He still had to call Nobunaga Shimada.

It's not asking the other party to send someone to search the island, but to ask the other party to arrange a boat to take him there.

To be honest, now that the island of Torimi is isolated overseas, unless Shimada Nobunaga sends someone to seal the island with great fanfare, it will be useless to say anything.

Although there must be a police department on Torimi Island, there must be government staff, but if this island is really a cult base, who can guarantee that those police officers and government personnel are not cult members?

If I rashly asked Shimada Nobunaga to call and warn, maybe he would startle the snake and force those cultists to go to extremes in advance.

So for the sake of safety, I can only go there by myself.

Although Lin Yuanfei is still recovering from his injuries, if he simply deals with a few cultists, the problem is not big.

It's not fighting against aliens in the past, I'm afraid of a fart!Make them single-handed!

Lin Yuanfei called Nobunaga Shimada.

Half a minute after the bell rang, Nobunaga Shimada's gloomy voice came from the opposite side.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, the dinner you requested is almost delivered, please don't worry..."

It seemed that this guy thought that Lin Yuanfei was rushing for takeaway.

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and said, "Well...Actually, I need your help with a small matter. That's right, I have an urgent matter to go to Tiaojian Island, can you help me arrange a boat to go there? It’s dark and we can’t find the ferry!”

Nobunaga Shimada on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, probably suppressing his anger.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said, "Yes, tell me a time, and I'll send someone to pick you up at the port."

Lin Yuanfei smiled and made an appointment with this guy before hanging up the phone.

It seems that this Shimada Nobunaga is already in a state of being unbearable and about to explode.

For the next period of time, don't harass him for the time being, lest this grandson jump over the wall in a hurry...

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuanfei heard the sound of ringing the doorbell.

After getting up and opening the door, it was found that Shimada Nobunaga's men had brought Tomie's dinner.

After thanking the delivery guy, Lin Yuanfei went into the basement with Fu Jiang's dinner.

Fu Jiang was a little surprised that Lin Yuanfei provided such high-grade and delicious ingredients for three consecutive meals.

But Lin Yuanfei was depressed at this moment, he was too lazy to say anything to this woman, put down the food and left.

Go back to the living room and eat noodles by yourself.

Mr. Takagi didn't complain about eating instant noodles, but he ate very happily.

After Mr. Gao Mu finished his dinner, Lin Yuanfei patted the right head and said.

"I'm going out for a while, you remember to wash the dishes, and then take a good look at the house, don't let people come in and steal things, understand?"

Takagi-sensei nodded repeatedly.

Then he explained some general things that need to be paid attention to, and asked the other party to eat instant noodles when he was hungry. Then Lin Yuanfei went into the basement and led Fu Jiang out.

emmm... Why does this lead word feel like walking a dog?

Under the dark night sky, Lin Yuanfei led Fu Jiang with a rope, locked the door of my wife's house, and then drove away in the white Honda.

He wants to transfer Fu Jiang to a new place.

Nobunaga Shimada already knew the address of my wife's house. What if this grandson rescued Tomie while he was away?Then it will be another trouble.

Lin Yuanfei no longer wanted to repeat the experience of kidnapping the mayor again.

The white Honda car drove to No. 44 Elm Street, and Lin Yuanfei tied Fu Jiang to his house.

Considering that he might have to go for a long time, he thoughtfully left a pot for Fu Jiang to use as a potty, as well as some deodorant cat litter.

At that time, Fu Jiang has finished solving it, and put cat litter on it, and there will be no smell at all, perfect!

In Fu Jiang's movable range, he also filled with some snacks, biscuits and the like.

Even if he won't come for two or three days, Fu Jiang won't starve to death.

After finishing all this, seeing the scene of Fu Jiang being chained in the house, Lin Yuanfei was suddenly embarrassed.

This... this tm feels that I am even more perverted!

Isn't this the legendary beauty dog?

Depend on!If someone found out that he did this, he would probably be arrested as a pervert, right?

Fu Jiang, who was imprisoned, was not conscious at all, but said with some worry.

"Honey, are you going on a long journey? Be careful."

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but rolled his eyes - if I didn't know your character, I would probably be moved.

He rubbed his head with some headache and left.

I always feel that after spending a long time with this group of non-human beings, I seem to become less and less human.

Why does this behavior feel more and more like an evil villain?

Hey...it really is that the dragon hunter will eventually become a dragon.

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