
Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, trying to say something.

But the situation in front of him and the imminent crisis made him unable to say anything.

He could only sigh for a long time, and finally said a pale but powerless farewell.

"If I can't come back, you should move out of Raccoon City as soon as possible..."

"This city is very dangerous..."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he turned and walked outside.

This time, without the slightest hesitation or pause, he was as determined as if he was going to die.

Yuno stood there expressionless, watched him leave, and smiled coldly.

"I hope you die handsomely, perverted senior."

Lin Yuanfei laughed loudly, waved his hands without looking back, and disappeared into the shadow of the entrance.

Saeko Busushima glanced back at the two sisters, nodded politely and reservedly, then turned and followed.

In the abandoned drainage canal, there was a dead silence.

Only Yuki, who was tied up in the corner, lowered her head, staring blankly at the dirty patterns on the ground.

There was a murmured whisper.

"Lin Yuan-jun is such an idiot..."

Yuno looked back at her, and looked at her sister with a complicated expression.

be silent, be silent...

Not a word.

In the entrance of the abandoned drainage canal, it finally became quiet.


Chapter 187

Gloomy dark clouds enveloped the sky.

The original bright moonlight has now completely disappeared.

Plunged into complete darkness on the mountain road, no ray of light can be seen anymore.

The increasingly powerful wind was tearing apart everything between the heaven and the earth crazily.

Many fragile young trees have even been blown off.

The terrifying wind force gave people the illusion that they were about to fly.

Every time Lin Yuanfei took a step, he felt a little effort.

Saeko Busushima turned her head, looked at the gloomy black sea under the darkness, and said slowly.

"In about three hours, the typhoon should make landfall, right?"

Saeko Busushima's voice was a little sad, "This typhoon is very strong."

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and grinned, "The good news is that there are so many cult members above, we may not be able to survive the typhoon's landfall."

The two had just left the entrance of the abandoned drainage canal at this time, and were carefully heading towards the shrine on the top of the mountain.

Even if you are far away, you can feel the hustle and bustle of the mountaintop shrine.

That was the boiling human voice that such a violent wind could not completely cover up, buzzing, as if they were doing some strange prayers.

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's cold joke, Saeko Busujima couldn't help but glance at him.

"Lin Yuanjun sometimes really doesn't understand girls' minds."

Saeko Busujima made a fatal comment, "You haven't been in love before, have you?"

In the darkness, Lin Yuanfei's expression froze slightly.

Then some became angry, "So what? Is it shameful to be a virgin? I'm single and I'm proud! I'm saving rubber for the country!"

Saeko Busujima chuckled, "This dirty joke is a bit interesting. It's a feeling of not being ashamed, but rather proud."

Lin Yuanfei was a little embarrassed, "You are about to die and you still have the mood to entertain me... Or are you nervous, Saeko? I remember that your character design is not such a poisonous tongue."

Saeko Busujima was silent for a few seconds, and said slowly, "That's a cult group with hundreds of people. Now we have to find a way to snatch their important living sacrifices. Normal people will be nervous, right?"

After finishing speaking, Saeko Busujima took a look at Lin Yuanfei—although in the darkness, he could only vaguely see Lin Yuanfei's outline.

She asked, "Mr. Lin Yuan, is it really okay for you to leave the two girls where you were just now? That girl named Yuki looks very sad."

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "Being sad is better than dying, and you may not believe it, but I haven't known her for long. Counting today, we've only known each other for four days, right? How deep is our relationship?"

"The little girl may be very sad now, but as long as she survives, after a month or two, she regains her mood, meets more new friends, gets in touch with new things, and soon forgets me It's gone."

Lin Yuanfei said, "The feelings of adolescent girls come and go quickly. When I was teaching in school...emmmmm..."

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