The knife at the waist was unsheathed silently...

Chapter 191

The dim light illuminates everything in the house.

After driving away the original guards, Koichi Wisteria walked towards the big bed with a smile.

On the big bed, a beautiful woman with blond hair was tied up.

At this time, the hot beauty was trying to struggle, and after seeing Koichi Wisteria, Shizuka Ju Chuan struggled even harder.

Her expression was a little frightened.

Wisteria Koichi admired Ju Chuan Shizuka's fear with satisfaction, and opened his hands intoxicated.

"Ah... what a beautiful look, Teacher Shizuka, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

Behind Koichi Wisteria's glasses, a cold and crazy light shone.

"In school, you always ignored me. And that nasty friend of yours actually broke one of my left legs, which made me lie in bed for more than two months before barely recovering."

"Do you know what I was thinking about every day when I was lying on the hospital bed?"

"I'm thinking about how to torture you two bitches, how to make you pay the price hahahahaha..."

Wisteria Koichi's expression was distorted by madness.

"Now the opportunity has finally arrived! The opportunity has finally arrived! Although I didn't catch your bitch friend, I caught you!"

"I will take back all the humiliation you and her gave me back then from you!"

Wisteria Haoyi smiled grimly, and said, "As for your friend, you don't have to worry, although she is indeed very powerful, but as long as I help the high priest and the others rescue the Bird God, and let the great mother god give me strength, your friend will also be able to help you." It can become a groaning meat weapon at my feet!"

"At that time, I will turn her into the most twisted and perverted slut, into the kind of bitch who is hungry and thirsty without a man's Okinjin filling, and let the men of the entire Torami Island take turns to fuck her to climax. Tide! Hahahahaha..."

Koichi Wisteria laughed wildly, venting his twisted desire.

"And now, I'll start with you!"

"Although you will be given to the Mother God soon, let me collect some interest from you before that!"

Wisteria Haoyi grinned grimly, and stretched out his hands to Ju Chuan Shizuka on the big bed, "Howl to your heart's content! The more you howl, the more excited I will be!"

His hand was about to touch Ju Chuan Shizuka on the big bed.

The beautiful school doctor who was tied up was struggling in horror, desperately shrinking back, trying to avoid the perverted guy's invasion.

But at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

The violent wind outside the house rushed in in an instant, making everyone's cheeks ache.

Wisteria Koichi turned his head angrily, and roared, "Who made you..."


The sound of blood splattering ended his cursing.

Lin Yuanfei stood beside him expressionlessly, reached out and grabbed his body, and then wiped all the blood on the blade of Wisteria Koichi's body.

At this time, Koichi Wisteria finally saw clearly the figure of the man who rushed in in an instant.

His eyes widened in horror, his body twitched in pain, and his hands subconsciously covered his throat.

However, the severed trachea kept leaking air, and blood bubbles burst out one after another.

Wisteria Koichi struggled desperately, but could only make a painful "ho ho ho".

Lin Yuanfei looked at him and smiled coldly, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, it wasn't your subordinate who opened the door."

Wisteria Hao stared at him in surprise and anger, and opened his mouth wide to try to call for help.

Then Lin Yuanfei slashed down again, and the man's heart stopped beating immediately.

The body also weakened weakly, and was thrown to the ground by Lin Yuanfei.

Only then did Lin Yuanfei turn around and close the door, and after making sure that there were no cultists approaching outside, he returned to the big bed and cut the rope off Ju Chuan Shizuka's body.

Ju Chuan Shizuka looked at him in horror, and then at the corpse on the ground, too frightened to speak.

Lin Yuanfei made a silent gesture to her, then dragged Koichi Wisteria's body into the back room, and stuffed the guy's body into a cabinet in the back room.

Then he came out and cleaned up the blood splashed on the ground, and after cleaning the battlefield, Lin Yuanfei dragged Ju Chuan Shizuka away.

"Let's go, sister Shizuka, I'll take you out of here," Lin Yuanfei said.

At this time, Ju Chuan Shizuka finally recovered, and looked at Lin Yuanfei with a look of surprise, "Lin Yuanjun, you... why are you here?"

"There's no time to explain, let's go first," Lin Yuanfei said, "We'll talk when we get to a safe place."

Fortunately, the two cultists left directly and did not stay at the gate to guard the gate. Lin Yuanfei directly dragged Ju Chuan Shizuka into the grove.

As for the room behind him, although the disappearance of Koichi Wisteria and Shizuka Ju Chuan will definitely make those cultists run away.

But as long as they don't let them discover the corpse in the first place, they can still delay a little bit of time.

When Lin Yuanfei dragged Ju Chuan Shizuka into the grove, Busujima Saeko was shocked.

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