The so-called joint accommodation is just a projection of Japanese collective culture.If it is the kind of students who have already integrated into the group, then they will naturally enjoy themselves happily, while the withdrawn students who cannot integrate into the group will probably be quite painful.

And this kind of dormitory can't be absent, even the most lonely student, knowing that it is painful to go to that thing, but he has to go, as if if he goes, he won't be excluded by the group.

Anyway, Lin Yuanfei couldn't understand the Japanese thinking logic of going to work today even if the world is doomsday tomorrow.

What?You said that Yuno and Yuki were exhausted physically and mentally just after brushing the two wraiths, and it was crazy to go to school activities the next day?

Please, this is pure Japanese thinking!

When the atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima, a certain unlucky person witnessed the power of the nuclear explosion at close range, and was left half dead by the nuclear radiation on the spot with nosebleeds.

However, this guy was about to die. After waking up, his first reaction was to go back to work quickly, for fear of being late, and he actually rushed to work. It was not until several hours later that he was unconscious that his colleagues found him and rushed him to the hospital.

When Lin Yuanfei saw this true record back then, he was almost shocked.

Mom!The Japanese are perverted from top to bottom!

Sitting in the living room and waiting anxiously for a while, Lin Yuanfei's cell phone finally rang again.

He quickly connected the phone, and Yuno's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's the matter? Perverted senior?" Yuno asked, "Is there really anything unusual about this Toromijima?"

Yuno's vigilance is so keen, Lin Yuanfei is slightly relieved - at least this girl is a little sickly, but she is still very reliable at this time.

Lin Yuanfei said, "According to Freddy's bastard's intelligence, Bird See Island may be a cult base, and the cultists are looking for suitable female sacrifices recently. The kidnapping and murder of cultists in Raccoon City during this time, They may have done it, you and Yuki must be careful, don't leave the crowd and act alone."

As long as they act together with the large army, those cultists should not dare to attack.

After all, there are hundreds of people in Chunmu High School. If those cult members dare to attack all of them and make such a big news, all cult organizations will be in the cold.

So Lin Yuanfei was not worried about those cult organizations abducting people in public, what he was worried about was that they would attack secretly.

After talking to Yuno for a few more words, the two hung up the phone.

Lin Yuanfei dialed Gui Yanye's cell phone again.

A second after the ring, Gui Yanye's voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"Master, do you have any orders?" The little girl said very seriously.

"'s like this," Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and said, "According to Freddy's information, there may be cultists haunting the island, you must be careful during this time, and don't act alone. No matter what happens and what you see, don't be curious, you must follow the big troops, understand? Call me immediately if you have anything to do."

To be honest, this silly apprentice is so easy to deceive, Lin Yuanfei suspects that even if he asks the other party to sleep with him...cough cough cough...

After the call with Yan Ye ended, Lin Yuanfei thought about it, and then dialed the last person's number.

"Hey, Brother Cheng, what are you doing?" Lin Yuanfei said, "Are you following the group activities well now?"

Lin Yuanfei felt that Brother Cheng was the most dangerous person!

This guy is obviously not the kind of person who will obediently follow the group and act together. He also has a world of Xiyuan Temple by his side, and the two dogs and men will probably seize all the time and have sex in every possible corner.

But it's fine if you mess around in school, run around and mess around in a cult base like Toromijima?Don't you know that the death rate +100% when acting alone?

He warned Brother Cheng very seriously, and Lin Yuanfei hung up the phone until the other party reluctantly promised him that he would not run around and mess around during this period of time.

In the quiet living room, Lin Yuanfei sat on the sofa, holding the mobile phone in his hand and meditating.

Some kind of anxious emotion was churning in his chest.

To be honest, he really wanted to call Nobunaga Shimada and ask Nobunaga Shimada to arrange for someone to go to Tomijima to catch the cultists.

However, this idea was dismissed by Lin Yuanfei as soon as it came up.

First of all, Shimada Nobunaga is not his subordinate, the reason why he obeyed his advice was because Fu Jiang was held hostage by Lin Yuanfei, and what Lin Yuanfei raised were some small requests.

As a robber, it's okay for you to extort a little thing from the victim's family once in a while, but if you go too far, it will definitely cause a strong reaction from the other party.

What's more, the so-called cultists on Toromi Island are just Freddy's one-sided claims. Who knows if there are real cultists on that broken island?Even if I remind Nobunaga Shimada, but I can't produce evidence, what can the other party do?Arrange for people to go to the island of bird to see the martial law and blockade the whole island?

This is Japan, and a mere mayor doesn't have that much power at all.

Chapter 159 The Dragon Hunter Will Be a Dragon

Regarding the so-called heretics in Torimi Island, Lin Yuanfei has no other options for the time being.

Mainly, he still had doubts about what Freddy said.

This guy has always pretended to be dumb, never willing to confide even a useful word.

But now he suddenly kindly reminded himself?I'm afraid there is a big hole in front of me!

And how does this grandson know that there are cultists in Toromijima?

Lin Yuanfei felt that it was better not to believe all Freddy's words until he figured out the situation.

Don't look at this guy's mouth full of flirtatious words, but as long as he is given even a chance, Freddy will never mind sending Lin Yuan flying to the west.

Lin Yuanfei knew this very well, so he would never fully trust it.

In the final analysis, the relationship between the two parties was originally a relationship that was used by each other.

He would be a fool if he really believed Freddy's words.

After sitting alone in the living room and meditating for a while, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and took out his phone again.

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