Yuno said with a cold expression.

It seems that this girl named my wife Yuno is full of disgust for things like cultists.

Lin Yuanfei heaved a sigh of relief after hearing their general experience.

Unlike Lin Yuanfei's heart-stirring twists and turns, Yuki and the others found an excuse to sneak away after discovering the abnormality of the residents.

Later, I got some useful information from a cult member caught by the roadside.

As for how Yuno tortured that cultist, Lin Yuanfei didn't want to delve into it, for fear of losing his San value.

Instead, after he talked about the general situation here, the two sides finally reached a preliminary information sharing.

Of course, out of some considerations, Lin Yuanfei deliberately blurred the relationship between him and Saeko Busujima.

After all, he still has to use Saeko Busujima as a shield. If my wife and sister find out that nothing happened between him and Saeko Busujima, wouldn’t they just stop doing everything?

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said after finishing talking about what happened to Brother Cheng being taken away.

"Sadako Yamamura said she was waiting for us at the bottom of the well. That well is probably the one that appeared in the video tape."

"According to the information we have so far, this Yamamura Sadako was a superpower before her death, but her father injected the smallpox virus with her father because of the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, and then dumped her body in a dry well. This is also what appeared in the video."

"But Sadako Yamamura didn't die completely. After her death, her resentment persisted and she became a terrifying grieving ghost. And because of the smallpox virus, she gained a strange ability to spread."

"That video tape is the medium through which she spreads her power. As long as you watch that video tape, you will be targeted by her. After seven days, Sadako Yamamura will climb out and kill this unlucky guy."

"However, there is an accident now. It is clear that before the seventh day, Sadako Yamamura has crawled out, and she crawled out with a living body. Freddy said that she was reborn from a vengeful spirit, that is to say, She obtained a human body by some means, and my demon-killing wooden knife can no longer harm her."

"The only fortunate thing is that her human body can be injured just like ordinary humans, and we may be able to find a breakthrough point from here."

"As for the well in her mouth, it should be the dry well where her body was abandoned. She dragged Brother Cheng there, trying to force us to rescue Brother Cheng."

"In other words, we now have two teammates tied up."

"One is Ju Chuan Shizuka who was kidnapped by cultists and will be sacrificed soon, and the other is Brother Cheng who was kidnapped by Yamamura Sadako and will die without a burial at any time..."

"Besides, since Sadako Yamamura appeared on the small island and said she was waiting for us in the well, the dry well where her body was abandoned is probably also on this small island."

"Open two top-level dungeons at the same time, you need to brush the cultists and Sadako Yamamura..."

Lin Yuanfei clutched his head, desperate.

"Why can't I live peacefully for a day? It's already midnight, and I have to brush two skeleton-level dungeons at the same time, and let no one sleep!"

Lin Yuanfei felt that he was really unlucky...

Chapter 185 Strong Survival Instinct

At the entrance of the abandoned drainage canal, the four of Lin Yuanfei briefly exchanged the current information.

Of course, the information about Sadako Yamamura was all made up by Lin Yuanfei casually.

He just relies on the overlap between the information in the movie and the real world, and extracts the key parts to explain it.

As for more, he dare not say.

I am afraid that the details of the settings are different and misleading everyone, and I am afraid that Yuno, a sick girl with a keen max, will continue to scratch his painful feet.

As for why Lin Yuanfei determined that the Sadako in this world is the evil ghost Sadako set in the movie, not the virus Sadako set in the novel?In fact, the reason is very simple.

Sadako in the movie was hacked to death after being injected with the smallpox virus by her father, and abandoned in a dry well.

In the novel, Sadako was raped by a patient of smallpox virus and then abandoned in a dry well.

This scene appeared in Zhenzi's video tape, and the video tape that Lin Yuanfei saw was the movie version.

Besides, the setting of the novel version is so hard and sci-fi, it is completely incompatible with the style of Xingyue World, okay?

The whole world is nothing but virtual?Brother dei, have you asked Alaya and Gaia for their opinions?This is the home field of Model Moon World!

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuno suddenly asked.

"By the way, since Sadako Yamamura is so powerful, why do we have to go to the dry well to find her? Can't she just kill you all? There is no reason to let you go, right?"

In this regard, Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly.

"That's the problem. This reborn Sadako is so terrifying, with teleportation, pseudo-immortality, and superpowers that she hasn't revealed yet. She can definitely hang us. But why did she only capture her? Brother Cheng, let us go?"

Lin Yuanfei said, knocking on the thermos cup, "Foge, what do you think?"

In the thermos, Freddy sneered, "What else can I see? That bitch wants to use you to do something. Such an obvious play hard to get, even a fool [beep] can see it."

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "Foge agrees with me... Sadako Yamamura is not a simple evil spirit, and is completely different from Kayako's kind of vengeful spirit who only has basic instincts. She has her own ideas and her own thoughts. Plan, even killing is optional, and she will not kill for the time being if it is useful to her."

"So she asked us to go to the dry well to find her, to prove that there must be something under the dry well that we need to get, and that thing can only be done by us, so she mercifully let us go temporarily."

"Now I even suspect that that guy is not at the bottom of the dry well. He deliberately said that to lie to us. Something will definitely happen after we find the dry well."

Lin Yuanfei speculated like this.

My wife Yuno glanced at him and smiled strangely.

"Pervert senior seems to have become smarter... It seems that your survival instinct is very strong. So what should we do next, senior, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Hmm... this..." Lin Yuanfei glanced at Saeko Busujima who was hugging his wife like Zheng Gong, and then continued as if nothing happened, "Let's save Teacher Ju Chuan Shizuka."

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