Then, she lowered her head and saw clearly where Lin Yuanfei was bitten by her.

Scarlet blood seeped out on the bandage.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her with embarrassment, "Is it a good bite? The blood is coming out!"

The little girl stared blankly at Lin Yuanfei's right hand, as if she had lost her mind.

"Blood...blood...blood..." The little girl murmured blankly, and three seconds later, she rolled her eyes and passed out.

The small body collapsed directly in front of Lin Yuanfei.

Saeko Busujima on the side was full of surprise, "Your blood still has drug effect?"

Lin Yuanfei almost vomited blood, "Drug addicted fart! It's clear that this little girl is dizzy! Enough is enough...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what's the matter?"

Lin Yuanfei looked down at the unconscious little girl at his feet, feeling a little headache.

"Isn't there no one in this shitty place? How could there be a kid here? Where's her parents? No one cares? Are the residents of the island still tourists?"

Saeko Busujima thought for two seconds and said, "She was calling her parents for help just now, could it be that her parents are nearby?"

Lin Yuanfei looked around, feeling very strange, "There is no one... If her parents are nearby, it is impossible not to come here? And she shouted so loudly just now, if there are people in the market, more or less Will you come over to see what happened?"

Saeko Busujima also looked around. Indeed, the market was still deserted, and there was no living person in sight.

It was as quiet as a deserted ghost town.

Even the heart-piercing cry of the little girl just now couldn't attract anyone.

Lin Yuanfei had a headache, "Where did the residents of the small island go? They shouldn't be going to some evil gathering, right? That's why you left this little girl here? Because she's not old enough?"

Saeko Busujima thought about it, shaking her head, "It's unlikely... Even if we want to stay, it's impossible to keep only one little girl here. With such a big Toromijima, it's impossible for the whole island to have only one child, right?"

Lin Yuanfei looked down at the unconscious little girl at his feet, and said, "It doesn't matter, let's take her away first. Get out of this gloomy place, find a corner and ask her what's going on, at worst. Send her back when you're done."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei knelt down and prepared to hug the little girl.

At this time, a dry cough came from behind him.

"Then what... Mr. Lin Yuan, it's not good for you to do this."

Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded by the familiar voice.

The moment I turned around, I saw Brother Cheng helplessly standing not far behind him, and said, "Are you a lolicon?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the sudden appearance of Brother Cheng, surprised and delighted.

"Brother Cheng? Why are you here?" Lin Yuanfei asked in surprise, "What happened on this small island? Why did everyone disappear?"

Brother Cheng looked at the direction of the stairs at the end of the market. It seemed that there was some terrifying ghost there, with a scared expression on his face.

After sneakily looking around, Brother Cheng said in a low voice.

"Don't worry about it so much, hurry up. Those guys are probably coming soon, hurry up! Let's talk when we get to a safe place!"

After speaking, Brother Cheng ran away first, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Lin Yuanfei and Saeko Busujima looked at each other, then picked up the little girl on the ground and followed.

The three of them finally disappeared in this empty and deserted street.

In the deserted market, only the wind chimes were blown by the gloomy wind, and the melodious sound of the wind chimes sounded.

But it looks eerie, weird, and terrifying...

Author's message:

ps: There are only three updates today, and the plot is progressing too fast recently (mainly because the update is too fast), I need to sort out my thoughts and leave a little buffer time, so...

Tomorrow five more

Chapter 174 Brother Cheng's Experience

At midnight, there was no one in the sky on the quiet island, only the howling wind tore everything in sight.

In a dark corner, Lin Yuanfei carried the unconscious little girl on his shoulders, and together with Saeko Busujima, he followed Brother Cheng and left the weird and deserted market.

However, within a few steps of the two of them, Lin Yuanfei discovered something strange.

"Brother Cheng? Are you injured?"

In Lin Yuanfei's field of vision, Brother Cheng kept covering his lower abdomen, and even limped when he walked.

In the dim light, Brother Cheng's expression could not be seen clearly, but Lin Yuanfei vaguely heard Brother Cheng's painful low gasp.

Brother Cheng glanced back at the direction of the market, and murmured, "This is not a place to talk, let's leave first, there is an abandoned hut in front, let's go inside and talk in detail."

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, and could only follow Brother Cheng.

He noticed a detail, that is, Brother Cheng secretly glanced at the direction of the agency from time to time.

At the end of the bazaar, there is a ladder that spreads straight up.

At the end of the stairs, in the area near the top of the mountain, is the Toromi Shrine on Toromi Island.

Although it was dark in the early hours of midnight, the direction of the shrine was still brightly lit like the market at the foot of the mountain.

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