Everyone's expressions froze at the moment of shock.

Fuck!Brother Cheng, you are cheating!

Chapter 182 This Wave Is Not Losing

The sharp samurai sword cruelly pierced the little girl's body.

A bloody blade protruded from that delicate and fragile chest.

Scarlet blood kept gushing out.

The little girl's expression froze at the moment of being attacked.

She lowered her head in disbelief, looking at the blade protruding from her chest, her eyes gradually became...


"It really is a disgusting maggot, it should have been trampled to death sooner."

The little girl's expression was gloomy and indifferent.

It was obviously just a seven or eight-year-old girl, but at that moment, everyone present had an illusion, as if standing in front of them was a strange adult woman with black hair and a long skirt.

The cold and indifferent murmur was creepy.

"Sadako was injured, and you have to kill your whole family to make up for it!"

The eerie wind reappeared in the dark space again.

Lin Yuanfei rushed out, roaring angrily.

"Brother Cheng, run!"

But it's too late.

The figure of the little girl disappeared in front of Makoto Ito.

The bloody blade lost its target of penetration, and only drops of scarlet blood dripped down.

Brother Cheng held the samurai sword that had lost its target in a daze, and subconsciously ran a step forward.

But a white and delicate little hand has gently protruded from behind him and grabbed his arm.

——Break it hard!


Amid Makoto Ito's shrill screams, his entire right hand was twisted into a terrifying appearance.

The little girl who moved instantly appeared behind him silently, with a gloomy expression.

"Go and die first..."

A gloomy whisper came from the little girl's mouth, "I will send your family to reunite with you later!"

At this time, Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Saeko were both rushing towards Brother Cheng.

But the distance between them is five meters away.

The little girl's white hands had already touched Brother Cheng's neck.

A carefree sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.


Her hand fell down.

Lin Yuanfei was three meters away from her.

In the cold wind, Brother Cheng's expression was distorted by panic and pain.

Three meters away, Lin Yuanfei, who was covered in wounds, roared angrily and clenched his teeth like a madman.

Feitian Yujianliu!

Blood began to overflow from under the bandage.

Pain, tearing through every wound in his body, seemed to tear apart his consciousness.

But he still roared and rushed out.

Without the slightest scruples, without any hold back.

The wooden knife that slays demons is held tightly by the bandaged right hand.

The unique move of nine strikes in one instant reappeared in Yan.

Nine-headed dragon flash!

In the darkness, the figure of Lin Yuanfei and Brother Cheng crossed each other.

The little girl with a startled expression flew out in the darkness.

Even a wooden knife with no sharpness, and a nine-headed dragon that strikes nine times in an instant, are not something a human body can bear.

The little girl groaned in pain, her small body fell heavily in a corner a few meters away, and she struggled to get up, her eyes were venomous.

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