First find out the dry well where Sadako Yamamura died, and then drag out its body and burn it. I believe this crisis should be resolved.

Since the same routine can deal with Freddy and Kayako, it must be no problem to deal with Sadako.

This is secure.

Of course, the injury should be healed before then. The doctor said that Lin Yuanfei's injury only needs to be rested for a week or two, and there will be no big problem.Of course, if you want to fully recover, you will need at least one or two months to recuperate.

But in about a week, or even just a few more days, Lin Yuanfei's injury will basically heal. If he doesn't exercise vigorously, it won't have much impact on his daily life.

emmmmm... no strenuous exercise... this seems to be a bit difficult.

When the time comes to clear the dungeon of Sadako Yamamura, he won't have to go to the hospital again, right?

Lin Yuanfei sat in the ward, frowning and thinking hard.

Yuno had already left the ward, and he was alone in the room.

Just when Lin Yuanfei was thinking about whether to chat with Freddy or make a routine, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Yuki, who was dismissed by Lin Yuanfei before, walked in.

"Wow! Why is it so dark?"

Looking at the pitch-black room, Yuki said in surprise.

She turned on the switch of the light, finally ushered in the light in the ward.

Looking at Lin Yuanfei on the hospital bed, Yuki was very curious, "Lin Yuan-jun, why don't you turn on the light?"

Lin Yuanfei raised his head and smiled, "It's nothing, it's just because I'm lazy, don't worry about it."

Yuki sighed, "The light switch is right by your hand, this is lazy... Lin Yuan-jun, if you continue to develop like this, will you have to be fed for food in the future?"

Saying that, Yuki walked to Lin Yuanfei's hospital bed and helped Lin Yuanfei tidy up those things on the bedside table.

"The discharge procedures have been completed and we can go home now."

After Yuki finished speaking, he looked at Lin Yuanfei covered in bandages with some concern, "But Mr. Lin Yuan, are you really okay like this? How about we continue to stay in the hospital for a few more days? Would it be too early to leave the hospital now? Already?"

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and said solemnly, "Yuki, you don't understand this. Since ancient times, hospitals have been horrible places where the world is full of yin and grievances, and they are very dangerous. In addition, this broken hospital It's so gloomy, who knows what will happen after dark? It's wise for us to leave the hospital now."

This ruined city is full of evil spirits, monsters are not as good as dogs, who the hell knows if there are any big bosses hidden in this hospital?

To be on the safe side, it's better to slip away quickly.

Along the way, he hated Freddy and chopped coconuts, and now he is in the hospital with injuries all over his body. Seeing that there is only one Sadako Yamamura left to solve, he can go back to his hometown to get married after finishing this vote.

Going to provoke a new boss at this time?


Lin Yuanfei is not stupid [beep], how could he do such a stupid thing.

He also hoped to escape from Raccoon City immediately after getting Sadako's ticket, stay away from this group of messy things, find a stable and peaceful place to settle down, and live his life in another world as Wen Chaogong.

Lin Yuanfei has already vomited in the supernatural dungeon, and next, he will open the youthful daily dungeon!

That's right, that's it.

Going to experience the daily life of youth next!

Chapter 155 Sleeping with Sister Hua All Night

When Lin Yuanfei returned to my wife's house, Yuno was preparing dinner.

To be honest, after experiencing so many crises and trials, and facing so many wraiths and monsters, Lin Yuanfei was exhausted physically and mentally.

The moment he opened the door of my wife's house, he smelled the smell of food wafting from the living room, and seeing the warm dim light in front of him, Lin Yuanfei was so moved that he was about to cry, okay?


This tm is a quiet and peaceful daily life!

It's been three days since I traveled through time, and I've struggled to survive 155 chapters, and I've finally experienced this kind of quiet and peaceful daily life!

It's not easy!

Lin Yuanfei was very excited.

Beside him, Yuki holds his two knives.

A wooden sword, a samurai sword.

As for Kayako's Grudge Notebook, it was pinned to Lin Yuanfei's belt, and it was next to the thermos that Freddy was imprisoned in, while Sadako's video tape was carried in his hand.

The main reason is that these three things are too dangerous, Lin Yuanfei is worried about letting Yuki hold them.

This silly girl looks dazed, what if she accidentally releases the coconut?

So Lin Yuanfei's current appearance is actually very strange, with bandages all over his body, his right hand hanging on his chest, a diary pinned to his waist, a thermos cup hanging on his belt, and a video tape in his left hand.

This shape is so weird that Gui Yanye, who came out to greet him, was shocked.

"Master... Master?" Yan Ye looked at Lin Yuanfei's strange appearance dully, with a look of shock on his face, "You are..."

"Cough cough cough...sit down, sit down, operate normally," Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, pretending not to see Yan Ye's shocked expression, and said, "These things are too dangerous, I feel at ease keeping them by my side."

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