Next, there was the sound of footsteps approaching quickly.

Lin Yuanfei and Saeko Busujima looked at each other for a second, and they rushed out immediately.

Under the dark night, five or six cultists in strange uniforms surrounded them from all directions.

Every cultist holds a sharp weapon in his hand.

The moment they saw Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Saeko, the group of cultists were full of surprise.

"There are still tourists stranded?"

In the strong wind, Lin Yuanfei held the handle of the samurai sword calmly and sighed softly.

"It's really leaking in the house and it's raining all night... My right hand is crippled and I'm injured all over my body. I only have a little bit of success left. Sister Busujima, I can only rely on you from now on."

Chapter 176

In the night wind, under the dark sky, around this hut built on a remote seaside, six black-clad cultists came hunting.

In their hands, they held all kinds of common sharp weapons.

Kitchen knives, fire axes, harpoons... If these weapons were taken out by a single person, it might seem ridiculous.

However, in today's scene, it gives people a creepy sense of oppression.

After all, Brother Cheng, who was covered in blood in the room, was cut by these guys...

With Lin Yuanfei's left hand, he silently grasped the handle of Jigengxian Dongyue.

His eyes glanced coldly at the group of guys in front of him.

Six people, each cultist wearing a very strange black uniform.

That kind of uniform was completely black, covering the body from the neck down like a sack, with some kind of hideous pattern tattooed on it—unfortunately, under the dim moonlight, it was not very clear.

Every cultist wears a strange mask on his head.

The mask can only cover the upper half of the face above the nose, making it look like half a skull is covering the head.

In the violent sea breeze, six skulls came from all directions, and Lin Yuanfei felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

——Is the boss of this group of cultists called Cirvanas?

After the two sides had a face-to-face meeting, the leader of the group of cultists was a little taken aback.

"Are there any other tourists stranded?"

Obviously, the person who came out was not the person they were looking for, which made the group of cultists a little surprised.

But someone reminded him.

"Bloodstains! The bloodstains have spread all the way here, that guy is definitely hiding inside!"

Hearing this, the cult leader shone the light of his flashlight on the entrance of the hut.

Indeed, at the door of the thatched cottage, there were spots of blood left behind.

That was left by Brother Cheng.

The moment they saw the blood, several cult members got closer.

The leader of the cult asked, "Sir, and lady, is there anyone in the cottage behind you? Sorry, we are chasing a fleeing robber who was on the island while the tourists were evacuating." Robbery, let him escape during the fight, we have to take him back and hand him over to the police, can you two make room?"

The leader of the cult said, "If you cover the criminal, you will be punished together with the criminal."

Obviously, this group of cultists thought that Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Saeko were stranded tourists who entered indiscriminately, and they didn't want to provoke them.

It's a pity that the person in the room is Brother Cheng, how could Lin Yuanfei listen to their nonsense and hand over Brother Cheng.

Sighing lightly, Lin Yuanfei said, "Fortunately, there are not many of you, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei slowly pulled out the bellflower fairy Dongyue with his left hand.

The sharp blade of the samurai sword reflected a cold light in the moonlight.

Lin Yuanfei said slowly, "Senior sister, come to this wave of soldiers, and I will assist you."

Saeko Busushima smiled and rushed out.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin Yuan, I won't let you down."

In the strong wind, Saeko Busujima's long skirt bloomed in mid-air like a blooming flower bud.

The slender and white legs under the skirt disappeared in the eyes of the nearest cultist. Before that cultist had time to see the beauty of the purple stockings, the white oak wooden knife fell heavily.


Amidst the shrill screams, the cultist took a step back subconsciously, but Saeko Busushima's wooden knife fell again, directly hitting his right hand.

Amidst the screams, the cultist's weapon came out of his hand and fell into the grass.

And the other cultists also rushed over angrily.

"Catch them!"

The cultists roared, waving their weapons and surrounded them.

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