Brother Cheng's small movements of looking at the shrine from time to time exposed his anxiety and uneasiness.

After noticing this, Lin Yuanfei frowned.

Is there anything weird about that shrine?

In confusion, the three finally came to the abandoned hut that Brother Cheng had mentioned.

It was a low and dilapidated thatched hut standing alone by the sea, backed by mountains and dark forests, and no living person or other buildings could be seen around it.

Moreover, this thatched cottage didn't even have a door panel, it was ventilated everywhere, low and dilapidated, and it was unknown who built it here.

Brother Cheng took a vigilant look around before quickly entering the small thatched cottage.

Lin Yuanfei and the two also followed in.

As soon as he entered the thatched hut, Brother Cheng seemed to have lost all his strength, and sat powerlessly in the corner, leaning against the wall, panting weakly.

"It should be safe here."

Brother Cheng panted, and said, "Those guys can't find it here for the time being, so don't worry."

Lin Yuanfei was a little confused, "Those guys? Who are those guys?"

"Uh... don't you know, Lin Yuan?" Brother Cheng looked astonished, "Didn't you tell me to be careful about the cultists on this island? Of course those guys refer to the cultists you mentioned!"

Lin Yuanfei looked embarrassed, "It turns out that there are really cultists on this broken island... Cough cough cough... Brother Cheng, can you tell me the specific situation? What about the others? Why did everyone in the market No?"

Brother Cheng panted and said, "The thing is actually like this..."

However, just as Brother Cheng spoke, Lin Yuanfei interrupted him suddenly.

"Don't rush to chat, Brother Cheng, I think you seem to be injured? Is it serious?"

With that said, Lin Yuanfei took out a flashlight from his backpack and illuminated Brother Cheng in the room.

Then, Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded.

"Fuck?!! What's going on?"

At this time, Brother Cheng was sitting weakly in the corner, his face was pale, his lips were dry, and he was covered in cold sweat.

On his student uniform, there was red and sticky blood all over his body, and it was tattered. It was obvious that there was more than one injury.

At this time, Brother Cheng was clutching his lower abdomen. It seemed that the injury there was the most serious.

And on his left thigh, there was obviously a knife wound. Although it was not very serious, under the light of the light, flesh and blood had rolled out.

It looks very scary.

Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded, "How can you run around with such a serious injury? Brother Cheng, are you dying?"

As he spoke, he quickly put down his backpack, and took out bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and hemostatic medicine from the backpack.

This guy was seriously injured every time he ran a dungeon. This time he prepared first aid medicine in advance, but unexpectedly used it on Brother Cheng.

Putting the unconscious little girl in the corner to let her sleep by herself, Lin Yuanfei asked Saeko Busujima to help him hold the flashlight for lighting, and then began to clean the wound, apply medicine, and wrap bandages for Brother Cheng in the light provided by the flashlight.

Brother Cheng was surprised that Lin Yuanfei took out the wound medicine bandage from his backpack so skillfully.

"Lin Yuan, where did you get these things?"

Lin Yuanfei raised his bandaged right hand and sighed, "You have become a good doctor after a long illness... Let's not talk about it, Brother Cheng, you lift up your clothes first, and I will treat your wound."

After Brother Cheng lifted up his clothes, Lin Yuanfei saw the wound on Brother Cheng's lower abdomen. Although it was not very deep, the blood kept flowing, so it shouldn't be too scary.

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "How did you get these injuries?"

With that said, Lin Yuanfei began to wash Brother Cheng's wound and apply medicine.

Brother Cheng felt the sourness of hydrogen peroxide cleaning the wound, while gasping for air from the pain, he spoke intermittently.

"At around nine o'clock, the government's rescue ship suddenly arrived at the pier, saying that a super typhoon was about to make landfall, and asked everyone to evacuate urgently."

"There were not many people on the island, and everyone was quickly evacuated to the boat to leave."

"But on the way to evacuate, I met Shizuka-sensei, she said that you and Bujima-senpai were not in the queue of students, and I couldn't find you in the crowd. I was worried that you didn't receive the notice and didn't know that the typhoon was coming. , so I decided to stay and look for you and Bujima-senpai."

"Because there is a small refuge on the island, although it can't accommodate too many people, it is no problem to accommodate one or two more people, so the teacher who led the team agreed to the request left by Teacher Shizuka. But Teacher Shizuka is a girl after all. , out of safety considerations, and I know you well, so I also stayed with Shizuka-sensei to look for you and Busujima-senpai."

"But the signal base station on the island was damaged for some reason tonight. We couldn't reach you by phone, so we decided to ask the residents of the island for help, but we didn't expect..."

Speaking of this, Brother Cheng seemed to have thought of some horrible picture, and couldn't help swallowing, feeling a little frightened.

"After everyone left, all the residents of this island put on strange uniforms. When Shizuka-san and I went to find them, the originally amiable residents seemed to have changed into different people."

"They took out dangerous items such as kitchen knives and axes, and they actually wanted to force Teacher Shizuka to go with them, but ignored our request."

"But how can anyone bring a knife and an axe when asking others? Of course we don't agree! At this time, those guys finally tore off their hypocritical masks, and with a grinning grin, they wanted to kidnap Teacher Shizuka forcibly."

"During the fight, in order to cover Shizuka-sensei from escaping, I was hacked like this by those guys."

Brother Cheng smiled helplessly, and said, "If there wasn't a trash can nearby for me to hide in, I would probably be hacked to death by those guys..."

Chapter 175 Only one power left

"If it wasn't for the fact that there was a trash can nearby for me to hide in, I would probably be hacked to death by those guys..."

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