Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, feeling that he was really unlucky.

It's better to finish these things as soon as possible, and then return to daily life.

I hope that the quiet and peaceful daily life can reverse my mentality...

When Lin Yuanfei arrived at the port, he was greeted by a very beautiful beauty, who was said to be Shimada Nobunaga's assistant.

Of course, how beautiful can Fu Jiang be as beautiful?

Lin Yuanfei didn't look sideways at this beauty and had no interest at all.

They set off on Shimada Nobunaga's private yacht.

The cold moonlight fell on the broad sea, reflecting a broken full moon.

Lin Yuanfei stood on the deck of the private yacht, the icy sea breeze was blowing in front of him, making his clothes rattle.

However, Lin Yuanfei's gaze was just staring at the approaching Toromijima in the darkness, with an indifferent expression on his face.

In his eyes, there was an icy cold light.

I hope this trip to Torimi Island can return safely.

Enough of supernatural events and such!

Chapter 160: Poison Island Saeko

The icy night wind blowing head-on, messed up Lin Yuanfei's hair.

He stood on the deck, quietly watching the lights of the Toromijima pier gradually getting bigger in his vision.

Behind him came the voice of Shimada Nobunaga's assistant.

"Hello, Mr. Hayashibara, Toromijima is here."

In a slight shaking, this luxurious private yacht stopped at the pier.

Lin Yuanfei looked back at the beautiful assistant and said, "Thank you."

After speaking, he carried his luggage and left.

It's luggage, but it's actually nothing, just Sadako's video tape, Kayako's diary, and Freddy's thermos.

As for the wooden sword and the samurai sword, Lin Yuanfei pinned them to his waist.

At this time, he looked like a ronin from the Edo period.

It's just that the modern attire made him look a bit nondescript.

Leaving Shimada Nobunaga's private yacht, Hayashi Yuanfei set foot on the pier of Torimi Island.

To be honest, the island was completely different from what he had imagined.

In his impression, the closed island infested by cultists should be eerie and weird, and everyone should stare at him with weird eyes after landing.

However, the small island in front of me is full of lights, and modern facilities can be seen everywhere.

Bright street lights, cheerful passers-by, talking and laughing residents, all kinds of tourists... No matter how you look at it, it looks like a lively resort, which has nothing to do with the so-called cultist base.

Lin Yuanfei almost thought he had come to Yalong Bay in Sanya...

Freddy's grandson, you can't lie to me, can you?

Lin Yuanfei tightened the backpack on his shoulders, feeling a little confused.

Behind him, Shimada Nobunaga's luxury yacht slowly sailed away, and the sound of the waves in the night wind was very noisy.

Overhead, as well as those circling and chirping seagulls, make this pier look alive.

In front of him were the colorful night lights of Toromijima and the cheerful crowd, which seemed to be some kind of celebration event, very lively.

Quietly watching such a scene, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds before walking out.

Behind him is the luxury yacht that is gradually going away.

The deep and dark sea gradually receded behind him.

When he merged into the crowd, he was quickly infected by the cheerful atmosphere around him.

It is true that a small celebration is being held here, but the scale is not large, and it should be made locally to attract tourists.

On both sides of the street full of Japanese characteristics, every business store is lit up and sells different products.

Food, snacks, souvenirs, dolls, grocery stores... The cheerful atmosphere, the flow of people coming and going made Lin Yuanfei slightly less wary.

This place is so lively, even if there are cultists haunting it, they probably wouldn't dare to show it blatantly.

When Lin Yuanfei shuttled through the crowd, he found that there were not only Japanese, but also some foreigners among the tourists around him, and he even heard the conversations of a few Chinese.

The familiar Mandarin Chinese, in this foreign country, Japan, could not help but make Lin Yuanfei feel a little bit of intimacy.

You know, in this foreign world in 03, the Chinese are not yet rich enough to be as rich as the later generations a decade later.

In Japan in this era, the main tourists are Koreans, Americans and other foreign residents.

Even because there are too many tourists in Korea, if you are a Korean student who can speak Korean, it will be very popular to find a part-time job in Japan.And if you are a Chinese student studying abroad, it is very difficult to find a part-time job.

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