Except for those guys who kept chanting strange scriptures, there were not many voices talking on the whole mountain.

The only thing that can be heard is the eerie sound of chanting sutras.

Lin Yuanfei hid in the shadows, feeling a little embarrassed seeing this scene.

"What are these guys reading..." Why can't I understand at all?

Saeko Busujima explained, "It seems to be their special prayer language... When I visited a few times before, I heard the residents say that it seems to be the revelation of their gods or something."

Then Saeko Busujima began to introduce the situation of the dungeon to Lin Yuanfei.

"The entire Torimi Shrine has six areas and four shrines. What we see in front of us is the outermost shrine, the Six Fingers Shrine."

"Further up, there are the Tianmen Shrine, the Flying Fish Shrine, and the Toromi Shrine at the top of the mountain."

"The four shrines represent the four deities of the Torimi Shrine."

"The Six Fingers Shrine enshrines the Six Fingers God, whose image is a pitch-black ferocious ghost who is a sentinel guarding the gate of Shinto, so it is also called the God of Sentinels."

"Tianmen Shrine enshrines the god of battle who guards Tianmen. It is an extension of the will of Bird See God. It respects all orders of Bird See God, fights, kills, and expels all enemies of Bird See God. Tianmen God not only protects The god of battle, and the god of battle."

"Flying Fish Shrine enshrines the God of Flying Fish, whose image is the God of Flying Fish with deep wings and long tail. According to legend, the God of Flying Fish is the messenger of the God of Birds, and it will obey the will of the God of Birds and attach itself to the chosen one. Afterwards, the Flying Fish God will die, but the chosen people will gain the power of the gods, be reborn, and become a member of the Tianmen God, transcending the boundaries of mortals, and staying away from all birth, old age, sickness and death."

"As for Bird Seeing God, she is the last and tallest god. She is the mother of gods. Whether it is Liuzhishen or Tianmenshen, it comes from Flying Fish God. Everyone is her descendant."

"She is merciful to the world, and her chosen ones will be reborn completely. She will send the Flying Fish God to find those chosen ones and give them new life, so she is also called the Mother Goddess."

"The above is the general situation of several shrines."

Saeko Busushima looked at Lin Yuanfei, "Lin Yuan-kun, which shrine should we go to next?"

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Although Japan's eight million hair gods are a mess, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts can be enshrined, but the feeling of this Laoshizi bird seeing a god is too weird...Flying Fish Goddess God or something, I always feel that I have heard similar settings somewhere."

Saeko Busushima thought for a while, and took out her cell phone.

"Actually, there are some pictures of the shrine in my mobile phone, which were taken during the daytime today. Lin Yuan-jun, you can take a look."

Said, Saeko Busujima opened the photo album and showed Lin Yuanfei the photos she took.

Although the pixels of the mobile phone in 03 were rubbish and the photos taken were blurry, when Lin Yuanfei saw those ugly, weird and hideous pictures of [Gods], he was still in Sparta.

Fuck? !Fuck? !Fuck! ! !

Is this tm a bird seeing God?

I fuck your mother!Isn't this tm alien?

The moment Lin Yuanfei saw those pictures of god statues, he was completely dumbfounded [beep].

What about the copy of the evil god?Why did the style of painting suddenly change and become a strange shape?

Are these aborigines on Toomi Island stupid? [beep]?Why is it not good for you to enshrine some evil god, but to enshrine aliens?

What about the promised copy of Deep Diver, Innsmouth?This thing is not the right version!

Lin Yuanfei looked at the photos that Saeko Busujima had dug out speechlessly, speechless.

So the so-called Niaojianshen is the alien queen who is responsible for laying eggs.The Flying Fish God is the face-hugger, the Tianmen God is those kinds of fighting aliens, and the Liuzhi God is the sentinel alien?

And the so-called voters chosen by the God of Birds are just unlucky ones targeted by aliens?

The Flying Fish God attaches himself to the electors and dies, and the electors gain the power of the gods to be reborn. It refers to the face-hugging insect that successfully hugs the face and lays the alien eggs into the human stomach until the new alien grows up in the human stomach and breaks out. Eat human corpses?

The residents of Bird See Island are really good at telling bad jokes.

You said that you want to enshrine some normal evil gods, such as Cthulhu, Naiyazi, Hastura, etc., maybe you can also be a lackey of evil gods, powerful monsters, and realistic lunatics.

What are the benefits of worshiping aliens?

Apart from eating you, what else can the alien do for you?

Lin Yuanfei felt that the scene in front of him was as ridiculous as if the lamb regarded the hungry wolf as a god, and the little loli regarded the perverted dead fat house as a life mentor.


How stupid [beep] groups are to believe in a group of cannibal monsters?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the group of serious and devout cult believers in front of Shengong with a speechless face, as if he saw one after another mobile brain-dead.

At first, he thought that this group of cultists were stupid and bad. After all, if these guys were not stupid or bad, could they be fooled into doing bad things?

But at this moment, he felt that he had misunderstood them.

These guys are probably just plain stupid [beep].

Enshrining a man-eating monster as an evil god, really, there is no more stupid operation in this world than this.

Lin Yuanfei was convinced that if this group of cultists fed on aliens, they would definitely be reasonable contenders for the Darwin Prize for Evolution!

Author's message:

ps: When cleaning at noon, I cleaned the toilet, and then, I personally experienced a little common sense in life. It turns out that the toilet cleaner will corrode the skin after touching it!

Now the fingers of my left hand feel like two layers of skin have peeled off, and it hurts to press even a little bit harder. I barely wrote three chapters wearing disposable plastic gloves, which is so sour... Fortunately, I just changed the keyboard a few days ago. The keyboard is not that strenuous. If you use the previous red switch, you probably won’t be able to write the chapter of Bloody Blood if you press your fingers.

Now that I have finished writing three chapters in one breath, I feel my fingers are almost swollen. Take a break and write the remaining two chapters at night.

Of course... it may not necessarily be touched, after all, it hurts to press the keyboard now.

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