That's what Lin Yuanfei said, and he did the same.

There was nothing to say all night, when Yuki and the others went out the next day, no matter how much the two girls persuaded, Lin Yuanfei refused to go out.

After feeding Fu Jiang in the basement in the morning and eating caviar and other high-end delicacies, Lin Yuanfei went back to the living room to continue recuperating and resting.

What?Where do you think Lin Yuanfei got the money to buy these things?Of course our good mayor Shimada Nobunaga sent it!

One phone call, delivery within [-] minutes, and free home delivery, it's not too hard.

As for Brother Cheng who later called to ask Lin Yuanfei why he didn't go to the camp, Lin Yuanfei excused himself because he was sick.

Of course, when the students gathered at the pier, Lin Yuanfei's absence naturally attracted the attention of his hard-headed apprentice.

When the silly apprentice Gui Yanye called, Lin Yuanfei was lying in the room watching a movie.

He chatted casually with Yan Ye, probably knowing that they had already boarded the cruise ship and were on their way to Tiaomi Island, Lin Yuanfei casually said to be safe, and then found an excuse to hang up the phone.

Keep watching TV.

Inside the thermos, Freddy's voice came.

"Hey... bastard, you really don't plan to go with them? If there is really any danger on that bird island, wouldn't you regret it forever?"

Lin Yuanfei stretched his waist and said, "What are you afraid of? Just like Yuno said, that place gathers tourists all the year round. Chunmu High School goes to camp every year for picnics. If there is a problem, it will happen early. Do you have to wait now? I am just innocent. I just don’t want to run around, didn’t you see that I’m seriously injured now?”

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei took a sip of the teacup on the tea table with his bandaged right hand.

It seems that the arm injury is recovering well... at least it can move freely.

Inside the thermos, Freddy laughed strangely.

"Your physical fitness is really amazing, and your recovery speed is much faster than I thought... Judging from your injury, you can continue to run and dance vigorously in at most three days, right?"

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and said, "It's not that fast, don't talk for a week. If you mess up too early, the wound will burst open."

Lin Yuanfei no longer wanted to experience the feeling of excessive blood loss...

After taking a sip of tea, Lin Yuanfei continued to lie on the sofa and watch TV, spending a leisurely day like this.

Wow!It's really rare to be so leisurely!

Who would have thought that Lin Yuanfei, who is so leisurely now, was chased all over the street by Freddy and Jiaye the day before yesterday, and was still struggling to kill monsters yesterday?

It seems that this is really the beginning of a beautiful daily life.

At least a whole day has passed without any moths coming out, so it's really not too cool.

Under the setting sun, Lin Yuanfei stretched his waist, stood up from the sofa, and prepared to get something to eat.

At this moment, Freddy, who had been silent in the thermos, suddenly spoke.

"Hehehe...Little samurai, I suddenly remembered something about the island of Torimi. The recent cases of murder and sacrifice by cults seem to have a lot to do with that island."

In the living room, Freddy's strange laughter echoed, "Those cultists seem to have been looking for suitable female sacrifices. But today there are so many young and beautiful girls on the island...hehehe...also Not knowing what’s going to happen is really exciting.”

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a moment.

Then, his face darkened.

"Hey! Did you fucking do it on purpose?" Lin Yuanfei's face was full of black lines, "Don't say it sooner, don't say it later, now that the last cruise ship has are fucking going to explode the whole family! Shit!"

Chapter 158 Lin Yuanfei's Anxiety

In the living room, after listening to Freddy's words, Lin Yuanfei almost exploded on the spot.

Depend on!Is there really a problem with that bird to see the island?Cultist base?

And Freddy's grandson didn't say it sooner or later, he had to wait until the last cruise ship had stopped. This grandson deliberately made things difficult for him!

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei took out his mobile phone and dialed Yuki's number.

Three seconds after the ring, Yuki's confused voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Moses, Moses? Mr. Lin Yuan? What's the matter?"

Hearing Yuki's voice, Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yuki and the others should not be in danger yet.

He took a deep breath and said, "Yuki, is everything normal there? Has anything strange happened, or has anyone disappeared?"

"No, everything is normal, Lin Yuan-kun, why did you ask this suddenly?" Yuki was very surprised, "Did something happen?"

" give Yuno the phone, I'll go talk to her," Lin Yuanfei said.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lin Yuanfei had to say that Yuki, a confused and silly girl, did you expect her to find anything abnormal?Impossible!

Even if the alien crawled in front of her, she would probably think of it as a doll robot with a smirk.

If I want to find out if there is anything unusual about Torimijima, I have to rely on my sick wife Yuno who has insight ex and intuition ex!

After Yuki hung up the phone, he went to find Yuno with his mobile phone.

Chunmu High School's activity in Torimi Island is a three-day two-night camp, starting this morning and not coming back until noon the day after tomorrow.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei doesn't quite understand this kind of collective culture in Japan.

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