No wonder his personality suddenly became normal again. It turned out that he suspected that he was not the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style?

But what kind of image do you have in your mind as the successor of Feitian Yujianliu?Why does everyone seem to think that it is the representative of Wei Guangzheng when they hear this term.

Has the Himura Kenshin of this world already raised Feitian Yujianliu's reputation in Japan to reverence?

Faced with Saeko Bujima's questioning, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but sighed, "Whether I'm a descendant of the Feitian Yujian style or not, it has nothing to do with you, right?"

"And in the final analysis, the sword is a murder weapon, and sword skills are a sharp weapon for killing people. No matter how beautiful words are used to modify it, it is always the truth."

"Why do you middle school girls always feel that swordsmanship is very powerful, great, and worth boasting? Yan Ye is like this, and you are also like this... Have you forgotten that now is an era of peace, and there is no need for swordsmanship practice anymore? Is it? Blindly pursuing the pinnacle of swordsmanship or something, after all, is just a ridiculous delusion of a middle school girl?"

"The successors of the Flying Swordsman of all ages, but no one has ever boasted arrogantly because of his superb sword skills!"

In order to solve the entanglement of this perverted slut, and to prevent the other party from continuing to do things in the future, Lin Yuanfei launched the tactics of talking and brainwashing—in other words, mental pollution.

It's a pity that Saeko Busujima is obviously not fooled.

"It's just a liar's tricks, Mr. Lin Yuan, you can only deceive Yan Ye with your high-sounding words... I will never let you deceive her again. Next time, I will tear through your mask! "

Saeko Busujima said very seriously, but big sister, you are the hostage I am holding right now, right?Is it really okay to be so arrogant?

Or... this woman actually has a backhand?

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously glanced at Saeko Busujima, thought for a while, and stretched the rope a little further away from her.

In case this woman has backhands, wouldn't it be death for me to get so close?

"In short, if you want to expose it, you can expose it, it's up to you."

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless, "If you can really make Yan Ye give up the idea of ​​learning swords from me, then I would like to thank you instead!"

It's better to stay away from those who are sick and delicate!

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei's big truth was taken as a provocation by Saeko Busujima.

She snorted coldly, but did not answer Lin Yuanfei.

It's just that the eyes watching Lin Yuanfei's back became colder.

In the night wind, there was a long silence between the two.

Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to explain anything to this woman, and Saeko Busujima regarded him as a liar and naturally didn't want to say anything more.

The two just strolled along the dimly lit mountain road, the further they walked, the farther away they were from the residential area of ​​the market.

Walking and walking, the two finally reached the end of this asphalt mountain road.

Ahead is a small village by the sea, which looks very remote with few people.

And further on, there is no way.

This small village is the end of the asphalt road.

Lin Yuanfei looked at everything in front of him in astonishment, with a bewildered expression on his face.

" this the place where the school lives together? How can so many students be accommodated in such a few small shabby houses?"

Behind him came Saeko Busujima's cold explanation.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

"Lin Yuan-jun, I lied to you when I said that this road leads to the hotel."

"The hotel we shared is at the other end of the island."

"Here, it's just a small village of the indigenous people on the island..."

Amidst Saeko Bushima's cold explanation, Lin Yuanfei turned his head with a black face, and stared at the purple-haired Yujie in front of him.

You tm... is this leading me into a side storyline?

You really are the npc who announced the plot!

Chapter 166 Why is he here

The asphalt mountain road ends here.

The street lights on both sides of the road are all broken in this area, and there is no light to be seen.

In the dark mountain forest, there is a small village in the depression ahead.

The asphalt mountain road disappeared in the direction of the village entrance.

Going further in, you will enter this gloomy small village.

It was obviously night, but there were no electric lights in the village, and the occasional lights were only torches and oil lamps.

That kind of dim and yellow light can only illuminate the size and radius around the light source, not only can't illuminate the road, but it makes this small village spooky and weird.

In the center of the small village, there is a small square.

On the small square, it looks like there is an altar or something.

Although it was too dark to see the appearance of that place clearly, but only the prototype seen from a distance by the moonlight was silently conveying a strange and evil atmosphere.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and subconsciously took a step back.

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