After Brother Cheng finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei was a little speechless.

This... Brother Cheng is using his life to flirt with girls!

Although Brother Cheng in the original book is not a bad person, he is still ten Elm Streets away from this kind of self-sacrificing fearlessness.

And the reason why Cheng is so desperate and indecisive and cowardly... Don't think about it, he must be confused by Ju Chuan Shizuka's female son.

In order to flirt with the younger sister, Brother Cheng is going all out!

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless.

Saeko Busujima on the side asked nervously, "What about Miss Shizuka? Has she been caught?"

Brother Cheng glanced at her and shook his head, "I don't know, probably not... At least I bought enough time for Teacher Shizuka to escape, she should be hiding somewhere on this island now. As long as you are not stupid, It's not so easy to be caught by those cultists."

However, after hearing these words, Lin Yuanfei's heart skipped a beat.

If you're not stupid... How high of an IQ do you expect from a naturally stupid cow?

Brother Cheng, do you have any misunderstanding about that Ju Chuan Shizuka?Not every beauty with big breasts is as beautiful and intelligent as Saeko Busujima in front of you!

The term "big breasts and no brains" is used on Ju Chuan Shizuka, and there is no sense of disobedience at all!

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, thinking that Ju Chuan Shizuka might be in danger.

Saeko Busujima also lowered her head, with a gloomy expression on her face.

Obviously, she also knows that Ju Chuan Shizuka is unreliable...

In the room, there was silence for a few seconds before Lin Yuanfei continued to ask.

"Then what happened later? Brother Cheng, how did you find us?"

Brother Cheng was very helpless about this.

"I kept hiding in that trash can and didn't dare to go out. Later, I found out that all the residents on the island had changed into that weird cult uniform, and then left their respective shops and went to the shrine on the mountain to gather."

"I hid in the trash can and didn't know what happened. I just vaguely heard what they said about sacrifices, gods and the like... eh..."

Brother Cheng said with an ugly expression on his face, "And a disgusting thing happened in the middle."

"What?" Lin Yuanfei, who was treating the wound, looked up, a little strange, "The group of cultists held a group X meeting?"

Brother Cheng's face turned pale, "It's much more disgusting and terrifying than that... Do you remember Rei Miyamoto? The childhood sweetheart in Xiaoshi, the girl who introduced you to live on Elm Street."

Lin Yuanfei's eyes narrowed, "'s been a long time since this name..."

A cold light flashed in Lin Yuanfei's eyes, "What happened to that woman?"

Saeko Busujima, who knew that Lin Yuanfei and Rei Miyamoto had a holiday, couldn't help but glance at Lin Yuanfei, but Brother Cheng didn't notice Lin Yuanfei's abnormality at all, and said to himself.

"I thought I was the only student who stayed on the island, but I didn't expect that girl to stay on the island."

"But she seems to have been kidnapped by those cultists and forced to stay on the island."

"When the group of cultists started to gather in the direction of the shrine, a group of cultists escorted Rei Miyamoto out. That scene looked so miserable..."

"I don't know how much Miyamoto Rei has suffered at their hands. She is covered in injuries and is still wearing a hospital gown. It is estimated that Miyamoto Rei's disappearance is caused by these cultists."

"They escorted Rei Miyamoto to the direction of the pier. I hid in the trash can and didn't dare to move. I didn't know what happened. I only heard Rei Miyamoto's screams coming from the direction of the pier."

"By the time those guys dragged Miyamoto Rei back, one of Miyamoto's fingers was gone, and there was still a lot of blood left. She was roughly dragged towards the shrine by the group of cultists."

Speaking of this, Brother Cheng's expression was a little terrified, "I was so scared that I didn't dare to move, I didn't dare to make a sound, I could only watch those guys drag Miyamoto Rei away, and then there was no one in the whole town I didn’t dare to come out. I didn’t expect that after a while, I could faintly hear your voice. After hesitating for a while, I dared to crawl out and go over to have a look quietly. I didn’t expect that it was really you, Lin Yuan.”

Brother Cheng panted, and let Lin Yuanfei bandage up the wound on his left leg, then smiled weakly.

"Lin Yuan, it's great that you're fine... To be honest, I always thought that you and Sister Budao were captured by those cultists."

"Where have you all been during this time? Why didn't you evacuate together? And didn't you come together in the morning? Why did you appear on the island? How did you come here?"

Brother Cheng asked a series of questions.

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, and said, "After I heard that there might be cultists on the island, I didn't feel at ease no matter what I thought about it, so I asked my friends to send me to the island. I just didn't expect to meet this person when I came here." This kind of thing... eh... really helpless."

Lin Yuanfei said, "The situation is so dangerous now, let's find a way to get Miss Jingxiang back."

This is Lin Yuanfei's only thought at the moment.

After thinking about it for a while, he asked a more concerned question, "Brother Cheng, did you see my wife Yuki in Class C? When we evacuated, did she evacuate together?"

Brother Cheng thought for a few seconds, then shook his head.

"I didn't pay attention... But she should have evacuated together, right? The team of Class C is not with us, and I didn't see her."

Lin Yuanfei touched his chin, feeling a little toothache.

Yuki, that silly girl, should obediently go back with the army...

Now there is no mobile phone signal, and I can't contact her.

Lin Yuanfei was full of worries.

Just when he was about to continue to ask some other questions, there was a loud and noisy sound outside the low, dilapidated small thatched cottage.

"There are bloodstains... There are lights over there! People are there! Tell the priest!"

"Found it! The man escaped to the beach house!"

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