However, the cold wind blew by, and the figure of the little girl laughed and disappeared.

Lin Yuan flew into the air.

At the same time, the figure of Xiao Zhenzi appeared behind Brother Cheng, stroking Brother Cheng's shoulder with a smile.

"What a handsome little brother, what a pity, he is about to die..."


A cold light flashed, and the long knife was unsheathed.

Bellflower Fairy Dongyue turned into a ray of cold light and flew out across Brother Cheng's cheek.

However, the cold wind pierced the bones, and Xiao Zhenzi's figure disappeared again. Kikyo Xiandongyue heavily inserted into the wall behind Brother Cheng, making a piercing sound of blade trembling.

"Hey...that's really dangerous..."

In the dark corner, the figure of the little girl appeared out of thin air.

She kept patting her chest, seeming very frightened, "I was almost hit by big's really dangerous."

In the biting cold wind, the little girl raised her head and looked at Lin Yuanfei a few meters away, with a pure and ridiculous smile on her face.

"Big brother, your left-handed swordsmanship is really powerful, and you really can't relax your vigilance at all."

Lin Yuanfei took a step back subconsciously, clenched the wooden knife in his hand, his face was livid.

This little Sadako... teleportation?

Inside the thermos, Freddy's roar came.

"I know! This guy is not a human or a ghost! She is a rebirth of a vengeful spirit! An evil thing that regains a human body by special means after death! A disgusting thing that surpasses humans and evil spirits!"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei's heart shuddered, and he immediately thought of the plot in the original movie.

Yamamura Sadako impregnated Koya Mai by attacking the egg cells of a girl named Koya Mai, and then grew rapidly within a week, and came back to the world through Koya Mai's childbirth.

So the little girl in front of me is also something similar?Rebirth by borrowing?

Lin Yuanfei was about to continue asking Freddy, when Sadako in the corner turned gloomy.

"It's annoying Ojisan... the guy in the thermos, do you think you're smart?"

In an instant, Lin Yuanfei felt a chill in his heart, and retreated subconsciously.

But it's too late.

The moment the little girl disappeared without a sound, his shoulders sank slightly, and the little girl in a white dress silently sat on his shoulders.

Straight away, he reached for the thermos in his backpack.

"Aside from Sadako's video tape, brother, there are other interesting things in your backpack."

The little girl sat on his shoulder, swayed her little feet happily, and said with a smile.

However, there was such a terrifying creature sitting on his shoulders, and he could feel the terrifying aura of the opponent's body close at hand. The instinct to survive made Lin Yuanfei's hair stand on end and his scalp tingle.

Without hesitation, he chopped out the wooden knife in his left hand.

"Let go!"

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, while rolling over, trying to shake the little girl out.

However, his body turned somersault in mid-air, and the little girl on his shoulder remained indifferent, as if stuck to his shoulder, and grabbed the thermos bottle inserted in the pocket net of the backpack without the slightest influence.

Roughly pulled it out.

Smiling and shaking the thermos in his hand, the figure of the little girl disappeared silently on Lin Yuanfei's shoulder.

"Ojisan, who talks a lot, do you have any last words?"

A few meters away, Sadako stood in the dark, shaking the thermos in her hand and making a rattling sound, saying, "If you don't have one, I'll send you downstairs."

Seeing such a scene, Lin Yuanfei roared angrily.


In the thermos, Freddy screamed anxiously.

"Let me out if you have the ability! Let's fight head-on! Uncle Freddy will make you feel good, you bitch!"

In response, the little girl smiled and shook her head.

"Speaking such shameless words to the little lady, Ojisang, you are really a hopeless pervert... Die, trash."

The little girl's eyes turned cold, and she squeezed hard.


Amidst the sound of blood splattering, sharp blades emerged from her chest.

Time seemed to freeze.

Everyone stared blankly at all this, with a look of shock on their faces.

Brother Cheng in the dark didn't know when he touched the little girl's back...or in other words, the direction in which the little girl moved was right in front of him.

So, he just pulled out Lin Yuanfei's samurai sword stuck on the wall, and pierced the little figure in front of him with all his strength.

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