Saeko Busujima said, "The market on Torishima Island is said to be bustling all night, and the shops will not be closed until four or five in the morning. And even if they are closed, these shops should all be closed. Why do they all open their doors? , but can’t see any living people? Where have all those businesses gone?”

Lin Yuanfei stared at the surrounding environment firmly, guarding against possible attacks in the dark.

At the same time, with a light pull of both hands, Saeko Busujima was pulled in front of her, untied her hands, and returned the white oak wooden knife that she had seized earlier.

"The situation is unknown, let's form a team temporarily."

Lin Yuanfei held his own wooden knife and said, "Something weird happened on this island."

Saeko Busushima shook the wooden knife in her hand, probably looking for the feel.

Then her eyes wandered in the market, "It's very strange... Such a big market, such a big island, with so many residents and tourists, how could it be impossible to say nothing. We have only left less than three Hours, and now no one can see it... What happened in these three hours?"

Lin Yuanfei stood at the entrance of the bazaar, thought for a while, took a few steps back, and exited the bazaar.

"Don't go in yet, this place is very wrong."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Let's investigate on the outside first. This market looks so weird. It's better not to get close until the situation is unknown. If you enter randomly, you may be tricked."

Saeko Busujima also nodded in agreement.

"Good advice, very sensible."

Saying that, the two exited the market area at the same time, hiding in the surrounding dark shadows.

Outside the buildings tens of meters away, there is a once bustling market, but now it is empty.

Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Saeko looked around vigilantly, trying to find clues or traces of living people.

However, no.

This huge Toomijima market, once a small town that never sleeps, is now empty.

The two waited and hid in the darkness outside the market for a long time, but they didn't see any trace of a living person, nor did they hear any strange sounds.

A huge small town seemed to be completely dead, dead silent.

Lin Yuanfei took out his mobile phone and found that the signal of the mobile phone turned to zero at some point, and there was no signal at all.

He looked back at Saeko Busujima, but Saeko Busujima also shook his head. It seemed that Saeko Busujima's cell phone had no signal either.

Obviously the signal was full before, why suddenly there is no signal on the mobile phone?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the deserted town in front of him, and his heart was full of anxiety.

Sure enough, there is a problem with this ghostly place, and it has suddenly become like this. What about the original residents?And what about the tourists?Where have they all gone?

Yuki, Makoto, Yanye, Shizuka-san, and that sick girl Yuno... Where are these guys now?

Lin Yuanfei's heart was filled with uneasiness and anxiety.

As for Saeko Busujima, it seems that she also has someone she is worried about.

The two hid in the darkness and watched for a long time, but they didn't find any figures or abnormalities.

Finally, they decided to walk around the perimeter of the bazaar to see if they could find anything.

But compared with the smooth road in the market, the periphery of the market is a bit bumpy.

The jagged rocks, the domestic garbage in the dark corners, the thick weeds, the headache bushes... these things made the two walk very slowly.

At this time in Japan, the rectification of domestic waste has not yet reached the twisted level of the later generations, where even throwing a mineral water bottle should be divided into three parts and thrown into three classified trash cans. In the dark corners of these houses and buildings, there are many domestic wastes. .

The two moved carefully along the way, but they didn't meet anyone along the way.

A few times, the two accidentally touched or stepped on garbage such as cans, making harsh noises. They thought it was a bad thing, but there was still silence in the silent market.

No one came out to see what was going on, and no monsters were attracted to eat people.

Quietness, silence, and silence seem to have become the theme of this world, and the two of them can only hear the whistling cold sea breeze in their ears.

And the wind seems to be getting stronger...

When the two circled around the small half of the market, they came near the pier.

This is the place where Lin Yuanfei landed, and it is also the only way for the residents of the island to leave.

However, standing under the dim street light, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

At the entrance of the pier, under the dim light, a pool of dark red blood appeared in his vision.

The salty sea breeze was blowing in front of him, and the dark red blood seemed to be drying up, without any fluctuations.

However, the gloomy and disgusting color has always given people a very unpleasant feeling.

Lin Yuanfei stood beside the pool of blood and squatted down.

A severed finger, lying quietly in a pool of blood, seemed to be silently watching him...

Chapter 169 Old guy, you are useless

In the empty and deserted pier, no pedestrians could be seen.

The small pier of this tourist island is neither bustling nor messy.

On both sides of the wooden bridge leading to the boat mooring, the dim street lights stretched Lin Yuanfei's shadow on the ground very long.

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