Seeing such a scene, Lin Yuanfei shook his head helplessly.

"Senior sister, senior sister, you better stop showing mercy..."

Saeko Busujima's wooden knife can even blow the heads of zombies, so it's obvious that she hasn't used her full strength now.

But this is also normal. In her eyes, these cultists are all living people, and they can't fight zombies like the original book without psychological pressure.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuanfei swayed a cold light from his hand.

"Although there is only one success, but fortunately there are not many people, it is enough to deal with you trash fish..."

As the voice fell, Platycodon grandiflorum Xian Dongyue slid across the chest of the leader of the cult, and crimson blood gushed out like a fountain.

Amidst the screams of this cultist, Lin Yuanfei swung his blade indifferently, and cut off the right hand of another cultist.

While half of the human hand flew into the sky, the sharp blade turned again and pierced the chest of another cultist heavily.

Within three seconds, three figures fell to the ground screaming.

The two remaining cultists stunned, then ran away screaming.

But Lin Yuanfei did not let go of their thoughts, and rushed directly to the nearest cultist.

The bellflower fairy Dongyue came first, and ruthlessly chopped down on the backs of the cultists.

In the splash of blood, the cultist screamed and fell to the ground, struggling vigorously, but he could only squirm his body with difficulty, unable to continue running.

On the other side, the last cultist had already run ten meters away.

Seeing that he was about to be further distanced by the opponent, Lin Yuanfei indifferently raised the samurai sword in his hand and threw it vigorously.

Under the night sky, the cold light flashed away, and the cultist screamed and fell to the ground, the sharp samurai sword directly piercing his chest.

Like his companion, he wriggled in pain in the grass, and the platycodon splendor Dongyue stuck on his back stood silently in the darkness like a tombstone.

On the other side, Saeko Busujima finally knocked down the cultist to the ground, and after looking back to see what happened here, she frowned subconsciously.

Under the cold moonlight, Lin Yuanfei walked beside those screaming and wriggling cult members.

Like strolling in the courtyard, Lin Yuanfei walked to the farthest cultist, and pulled out the knife stuck in the opponent's body.

The moment the knife was pulled out, more blood gushed out like a fountain, and some even splashed on Lin Yuanfei's feet.

Yet he remained unmoved.

Looking back at Saeko Busujima's expression, she was still smiling, as if nothing had happened.

"Sister, your movements are a little slow..."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, and gently shook off the blood on the blade, throwing all the blood stained on the samurai sword to the ground.

Then, the long knife returned to its sheath.

Under the moonlight, Lin Yuanfei's smile was bright.

"Next time, don't keep your hands on these cultists."

"You keep your hands from them, but they may not keep your hands from you..."

Amid Lin Yuanfei's sigh, Saeko Busushima took a step back with a cold expression.

Subconsciously... He clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

Chapter 177 Not the Bad Guy Lin Yuanfei

The gust of wind at the seaside is getting stronger and stronger, and it even gives people a feeling that they are about to stand unsteadily.

Next to the noisy abandoned hut, the noise lasted less than half a minute and ended.

Lin Yuanfei retracted the knife and put it back into its sheath, not paying attention to Saeko Busujima's reaction.

He went straight to the leader of the cult.

On the soft grass, this guy was still struggling in pain, clutching his chest and let out a low scream.

It's a pity that the knife cut by Lin Yuanfei almost traversed his entire torso, and it was impossible to cover it all with a mere palm.

He clutched it desperately, but the blood still kept flowing out.

The faces of the cultists became paler and paler.

When Lin Yuanfei stopped beside him, he subconsciously raised his head with a look of horror.

"You... who are you?"

Although Lin Yuanfei was injured, his speed and reaction were still far superior to ordinary people.

This group of cultists didn't even have time to resist, they were hacked to the ground by Lin Yuanfei.

At this moment, he looked at Lin Yuanfei with horror in his eyes.

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly and said, "It seems that your situation is not good, and you have already called for reinforcements just now, so the time left for us is running out, so let's make a long story short."

"I ask, you answer, if you dare to tell lies or don't answer, I will chop you up directly... Do you understand?"

Lin Yuanfei asked, "You guys, are you going to hold some cult ceremony in the shrine tonight?"

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