——Of course, this situation was reversed more than ten years later.

In later generations of Japan, there are so many Chinese tourists that when you go shopping in Ginza, the Chinese who speak Mandarin all over the street will make you think that you have come to Shanghai.

But at least in Japan in 03, it is not easy to hear the voice of the Chinese in the crowd.

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously looked at the Chinese tourists more, but found that they quickly disappeared into the crowd.

And just as he turned around, a pair of small hands gently covered his eyes.

In the ear, a girl's low laughter sounded.

"Guess who I am?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "Yuki?"

In his cognition, it seems that only Yuki can be so naughty, right?

Gui Yanye is a hard-headed apprentice, he dare not step up.

My wife, Yu Nai, is very sick and delicate, she wished she could hack herself to death.

Xiyuan Temple World is Brother Cheng's girlfriend, so it's impossible to tease him like this.

So in terms of elimination, only Yuki is left?

However, after hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, the girl was a little depressed.

"What... Lin Yuan-jun is really not cute at all."

The girl sighed and put down her hands, Lin Yuanfei turned around to see the other person's face clearly.

"Fuck! Sister, the school doctor?" Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded, "Why are you?"

Is my relationship with you close enough to make such a joke?Or is it that I don't know when I have already captured you invisible?Otherwise, what is this unfolding?It's scary for you to come over so suddenly!

Standing behind Lin Yuanfei was the big-hearted Dai Niu school doctor, Ju Chuan Shizuka.

At this time, she was very shocked and said, "Why can't it be me? Mr. Lin Yuan, how can we say that we are also good friends~~ You see, you are Yan Ye's teacher, and I am Yan Ye's good friend , so our relationship is not more intimate?"

Lin Yuanfei looked embarrassed, "Please don't use idioms indiscriminately, please? This is not the way to use kissing and kissing."

Ju Chuan Shizuka showed her usual natural dullness, smiled silly, and stuck out her tongue, "It doesn't matter~~ Lin Yuan-jun, why are you standing here alone? Didn't you act with your classmates? Or did you say ... Lin Yuan-jun has no friends?"

It seems that this confused school doctor doesn't know that Lin Yuanfei didn't participate in the dorm in the morning...

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and was about to explain and ask where the large group of students from Chunmu High School was, when a beautiful lady with purple hair suddenly walked out of the crowd.

She was wearing the student uniform of Chunmu High School, except that the hem of the skirt was longer than that of all the girls, and it fell to her ankles, like a long skirt.

Dignified, elegant, intellectual, beautiful, mature... This is Lin Yuanfei's first feeling when he sees each other.

She is obviously a student, but the intellectually mature wife and her fiery figure make people subconsciously regard her as a mature sister who has experienced wind and rain.

And after this beautiful Yu Jie handed a portion of takoyaki to Ju Chuan Shizuka, her gaze stayed on Lin Yuanfei.

"Sister Shizuka, this is..." Zifa Yujie asked in confusion.

At this moment, Lin Yuanfei was not wearing a school uniform.

That weird and strange shape is simply not too eye-catching.

Ju Chuan Shizuka introduced, "This is Mr. Lin Yuan... Yan Ye's master. Saeko, didn't you always want to see him? Now you see him~~"

Ju Chuan Shizuka said with a smile.

Author's message:

ps: Liver nourishment at three shifts today, five shifts tomorrow

Chapter 161 Saeko-senpai is very unreserved

"This is Mr. Lin Yuan... Yan Ye's master. Saeko, haven't you always wanted to see him? Now you see him~~"

After Ju Chuan Shizuka finished speaking, Zifa Yujie's eyes shifted to Lin Yuanfei.

The moment the two sides looked at each other, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but sighed, revealing an original expression.

Saeko... Purple-haired sister, Yamato Nadeko with big breasts, thin waist, long legs, plus this chaotic world view and Miyamoto Rei Komuro Takashi who appeared before...

Is it really Saeko Busushima?

The legendary three big buses of the same person, did not expect to appear only now.

If it was a few years ago, such a heavyweight figure would have appeared on the stage when he first traveled over, right?

In the end, it didn't appear until the scene, and Saeko Busujima became the tears of the times.

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's sigh, Saeko Busujima's gaze was slightly confused.

"You... have heard of me?" Saeko Busujima asked, "Looking at Hayashi Yuan-kun's expression, it seems that he already knows who I am."

Lin Yuanfei smiled and shook his head, "No, it's the first time we meet. Hello, classmate. I'm Lin Yuanfei from Class A of the second year of Chunmu High School."

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei stretched out his bandaged right hand.

The moment she saw this right hand, Saeko Busujima's gaze froze slightly.

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