However, before Lin Yuanfei came, he remembered to step out, and there was another roar of cars in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a black Mercedes-Benz stopped outside the small village, and a man in a suit and leather shoes stepped out of it. He looked like an elite in the workplace, giving people a...very uncomfortable feeling.

Lin Yuanfei squatted back subconsciously—who is this guy?

In the darkness behind him came Saeko Busujima's confused murmur.

"Why is he here..."

Chapter 167 Wisteria Koichi

"Why is he here..."

The moment he heard Saeko Busujima's whisper, Lin Yuanfei quickly turned his head to look at the dark forest behind him...

He could vaguely feel Saeko Busujima's breath, and it seemed that the distance between the two was very close, but he couldn't see Saeko Busujima's face.

However, it was precisely because the distance between the two was very close that Lin Yuanfei could barely hear Saeko Busujima's whispers.

Lin Yuanfei asked in a low voice while looking at the movements of the flamboyant man in a suit.

"Do you know this guy? What does he do?"

In the darkness, Saeko Busujima was silent for a few seconds, seeming to be considering whether to answer Lin Yuanfei.

But soon, she spoke.

"Koichi Wisteria, the teacher in our school, although a lady should not judge a person at will, but..."

"Okay, I know," Lin Yuanfei said in a low voice, "I know this guy, I have heard some legends about him."

Of course, this statement is of course false.

Lin Yuanfei never had anyone in this world tell him about Wisteria Koichi.

However, this Wisteria Koichi, as the villain in the original book of Apocalypse, Hayashi Yuanfei was a little impressed.

Of course, this impression is not because this guy is so good, but just because this guy is disgusting.

In the original book, by brainwashing the stupid [beep] students on the bus, he achieved the goal of winning over the majority, establishing his own rule, and eliminating dissidents.

Of course, he is also a scumbag who can throw students out without hesitation to attract the attention of zombies and create time for himself to escape in order to escape.

A purely selfish pervert, and...has bad intentions towards school doctor Ju Chuan Shizuka.

emmmmm...Ju Chuan Shizuka in this world can be regarded as an acquaintance and teammate no matter what, and helped me a few times. Focusing on this, I can't let this scum hurt her.

After knowing the identity of Wisteria Koichi, Lin Yuanfei's expression became serious.

This guy, since he is a teacher at Chunmu High School, why did he come here?

If this is just a small village of aborigines on the island, why did Ziteng Haoyi, an outsider, come here?

Lin Yuanfei stared at Koichi Wisteria seriously, but saw that he walked straight to the entrance of the small village after getting out of the car, and knocked on the copper ring on it.

That brass ring seemed to be something like a doorbell, and the residents of the small island before came to open the door after knocking on the brass ring.

As soon as Wisteria Koichi knocked the copper ring a few times, there was a burst of loud laughter from the small village.

The group of villagers who had just entered came out again.

When the gate opened, all the villagers greeted Koichi Wisteria familiarly.

Under the light of the torch at the entrance of the village, Koichi Wisteria also nodded and smiled with the villagers with a smile.

It seems that the two sides are very familiar.

This is even more strange!

Is Wisteria Koichi also from this small island?How did he meet these islanders?

After the group of residents came out, they all returned to their cars, started their engines and left one after another.

As for Hayashi Yuanfei and Busujima Saeko, after watching Koichi Wisteria disappear in the small village, they realized that the front of the village became quiet again, only Koichi Wisteria's Mercedes was still parked on the asphalt road.

As for the other cars and islanders, they all left.

In the darkness, Saeko Busujima's whispers sounded.

"How long... are you going to stay here?" Saeko Busushima asked, "You seem to be afraid of this small village..."

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly and said, "We humans all live on a small island called ignorance in the dark ocean. This ocean is vast and contains endless secrets, but we shouldn't sail too far and explore too deep."

The implication is - don't ask so much if you shouldn't know, even if you know, you won't tell it.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei sat in the dark and waited.

Saeko Busujima didn't continue to ask, probably because she realized that it was impossible for Lin Yuanfei to tell her.

The two of them hid in the forest and remained silent for a long time. It wasn't until half an hour had passed, Lin Yuanfei was almost exhausted waiting, and the figure of Wisteria Koichi appeared at the entrance of the small village.

Several ordinary-looking villagers escorted him out, and the villagers closed the gate at the entrance of the small village until this guy left.

Under the cold moonlight, Koichi Wisteria walked straight to his Mercedes-Benz, and nothing seemed to happen.

However, with the eyes of Lin Yuanfei who has worked hard in society for many years, he can clearly see this guy's happy mood and complacency.

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