaga.

With the contacts and power of this second generation of power, I believe it should not be difficult to investigate a person.

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