"Miss Shizuka? You..."

She subconsciously looked at Lin Yuanfei, "Lin Yuanjun, how did you find Miss Jingxiang?"

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "I want to say that a blind cat meets a dead mouse, do you believe it? Don't talk about it, hurry up and slip away, and the group of cultists will find out that the important living sacrifice is missing, they will definitely go crazy!"

The three of Lin Yuanfei walked back according to the way they came, and returned to the remote cliff.

"Xuezi, take Miss Shizuka back first," Lin Yuanfei said, "Take her to find Yuki and the others. That place is very secret and hard to find. Wait for me there, and I'll be there soon."

Saeko Busushima looked at Lin Yuan Fei with a serious expression, "Hayashi Yuan-kun, do you want to check what's under the Torami Shrine?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly, and nodded, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I'm more afraid of death than you think, and I won't die in vain. Just take a look and I'll be right back."

Saeko Busujima was silent for a few seconds, and said slowly, "A sensible woman will not hold back a man's footsteps. So Lin Yuan-kun, I wish you... prosperous luck!"

Saeko Busujima said a blessing with Japanese characteristics.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, "Don't worry, I won't die, you guys go first."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he let down the rope, and let Saeko Busujima and Shizuka Juchuan grab the rope and descend the cliff one after another. He stood on a high place and watched the two women disappear into the darkness from a distance. Taking a deep breath, he turned and looked at the mountaintop behind him.

There, the lights are brightly lit and a grand ceremony is being held.

Probably, most of the cultists in the entire Torami Island are gathered there...

Subconsciously swallowing, Lin Yuanfei murmured.

"Okay, a new copy has opened."

"Flying Heavenly Sword Fighting Aliens... I hope I can have a Predator as my teammate..."

Chapter 192 High Priest

The top of the highest mountain in Toromijima is brightly lit.

In the empty small square in front of the shrine, a group of cultists sitting on the ground were densely packed.

They all wear the same uniform and the same mask.

Regardless of gender, young or old, they all sat devoutly in the strong wind with their heads bowed, praying to their only mother god.

In front of this group of cultists, under the steps of the shrine, a temporary altar was built, on which hung a girl in a hospital gown.

The girl's face was pale, and her weak and struggling body was hung on the pillar. She looked at the weird and terrifying cultists in front of her with dim eyes, and remained motionless.

One of her index fingers was severed, and half of her body was covered in blood.

It's just that too much time has passed, and the blood on the clothes has long since dried up, congealing into a disgusting dark red.

The cut of her finger was bloody and bloody, but no one came to pity her, and no one came to heal her.

She was hung there weak and powerless, in a semi-conscious state, as if she would die at any moment.

Near the altar, several strong cultists stood guarding this important blood sacrifice.

These cult members were fully armed and strong, looking around with cold eyes, wary of all possible enemies.

...But unfortunately, obviously no one will come to save her.

Further on, in the dimly lit shrine, there were no traces of electrical appliances.

Candle oil lamps were lit one after another in the darkness, but in the increasingly strong wind, those flames trembled in the strong wind and would be extinguished at any time.

A figure sat in the depths of the shrine, almost merging with the darkness.

He was wearing a different uniform from everyone else, and the tattoos on his body were also completely different.

And he's the only one in the cult that doesn't wear a mask.

On that old face, the wrinkles were like the gullies in the Qinling Mountains, and he was already advanced in age.

But he is still the highest-ranking high priest in this shrine, and he is also the head of the small village of Torimijima.

The eldest son of their family has governed this small village isolated overseas for generations. As the head of the village, he is also the priest of the sect and the spokesperson of the Mother Goddess on the earth.

In the entire Torami Island, there can only be one voice, and that is the voice of the high priest.

No one dared to go against his will.

Of course, no one wants to go against his will.

Passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, the villagers on these islands have long been brainwashed by the teachings handed down by their ancestors, and even the high priest who is the leader believes in the words of their ancestors.

Every two hundred years, they will collectively dispatch to try to open a certain seal under the shrine, so that the great mother goddess can return to the world.

However, the past generations of priests have failed.

Only this time, they finally saw the hope of success.

They finally caught the last blood sacrifice before the allotted time came.

As long as this last blood sacrifice is presented tonight, the seal will be opened, and the mother goddess will return to the world.

At that time, these devout and loyal believers will all be detached!

Thinking of such a bright future, even the high priest couldn't help feeling a little excited.

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