
"Foge? Fogo? Are you really silent?"


"Hey...Brother Fo, you are really stingy," Lin Yuanfei sighed, seeing that Freddy refused to speak no matter how aggressive he was, he immediately shrugged.

It's okay, anyway, this guy is a talker, and sooner or later he can't help but talk.

The longer he holds back now, the more he can't control himself when he speaks, and he will definitely be able to get more information by then hehehe...

Lin Yuanfei chuckled, closed his notebook, went to the yard and burned Sadako's video tape.

Before that, Yuki had already re-burned a new videotape under Lin Yuanfei's flickering. Next, just ask Yuki to give the new videotape to Miyamoto Rei to watch.

Anyway, the way to break the curse has been covered, even if Rei Miyamoto wants to drag someone into the water, she doesn't know what to do, so she is safe.

Lin Yuanfei returned to the house after burning the video tape in the small courtyard and burying the remains with soil.

At this time, the two sisters had finished taking a shower and changed into light pink pajamas.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei was a little excited when two charming and charming girls walked in front of him in pajamas.

But Yuki's words before going to bed instantly made Lin Yuanfei stunned.

"Lin Yuan-kun, go to bed early, we have to go to Torimi Island tomorrow."

The moment he heard these words, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

ha?Going to Torishima Island?What the hell?What is this unfolding?Don't you just take a break after brushing Kayako and Freddy?

Regarding Lin Yuanfei's question, Yuki was very strange, "Going to Torishima Island for an outing was an arrangement decided by the school last week...and after going through so many things, doesn't Lin Yuan-kun want to go out and relax? Torimi Island's The scenery is very beautiful, if we all go out together, we will definitely be able to relax and have fun.”

Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent.

happy?Why do I think this is a big hole!

Chapter 157 A Quiet and Peaceful Day

Torimi Island, a small island next to Raccoon City, is about [-] minutes away from the city.

Of course, you have to take a boat.

If it is swimming, then it is estimated that two hours are not enough.

Lin Yuanfei had seen this small island from a distance before, when he was at Ju Chuan Shizuka's house.

At that time, he felt that the island was weird and gave him a feeling of uneasiness.And at that time, Yuki and the others said that the school would arrange for everyone to go there for an outing... Gan!So the foreshadowing was buried here?

This is digging a hole waiting for me to jump!

But what you said "after a while" is a day later?

Wouldn't it be good if you just said "tomorrow"?

It made Lin Yuanfei think that he would have to wait a long time before going back to the Torimi Island.

And this bird sees the island, no matter how it sounds, it feels very wrong.

A closed island far away from the urban area and independent of the sea. If you miss a certain time, you have to wait until the next day to leave. Legends of gods and demons left in ancient times, shrines built for many years, and villagers who have lived there for generations ... If it wasn't for the new dungeon, Lin Yuanfei would have picked Freddy's head off and kicked it as a ball!

Coughing very seriously, Lin Yuanfei said, "It's impossible to go on a picnic, and it's impossible to go on a picnic in this life. What are you going to do? It's better to stay at home. Anyway, I want to go with you, I won't go That damned Toramijima. Tomorrow I'm going to rest at home!"

Lin Yuanfei said such words righteously, Yuki couldn't help but sigh.

"No, Mr. Lin Yuan, if you stay at home every day and don't go out, you will be treated as a strange and suspicious person."

"And in the future, please don't say words like [house] again, it's very dangerous," Yuki said very seriously.

At this time, only fifteen years have passed since the Tsutomu Miyazaki incident in Japan, and the whole society is still permeated with an atmosphere full of vigilance and vigilance against otaku.

In this era, otaku is almost synonymous with criminal reserve, another meaning of trash, dangerous element, and pervert, who is vigilant, disgusted, and looked down upon by everyone.

If you are labeled as an [otaku], not only you, but even your family and friends will be discriminated against in every way.

The kind of pressure and exclusion from the whole society will never be understood and experienced by those young otaku spoiled by capital in later generations in China.

In this era of Japan, all young people are afraid of being associated with the word "otaku", fearing that if they are not careful, they will be regarded as a perverted dead otaku like Tsutomu Miyazaki.

As an Internet writer of later generations, and most of the novels he wrote have a certain connection with the word "two-dimensional", Lin Yuanfei naturally has a little understanding of Japanese culture.

Although he didn't understand Yuki very deeply, after hearing Yuki's words, he immediately understood Yuki's worry.

It's just...

"Ahem... Anyway, I will never go to Tomijima!"

Lin Yuanfei said very seriously, "I advise you not to go, I feel bad about that place, maybe there is something weird about it. To be safe, let's play Tetris at home tomorrow... how about it? "

Yuno glanced at him, "What do you remember again? Are there monsters or evil spirits on the island of Torami? Chunmu High School organizes students to go there every year for an outing. As a famous scenic spot in Raccoon City, tourists gather there all the year round. What's the danger? I think you were frightened by ghosts and turned into a coward, right?"

This sick and delicate girl never let go of any chance to damage Lin Yuanfei's image.

It's a pity that even so, Lin Yuanfei still had a serious face.

"Anyway, I won't go! Tomorrow I will stay at home, read a book, sleep and recover from my injuries. I will definitely not go to Torimi Island with you!"

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