This kind of different treatment caused more resentment to appear in Miyamoto Rei's empty eyes.

But this kind of resentment is exactly what the cultists need.

In this way, under the guidance of the high priest, the group of cultists escorted their important sacrifices and left the small square in front of the shrine.

Behind the shrine is a wall.

There is only one iron gate on the wall, and the high priest is in charge of the key of the gate.

After he opened the iron gate, a group of people entered the iron gate one after another.

Behind the gate is a dark forest.

In the woods, a trail was paved with bluestones.

On both sides of the forest path, a lamp post was erected every five meters, emitting a dim light in the dark.

In the light of the light, one can vaguely see that the branches of the trees are all hung with red cloth, and strange spells are depicted on the cloth.

When the wind blew, those dark red cloths trembled crazily in the dim light, inexplicably giving people a strange and eerie feeling.

But the high priest didn't hesitate at all, and walked straight to the path in the forest.

This is the holy place of Bird See Island. Only the high priest has always been qualified to enter. It is the first time for other believers to see such a scene, and they can't help feeling a sense of awe.

Is this the Shinto way leading to the Mother Goddess Shrine...

The expressions of the believers could not help but become solemn.

They followed the high priest on the path in the forest, passing through the strange and peculiar red forest, and came to the end of the path in the forest.

A pitch-black cave slanting downward.

On both sides of the entrance of the cave, there are two hideous statues on the left and the right.

That is the statue of Liuzhishen familiar to believers. According to legend, Liuzhishen is the sentinel of the mother goddess, guarding the entrance to the gate of the mother goddess' palace.

So is this dark cave in front of you the entrance to the Goddess Shrine?

The eyes of the believers were full of excitement.

Only the high priest at the head seemed calm.

He stood at the entrance, bowed to the two statues at the door, and then looked at the believers behind him.

The High Priest looked at the blond girl Miyamoto Rei who was being held hostage.

At this time, the girl was dying and could not speak a word.

But the High Priest's expression remained indifferent.


The high priest pointed the crutches at the dark cave in front of him, and said, "Cut the blood sacrifice's throat, cut her wrists, and throw her bleeding body into the cave. The blood of the sacrifice will flow in the darkness, imprisoning her." The seal of the Mother Goddess for thousands of years will disappear completely, and the Mother Goddess will return to the world!"

As he said that, the high priest excitedly raised his hands and folded them on his chest, "Goddess!"

"The mother god is above!"

All the cultists also raised their hands at the same time, crossed their chests, and shouted excitedly.

Is the long-cherished wish of their family for thousands of years finally coming true now?

The several disciples of Miyamoto Rei who were detained were all roaring excitedly. The moment they got the order, they directly pressed the blond girl to the floor roughly, and cut off the girl's throat and blood vessels in the limbs with a sharp knife.

In an instant, the girl's body twitched in pain, and blood flowed profusely.

On the path in the forest, Miyamoto Rei's shrill screams sounded.

Even if he has lost the ability to resist, he can't help screaming when he is traumatized like this.

But none of the four cultists paid attention to the girl's pain. They all roared excitedly, lifted the twitching girl in pain, and walked towards the dark cave.

"The mother god is above!"

They roared excitedly, ready to throw the bloody girl into it.

However, in the dark mountain forest, a man's low laughter suddenly sounded.

"When I think about what kind of monster you enshrine, I can't help but want to laugh out loud."

This sudden voice instantly made all the cultists present feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound in shock and anger, and roared.

"Who? Who's there?!"

In the dark, there was silence for a few seconds, and no one spoke.

A cultist roared and rushed over.

"Guy who trespasses on the Holy Land, get out!"

In the eyes of all the cultists, the cultist roared and rushed into the darkness, as if he saw the person who made the sound.

In the darkness, his roar sounded.

"find you……"

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