However, at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps interrupted the high priest's meditation.

His eyes were slightly opened, and he looked at the panicked believer who ran into the shrine indifferently and blankly, without saying a word.

And the believer quickly said, "It's not good, the high priest, Wisteria Koichi and the important living sacrifice are gone!"

Hearing this news, the high priest frowned.

After hearing the believer finish the cause and effect of the matter, he said slowly, "Don't panic, go and look around, Wisteria Koichi is not a person who doesn't know the importance. At this critical moment, he disappeared with the living sacrifice, then It is estimated that it has been more or less ominous."

"Look around, maybe you can find some clues to see if his body is hidden somewhere."

"As for the escaped living sacrifice..."

The high priest was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head, "Let her go, don't worry about her. For us now, the divine descending ceremony is the most important thing, and no extravagance is allowed, just a living sacrifice, escape Just escaped, and we have backups anyway.”

After speaking, the high priest looked at a guard who had been standing outside the door.

"Let them bring that girl up. Although there is only one living sacrifice left, that girl is so delicate and beautiful that the mother god will like it."

After the guard who received the order retreated, the high priest looked at the believer who had sent the message.

"You go back too, let the sentinels of Liuzhi Shrine search the nearby area and guard the gate, so that no one can come up and interrupt the god descending ceremony."

The believer bowed his head respectfully, then silently withdrew.

The high priest watched the two believers leave, thought for a while, and then slowly stood up.

His old and weak body was slightly hunched, and he walked slowly to the entrance of the shrine, watching the believers of the mother goddess sitting on the ground under the steps outside the door.

Those believers, male or female, old or young, all bowed their heads devoutly and prayed softly to the mother goddess.

Even if the surrounding wind is getting more and more violent, it can't shake their bodies and can't cover their voices.

The whispering whispers with the same rhythm spread far and wide in the darkness.

Until the entrance at the end, the figures of several believers slowly appeared there.

They helped a beautiful girl in the uniform of Chunmu High School to appear in the small square.

The girl's eyes were slightly closed, and she seemed to be in a deep sleep. She was supported by several female believers and walked out.

Seeing this scene, Rei Miyamoto, who was hung on the stake, widened her eyes weakly, a little surprised.

"Student president?"

At this time, no one paid any attention to her surprise.

In this way, the student council president named Akiko Sato was dragged over by several female believers and brought to the front of the shrine.

"The living sacrifice has been brought, High Priest, do you need to check it?" asked the leading female believer.

The high priest glanced at the unconscious girl and said, "No need, the time has come, we should set off..."

In the strong wind, the high priest's black robe swayed behind him.

His thin and bent body was disgusting like a dry corpse.

At a certain moment, he seemed to think of something, and asked again, "Where is that girl's friend? That heroic girl who brandished a samurai sword and killed several of our believers... Has she been caught?"

Several female believers shook their heads, "We lost her whereabouts, High Priest."

In this regard, the high priest sighed lightly.

"I originally wanted to offer that girl together, but forget it, this offering is also very good."

The high priest said, leaning on his crutches, and slowly walked up the steps of the shrine.

"We... it's time to meet the Mother God."

Author's message:

ps: I kept everyone waiting for a while, um, as agreed, there will be an update later, but it may be a little later, so you don’t have to wait, let’s get up tomorrow morning, staying up late is not good for your health

Chapter 193 A Journey to Shu

The Torami Shrine, built of glazed tiles and solid wood, has been renovated many times.

Today's Torimi Shrine is magnificent and luxurious, and its footprint is not inferior to those of Japan's famous large shrines.

But the place where the High Priest and the others are going next is not here.

When the time had come and the stars in the sky reached the correct position, the cultists released Rei Miyamoto who was bound on the altar.

At this time, Rei Miyamoto was already so weak that she could barely speak.

When the blood sacrifice is sacrificed, one must maintain enough resentment and hatred, so the cultists have been tormenting her non-stop.

Every time the wound on her index finger stopped bleeding and scabbed, the cultists would cruelly cut the wound with sharp knives to let the blood continue to flow out.

The continuous bloodletting and endless pain and torture had already made her lose all ability to resist.

She was weakly dragged by the group of strong heretics, her delicate skin rubbed against the rough ground until it was bloody and she couldn't struggle.

Beside her, the treatment of Akiko Sato, who was supported by several female believers to walk, was completely different.

Although she was stunned by drugs and half asleep, the group of female believers carefully supported her, as if they were protecting a delicate and fragile work of art.

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