"Brother Cheng shouldn't have too many problems with Sadako for the time being, at most he will suffer a little bit of flesh and blood...Of course, if Sadako wants to kill Brother Cheng, it's just a matter of sneezing, and it's useless for us to rush over now .”

"So, let's save Teacher Ju Chuan Shizuka first."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Teacher Jingxiang will be sacrificed soon, we can't just sit idly by..."

Yuno shook her head calmly.

"I veto the proposal."

Yuno said, "The residents of this island are all heretics, and they are the kind of vicious and evil criminals. There are so many of them. Just us ordinary high school students trying to save people from them? This is just a dream."

"For safety's sake, let's hide here," Yuno said with a normal face, "we hide here, and no one will find us. Wait until tomorrow morning, after the typhoon has passed, the island resumes communication, and the rescue ship Come one after another, we'll be safe."

"As for Ms. Ju Chuan Shizuka...we can provide the police with information clues so that they can track down the criminal clues of these cult members and avenge those girls who died innocently."

"If we go to die now, it will not help the matter. After we die, no one will provide clues, and the group of cultists can continue to get away with it. That is the most serious thing."

"So I don't agree with your suggestion, perverted senior."

Yuno said calmly, "Although I'm sorry about Shizuka-sensei, I just want to say that perverted senior, you'd better calm down and don't be too emotional. You are covered in injuries now, and you can beat a group of cultists? Go ahead. It’s just to die.”

After Yuno finished speaking, the atmosphere in the dark space of the abandoned drainage ditch seemed a little stiff.

Lin Yuanfei was silent, subconsciously clenched his fists.

Saeko Busujima just looked at him quietly without saying a word.

Yuki hesitated to speak a little uneasy, obviously felt that her sister's words were too ruthless and indifferent, but she couldn't refute.

There was an eerie dead silence in the air for a few seconds.

Lin Yuanfei just shook his head and sighed.

"Honestly, I'm happy to see you all intact."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the two sisters in front of him and smiled softly, "You stayed here because you were worried about my safety. When I found out about this, I was so worried that I wished I could run to the shelter to take it away. You, worry every second whether you will be caught by the cultists and whether you will be bullied."

"So I was relieved to see you escaped intact."

"Because you stayed here to find me. If you are captured by the cultists, it will be all my fault."

"In that case, no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely go to rescue you."

"The same is true for Teacher Shizuka and Brother Cheng. They were worried about my safety and stayed behind. That's why they encountered such bad luck."

"If they, like other students and teachers in the school, left by boat on their own, they should now be drinking hot tea and getting ready to rest in the warmth of their home."

"But because of me, they are in prison at this time, and they are in danger, so no matter what the situation is, I can't just sit idly by..."

Standing up slowly, Lin Yuanfei clenched the handle of the knife at his waist, and said with a smile, "So... I must go to save people, even if my strength may not be enough, but I will still go."

"I don't want to live in endless self-loathing for the rest of my life..."

"Finally, if there is anything I want to say before I leave, it is..."

Looking at the two sisters in front of him, Lin Yuanfei smiled softly.

"It's really a pleasure to meet you in this world."


"We'll have a chance to meet again in the future."

Author's message:

ps: There are only three shifts today, I have to go out at night, and five shifts tomorrow

Chapter 186


"We'll have a chance to meet again in the future."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, the entrance of the abandoned drainage channel fell into a strange dead silence.

Yuno looked at her sister with a worried expression.

She seemed about to say something.

But Yuki had already spoken ahead of time.

Looking at Lin Yuanfei very seriously, Yuki said.

"That's absolutely impossible!"

Yuki said seriously, "It is absolutely impossible for Mr. Lin Yuan to save people by himself."

"Yuno's opinion does not represent mine. No matter what Yuno thinks or says, I must go to rescue people with Lin Yuan-kun."

Yu Ji raised his head and looked at Lin Yuanfei. Lin Yuanfei saw the firmness in the girl's eyes.

"Yuki said before that he would help and support Lin Yuan-kun, so he will definitely stick to it."

"Now Mr. Lin Yuan said something to let him stay here, and then he went to save people, act as a hero, and leave him aside...too cunning!"

"Obviously Yuki stayed because of Lin Yuan-kun, but now Lin Yuan-kun says he wants to save people and do dangerous things by himself, so isn't everything he did in the first place was in vain?"

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