Did I unknowingly run into the cultist stronghold?

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei led Saeko Busujima and walked back.

[System prompt: Player Lin Yuanfei has rejected the side quest - gathering place of cultists]

This ghostly place is so gloomy that it is not a good place at first glance. If you are a scum in a bloody state, don't even think about doing a dungeon. It is a wise choice to slip away as soon as possible!

In a capitalist developed country like Japan, there is such a small village without electricity in a small tourist island with many tourists?Can only light oil lamps and torches?So poor and backward?

Do you think I'm stupid?

If there is no problem with this broken place, Lin Yuanfei will take Freddy's head off and kick it as a ball!

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei led Saeko Busujima and ran back.

He was afraid to speak now, for fear that making any unnecessary noise would draw out the people in the village.

It's a pity that just after he led Saeko Busujima for a few steps, there was a sound of a car coming from a distance from the direction the two came.

In the distance, Lin Yuanfei saw the lights of cars shining at the end of the road.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuanfei dragged Saeko Busujima into the nearby woods.

But Saeko Busujima, who was led by him, did not resist him, but obediently hid in the grove with him.

I don't know if it's because Lin Yuanfei's reaction is really weird, or if she also discovered the weirdness of this small village.

Just like that, before the cars approached, Lin Yuanfei and Lin Yuanfei successfully ran into the small woods and hid.

Half a minute later, with the roar of car engines, several cars stopped at the entrance of the small village.

It stopped not far from Lin Yuanfei and the others.

Then, amidst a burst of loud laughter, some figures got out of the car one after another.

Those people didn't notice Lin Yuanfei hidden in the woods beside him, although the straight-line distance between the two sides was less than [-] meters at this time.

Lin Yuanfei hid in the darkness, frowning and listening to the conversation of this group of people.

However, to his surprise, this group of people did not discuss any evil content, and their laughter was only discussing how business is today, whether there are more tourists, and how much they have earned or lost compared to yesterday.

This group of people seems to be the group of merchants and aboriginal residents on the island.

After they got off the car, they all stood at the entrance of the small village, as if waiting for the villagers inside to open the door.

Lin Yuanfei stared at them, listening hard, trying to get any useful information from them.

However he was disappointed.

Until the group of people all entered the small village, he didn't hear anything related to the cult.

Those villagers were just talking about family problems, business losses, and planning to make more money tomorrow, and they didn't hear anything unusual at all!

Even the cars they drove over had their respective advertisements written on them.

What delicious takoyaki, the best squid barabala, is indeed just an ordinary villager on the island.

Could it be... I guessed wrong?

Lin Yuanfei looked bewildered, isn't this small village a cult base?

In the darkness, there was silence for a long time, until the group of villagers had completely disappeared, Saeko Busushima suddenly spoke.

"Why do you hide from these people?" Saeko Busujima asked, "Looking at your reaction, it's obviously not because you're simply afraid of being treated as a pervert... Besides being afraid of being treated as a pervert, what other reason do you have for hiding?" ?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuanfei felt a little strange, "Afraid of being regarded as a pervert? Me? Why? Did I do anything perverted?"

No matter how I look at it, I am a normal person, right?What kind of brain circuit are you, woman.

Lin Yuanfei felt that he was insulted.

However, before he could get angry, there was a little pulling force from the other end of the rope in his hand.

In the darkness, Saeko Busujima said, "Do you think it's normal for you to tie a girl and walk outside in the wilderness?"

Lin Yuanfei lowered his head dully, and shook the rope in his hand.

That's right... I was holding Saeko Busujima, like a slave.

Why didn't I feel weird before?

This is……

"No! Absolutely not like that!" Lin Yuanfei refused to admit it, "I am not a pervert! You perverted slut, you are the only one who has no right to call me okay? If it weren't for you, I would have come to this gloomy place Is it? It's not all your fault!"

Lin Yuanfei began to throw the pot away.

On the other end of the rope, Saeko Busujima sighed softly, looking very disappointed.

"There is no man's responsibility at all... Such a guy is really just a liar. Yan Ye was indeed deceived by you, you liar, you are not a descendant of Feitian Yujian at all."

Lin Yuanfei felt a little toothache when he heard it, "Please don't worry about the setting of Feitian Yujian, please? Be a little more normal, show your Yamato Nadeko's temperament, and don't continue to be horny, ok? We It's dangerous now!"

This broken island is haunted by cultists, don't you know that running around can easily trigger the plot?

Lin Yuanfei stood up and took a deep breath.

"Anyway, let's go first. This ghostly place is gloomy, and it gives me a bad feeling. Let's go back to the market first."

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