If you touch it tonight, it will be even better tomorrow.

Don't wait, because I don't know if I can write two more chapters tonight

Chapter 189 Lin Yuanfei's Backpack

Brushing a copy, this is a very helpless thing.

If it wasn't for Ju Chuan Shizuka who was taken away, who would want to provoke this group of cultists.

But brushing the dungeon belongs to the dungeon. Director, can you explain why a good dungeon of evil gods will become a war against aliens?

Normally, the general dungeon of heretics can at most brush the group of fanatics, and occasionally you may need to fight the incarnation of evil gods and the like.

But now the one who was going to brush suddenly turned into a strange shape?

Combined with what the group of cultists said, Lin Yuanfei had an ominous premonition... Could it be that there is a strange-shaped lair under Lao Shizi's Toromi shrine?

Lin Yuanfei bit his finger with pain in his face.

Alien creatures, once given a chance, can quickly increase in value in a short period of time, and kill all the surrounding creatures.

If these cultists really release a few aliens, it is estimated that after dawn tomorrow, the entire island will become a world of aliens, and the ground will be full of aliens crawling.

After all, a living person can support an alien to grow up. There are at least a few hundred people on Niaojian Island.

The picture of hundreds of aliens rushing towards them together...

Lin Yuanfei felt his scalp tingling just thinking about it.

This is a dangerous dungeon that is even more desperate than Zhenzi Jiaya!

Lin Yuanfei's weird reaction made Saeko Busushima a little confused.

"Lin Yuan-kun, you... did you find anything?" Saeko Busujima keenly sensed Lin Yuanfei's abnormality.

In the shadows, Lin Yuanfei looked at Saeko Busujima's blurred side face, and sighed helplessly.

"This so-called Bird Seeing God is somewhat similar to a monster I've heard of before..."

Speaking, Lin Yuanfei told Busujima Saeko about the characteristics and basic settings of the alien.

Including the highly corrosive blood, powerful strength, terrifyingly fast reproduction speed of this group of monsters, and the ability to evolve through parasites.

Lin Yuanfei said that he had seen the record of this monster in an ancient book, but he couldn't remember the cause and effect because of amnesia.

But Saeko Busujima obviously doesn't care about Lin Yuanfei's amnesia.

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's words, she also fell silent.

After a while, there was a murmur.

"That's really a... terrifying monster, no wonder it is worshiped as a god by the residents of this island."

Lin Yuanfei was immediately stunned.

ha?No wonder they are worshiped as gods?In other words, do you think it is normal to enshrine such a man-eating monster as a god?

What a weird brain circuit the Japanese have!

Can't make it, ah, can't make it.

Sighing speechlessly, Lin Yuanfei resisted the urge to complain about Saeko Busushima and said.

"So when we went to rescue Miss Shizuka, we had to carefully check to see if there were really aliens under the Tomi Shrine. If there were indeed aliens, these cultists must not be released."

Why did the good rescue mission turn into a battle mission in the end?

Lin Yuanfei had a headache, but he had to do it.

If there is hope of survival in dealing with this group of cultists, then dealing with a group of aliens is absolutely dead.

Hundreds of aliens rushed over together, not to mention Lin Yuanfei, the beggar's version of the Flying Swordsman, even the luxurious version of Bigu Qingjuro's Second Coming, he would also receive a lunch box.

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's plan, Saeko Busujima nodded silently.

"We can only do this..."

Saeko Busujima said softly, "If the group of aliens are really as terrifying as Hayashibara-kun you said, then we must not let these cultists release the aliens. If the group of monsters really come to the outside world, the whole of Japan, and even the whole of Japan, will be destroyed. Human civilization will be greatly threatened!"

emmmmm... this... Saeko-senpai, you're overthinking it a little bit.

Lin Yuanfei sighed.

If it is an ordinary earth civilization, then maybe this group of aliens can still cause some waves.

But this world is a moon-earth!

If this group of aliens is really a disaster, when the time comes, just pass by a heroic spirit or guardian who is interested in it, and the aliens will be drizzle.


Anyway, Lin Yuanfei believes that even if the aliens really develop and grow to the extent that ordinary heroic spirits can't solve them, then at most Raccoon City will become a singularity.

The mere alien still wants to destroy human history?Have you asked Gudazi for his opinion?

"Anyway, let's find a way to find out where Miss Shizuka is."

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