"I will never accept such a thing!"

Yuki cried out, "No matter what happens, no matter what is ahead, Yuki must go with Lin Yuan-kun! You must go with Lin Yuan-kun! You will never leave me!"

Yuki's voice was slightly crying and excited.

The expression on her face was so serious that no one doubted her determination.

This fierce reaction from her sister made Yuno subconsciously stretch out her hand.

"elder sister!"

Yuno grabbed her sister's hand and said nervously, "You can't do that!"

But Yuki took a deep breath, silently but firmly pulled Yuno's hand away.

Then he looked at Lin Yuanfei.

"Lin Yuan-jun, take me with you, I can help... Even if it's only a little bit, I can still help!"

Yuki said stubbornly, wiped the corner of his eyes with his hand, and stood up, "Don't reject me, don't reject me! Even if I can't help you, even if I can't do anything, I will stand behind you , to face what is going to happen with you.”

"Even...even if you want to die, I will watch you die with my own eyes!"

Yuki's voice was decisive.

Hearing her sister's words, Yuno finally panicked.

"No! Sister! You can't! You can't do that!"

Yuno anxiously stopped in front of her sister, like a small animal that was about to be abandoned, and said with great fear, "You can't go with this man! Sister, he is just an insignificant outsider, and Yuno is your sister." Family! We are family! Sister, don’t you want Yuno?”

Yuki remained silent, looking at the younger sister in front of her, at her panicked expression.

She lowered her head and murmured, "Yuno, I..."

"Okay, needless to say."

At the entrance of the abandoned drainage canal, Lin Yuanfei's voice sounded.

He rubbed the space between his brows and sighed helplessly, "Thank you for your concern, Yuki. But human life is priceless, and I cannot let you go on adventures with me."

"Sister Jingxiang was arrested. The big reason is that I stayed on the island and didn't evacuate with the main force. I killed her, so I have an obligation to rescue her."

"But you are different. You didn't hurt anyone, and you were even in danger because of a guy like me. This already makes me feel guilty. I can't let you go on an adventure with me."

"And if you follow me, I can't guarantee your safety. I don't want others to be hurt because of me anymore."

"So even if you say I'm selfish, domineering, and macho, I still can't let you go with me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei tugged lightly and pulled a rope out of the backpack.

Looking at the stunned sisters in front of him, Lin Yuanfei smiled helplessly.

"Yuno, do you mind if I tie up your sister?"

Hearing this sentence, Yuno's eyes subconsciously turned cold.

But in the next second, the fire ax that was gripped tightly was silently lowered again.

She turned her head and snorted coldly.

"you dare!"

Lin Yuanfei had already passed her with a smile, and stretched out his hand to grab the astonished Yuki.

"I have wronged you for a while, Yuki."

As Lin Yuanfei said this, he grabbed Yuki's shoulder with his right hand.

Yuki struggled subconsciously, panicked.

"No! Lin Yuan-jun, you can't do this!"

However, Lin Yuanfei had already caught her and started to tie her up.

Yuki's struggle was intense.

The anxious and panic-stricken cry was heart-breaking to hear.

"No! Lin Yuan-jun! I don't allow you to do this! You stop now! Please, stop now! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......"

To the back, the girl really cried out.

Crying heart-piercingly, extremely sad.

However, Lin Yuanfei was as hard-hearted as an emotionless machine, calmly and skillfully tied up the girl, without the slightest pause in his movements.

After everything was over, the girl sat on the floor dazed and dazed, moaning weakly and softly.

"Woo... woo... Mr. Lin Yuan... I hate you..."

Lin Yuanfei smiled and sighed, and took a few steps back slowly.

"If you can live and hate me for decades, that's not bad..."

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuno who was at the side.

"Your sister's safety is in your hands."

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