Touching his chin, Lin Yuanfei changed the topic without changing his face, "After all, he is not a student in an ivory tower, and he has not seen too many things, so he feels that the little emotions around him are the whole world. "

"When they see more things, experience more things, and become more emotionally mature, when they think of themselves who were dying to live when they were young, maybe even they will laugh?"

Lin Yuanfei said, "The so-called youth is probably like this."

Saeko Busujima's eyes narrowed, "It's really surprising that Hayashi Yuan-kun has such a mature and negative perception of life at the age of 17. People who don't know this may think that the person who said this is a negative person in his thirties. Where is the middle-aged uncle?"

Lin Yuanfei gave a dry laugh and dared not say a word.

You are in your thirties, uncle!I am twenty-eight this year!

The two remained silent and continued on their way.

In fact, there is a stairway leading to the shrine on the top of the mountain. The road is brightly lit and guarded by cultists. Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Saeko can only copy the path from other places.

Lin Yuanfei is fine, but Saeko Busujima is wearing a skirt to climb in this rugged mountain forest, which is very inconvenient.

If it was an ordinary girl, she would probably have to complain a few words and be afraid of going there with her hands tied.

But Saeko Busujima's toughness is beyond Lin Yuanfei's imagination.

There was no hesitation or apprehension in her movements, her climbing and walking movements were extremely free and easy, and she didn't worry about having a good time while the skirt was flying.

...Although it is so dark that no one can see it.

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei was silent again, Saeko Busujima spoke.

"Actually, I really don't understand why Mr. Lin Yuan is so uneasy. It seems that he can't come back after he has gone."

In the gust of wind, Saeko Busujima's voice was a bit ethereal, "Since you are the contemporary heir of the Flying Swordsman, a group of cultists should be harmless, right? Why don't you have any confidence at all?"

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "Don't you not believe it? Why do you believe that I am the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style now?"

Saeko Busushima smiled slightly, "Because from the character shown by Hayashi Yuan-kun, there is no such thing as deliberate lying and deceiving leaves. Moreover, your physical strength and reaction speed are far stronger than ordinary people."

"And when you were fighting Sadako just now, the sword technique you used was very powerful, very similar to the legendary nine-headed dragon flash."

"Even if you are not the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style, you will definitely not be an unknown pawn. I will not be mistaken about this."

Saeko Busujima's observation skills are not weak.

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes at this.

"I want to say that I have lost my memory. The sword technique about Feitian Yujianliu can only know one move now, and I have forgotten everything else... Do you believe it?"

"And because of the injury, I can't use that move casually, because if I use it too much, my wound will burst open, and then my body will bleed everywhere, and I will die before I win. Killing people, nine out of ten will be piled up to death by those cultists..."

"So, do you understand?"

Lin Yuanfei asked.

Saeko Busujima thought for a while and said, "I don't really understand, but I know at least one thing."

"what's up?"

"Lin Yuanjun is not a liar, but a very good man."

Saeko Busushima smiled and licked her lips, her eyes were like a poisonous snake staring at its prey, "If we can survive this time, how about Lin Yuan-kun discussing the way of swordsmanship with others? For Lin Yuan-kun, they are now from top to bottom They are full of desire~~~”

Lin Yuanfei looked embarrassed.

What the hell is it from top to bottom?What is desire?I'm still a pure boy, so I don't understand your hints!

You psychopathic slut!

Chapter 188 Where's the Evil God Dungeon?

The shrine on the top of the mountain is extremely large, and there are many housing areas.

Lin Yuanfei and Lin Yuanfei's infiltration process was also smooth beyond imagination.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei always thought that Japanese shrines were like those in movies and anime, with only a small building and a few huts on the top of the mountain, while most of the mountainsides were empty forests.

For example, Liudong Temple Shrine, such as Yuanzhikong Shrine.

But the Toromi shrine in front of me is different.

Starting from the mountainside, it is full of buildings and housing areas.

Basically halfway up the mountain, there is no forest.

Several winding stone steps connect several large and small shrines together, and there are some other buildings in the middle.

It can be said that when you go up the mountainside, you will step into the scope of the real Torimi Shrine.

Starting from the outermost shrine, on the stone steps and in front of the shrine, there are cultists wearing the same clothes coming and going.

Some sat praying in front of the gods, and some stood guard on the mountain road with weapons in their hands. No matter how you looked at it, they were heavily guarded.

If it wasn't for the weird behavior of this group of guys and the villainous clothes they were wearing, Lin Yuanfei would almost have thought that this was just a holiday gathering for a group of residents.

After all, it was too lively.

There are old and young, there is no eerie feeling of cult activities at all... no wonder!

Although there were many people, the atmosphere was eerily gloomy.

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