After fooling around, Lin Yuanfei immediately changed the subject, "By the way, Fu Jiang didn't do anything wrong at home, did he? Has she finished what she gave her in the morning?"

What Lin Yuanfei was referring to was actually the Tomie whom he kidnapped from Shimada Nobunaga...

Regarding Lin Yuanfei's question, Yan Ye swallowed, as if recalling some horrible scene.

But the little girl still answered Lin Yuanfei's question seriously.

"After eating, there is not a single bone left, and even the blood was licked clean by Ms. Fu Jiang, without any residue. I monitored the whole process, master, you don't have to worry."

After hearing what the little girl said, Lin Yuanfei was embarrassed.

"Fuck! I can swallow even bones... This Fu Jiang is a bit fierce."

And eating a person's meat in such a short time, Fu Jiang, are you possessed by a strange shape?

Or does Fu Jiang have a setting that can devour each other?

Lin Yuanfei asked, "After Fu Jiang finished eating, did anything change?"

Generally, after the breakthrough of the spirit foundation, there will be changes, right?

If this Fu Jiang can become stronger after devouring each other, then he has to be careful in the future.

But Yan Ye's answer made Lin Yuanfei heave a sigh of relief.

"There is no change. Ms. Fu Jiang didn't even get bigger. According to Fu Jiang, she didn't simply eat a person, but took back the split individual again, so there will be no change."

"That's it...well, thank you for your hard work," Lin Yuanfei looked at the sensible and well-behaved girl in front of him, and sighed, "I won't let you do such a thing again in the future."

I just asked her to watch over the house and not let Fu Jiang run away, but I didn't expect this silly girl to go around and watch Fu Jiang eat people... That scene, even if you think about it, is very tasteful.

This silly girl actually watched the whole process... Hey... Such a sincere silly girl, no wonder she would be so scary after being blackened.

The honest man got angry, it was scary!

After confirming that there was no need to worry about the last thing, Lin Yuanfei was finally relieved and began to enjoy his rare daily life.

Even if you are making a movie, you need to have Zhang Youchi. If you brush the boss to copy dungeons every day, Iron Man will vomit.

Lin Yuanfei and a few girls had a warm dinner together. Yuno's cooking skills are really beyond words, no wonder the original novel was praised by Amano Xuehui's mother.

One man, three women, and a Mr. Gao Mu who was squatting like a husky in the corner, Lin Yuanfei had a very comfortable dinner.

It can even be said that it was the most comfortable dinner I had since time travelling.

There are no female ghosts to worry about that may crawl out of the corner at any time, no perverts to hunt down and kill you in nightmares to beware of, and the last enemy will not crawl out for four days.

Now, it's time to enjoy this rare youth!

Lin Yuanfei thought so, sitting on the sofa and yawning.

He has already called Gui Yanye's mother and told her that the gasoline she needed before is no longer available.

The source of the grievance has been sealed, and now Kawamata's haunted house is just a dilapidated house, and there is no need to burn the house down.

Lin Yuanfei only needs to recharge his batteries, get a good night's sleep, and wait for news from Nobunaga Shimada.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei fell asleep in a daze.

For the past three days, he has been running on the line of life and death every day. Now that he relaxes, all the exhaustion and sleepiness pour out.

Lin Yuanfei slept so deeply, so deeply that he couldn't even hear the voices around him.

The consciousness of the whole person sank into the darkness.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei was shaken awake in this heavy and deep sleep.

Beside him, Yuki's soft voice sounded.

"Lin Yuan-jun...wake up, don't sleep on the sofa..."

Opening his eyes in a daze, Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki in front of him, and squeezed out a weak and sleepy smile.

"Oh... Yuki...what's the matter?"

His sleepy and unconscious mind did not hear what Yuki had said before.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's appearance, Yuki whispered with some distress, "Don't sleep on the sofa, go to sleep in the room... tonight you sleep on the big bed, and Yuno and I sleep on the floor."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei was instantly shocked.

"Huh? Do you want to sleep together again tonight?" Lin Yuanfei waved his hands subconsciously, "No, no, my house is very close to here, I just go back to sleep."

He was hunted down by Freddy before, so he was forced to have no choice but to sleep together and take care of each other.

Now that Freddy is cold, you still want me to sleep with my sick wife, Yuno?


Lin Yuanfei would never put himself in any possible danger.

"I'll just go back to sleep, and you don't have to worry about me."

Lin Yuanfei said with a sneer.

Although there is no possibility of Yuno killing him now, what if he and their sisters sleep in the same room, and halfway through the sleep, the perverted sister-in-law suddenly gets a mental imbalance and jumps up and chops herself off?

Don't overestimate the sanity of a sickly girl!

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