It looked like an employee who had just submitted a new investigation report and received a lot of praise from his boss.


Lin Yuanfei was silent, watching Ziteng Haoyi get into the Mercedes-Benz, and after leaving the small village, he waited for a long time.

Lin Yuanfei didn't stand up until there was no sound coming from the small village, and there were no new vehicles coming from the direction when the two came.

"Let's go."

Lin Yuanfei led Saeko Dudao out of the forest, "It's getting late, we should go back."

Lin Yuanfei looked down at his watch, it was already past ten o'clock.

Inadvertently lingering outside for so long... Hey... Am I destined to work hard?

Don't forget, I still have to recuperate!

Lin Yuanfei glared at Saeko Busujima who was behind him angrily, and roughly dragged Saeko forward quickly.

Or rather, run.

Anyway, this body is very strong. Although it can't exercise vigorously, there is no problem if it runs a little faster.

At least there is nothing wrong with crushing ordinary people.

Lin Yuanfei had resentment in his heart, so he decided to play tricks on Saeko Busujima, which was also a punishment for this perverted slut.

However, he ran for a while, and found that Saeko Busujima behind him was always able to keep up with his pace, and was not thrown too far.

Even after running for a long time, Saeko Busujima's expression was still calm and she did not show any signs of fatigue.

Lin Yuanfei was a little discouraged.

This world view is different, and it turns out that Saeko Busushima has also been strengthened!

After running for more than ten minutes in a row, you still don't blush or breathe?Are you a professional athlete?

Lin Yuanfei's pace began to quicken.

It wasn't until they returned to the market that Saeko Busujima's panting finally came from behind.

It seems that although this senior sister has been strengthened, there is a limit.

However, it took more than [-] minutes of continuous long-distance running before she started to breathe. This Saeko Busujima's physical fitness is a bit inhuman.

Lin Yuanfei, who ran all the way, still blushing and not panting, thought so.

Slowing down, Lin Yuanfei walked into the market with Saeko Busujima who was panting gently.

Then, he was stunned.

no... nobody?

what's the situation?

Looking at the market in front of him with a look of astonishment, it was clearly a lively and lively market with people coming and going a few hours ago, but now it seems to be abandoned, empty, and no pedestrians can be seen.

Only the dim street lamp light fell silently on Lin Yuanfei's body.

It looks like a puppet singing a one-man show.

And in front of his eyes was an empty... empty city where no one could be seen?

Chapter 168 Fingers

At [-]:[-] in the evening, there was no pedestrian in the empty market.

The street lamps on the side of the road were silently on, but even the mosquitoes circling around the lights could not be seen.

The streets that were once bustling and bustling with people a few hours ago are now deserted and dead.

All the gates on the side of the street are all ajar, and some are even open, welcoming all guests.

The signboards of each shop are hung on the eaves, and the characteristic wind chime signboards of Toromijima tremble slightly in the night wind, making a pleasant and crisp sound.

Everything here looks the same as before.

All the shops have their doors open, and a few of them are only concealed, without any abnormality at all.

Even the fountain in the center of the small square, the shining neon lights on the side of the road, the barbecue grills in the grilled fish shop, the dolls at the entrance of the hot spring hotel... everything has maintained the same as before, maintaining the lively and prosperous appearance .

Brightly lit and bustling.

...It's just that I can't see any pedestrians.

In the empty and dead market, only the soft ringing of the wind chime signs hanging at the door of the shops can be heard.

However, in such a silent and empty market, the originally pleasant and crisp sound of wind chimes inexplicably gave people a creepy feeling of coldness.

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

"Hey, hey..." Taking a step back silently, Lin Yuanfei stared at the desolate market like a ghost town in front of him, and murmured, "Is this market on Torijima so desolate? Or is it everyone?" Where did you go to watch the excitement?"

Behind him, Saeko Busushima also frowned.

"Not right..."

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