"Actually, I'm Yu Jiekong..."

However, the little girl smiled and waved her hands as if she had never heard of it, as if she was saying goodbye to Lin Yuanfei, and disappeared without a sound.

In the forest, her light laughter sounded.

"Goodbye Raccoon City, big brother, hee hee hee..."

In the melodious and crisp laughter like silver bells, the last threat completely disappeared.

Lin Yuanfei couldn't bear the exhaustion of his body any longer, and completely limp in Yan Ye's arms, he murmured.

"Mom... finally left..."

Looking at the corpses on the side with a dull gaze, Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly, "We are all murderers now..."

Then he looked at Yan Ye with some concern, "Yan Ye, are you okay?"

It's the first time this stupid girl kills someone, so she won't have any mental illness, right?

But it turned out that Lin Yuanfei was overthinking.

Yan Ye looked at him in confusion, "I'm not injured, Master, your injury must be serious."

It seemed that hacking several big living people to death in a row couldn't scare this little girl.

emmm... Should I breathe a sigh of relief?Or should I be nervous and scared?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the female apprentice in front of him in embarrassment and speechless, and sighed slowly.

"Help me up first," Lin Yuanfei said slowly, "We have to get out of here quickly."

He looked at Yuno at the side, "Yuno, can you help the student council president? She still seems to be in a daze."

Not far away, the drugged Akiko Sato was still in that half-dream and half-awake state.

With no one to support her, she sat limply in the muddy water, looking dumbfounded as if she had lost her mind.

Yuno glanced at Lin Yuanfei and smiled ambiguously.

"The perverted senior isn't going to die, his life is hard~~"

Yuno said, licking her lips lightly, looking charming and alluring.

Lin Yuanfei felt his scalp go numb.

Damn... this little girl isn't thinking about taking advantage of the situation and hacking me to death, is she?I always feel that you have bad intentions!

Lin Yuanfei stared at Yuno steadfastly, fearing that the other party would draw his knife and chop him in the next second.

Fortunately, Yuno didn't do that.

She stuffed the knife back into her backpack, and then went to help Akiko Sato who was dumbfounded in the mud.

Just like that, Yuno and Yanye each supported a patient and left here slowly.

As for Miyamoto Rei's body, out of some safety considerations, Yan Ye threw it under a cliff not far away.

According to the information obtained from the previous conversations with the cult members, it can be inferred that as long as Miyamoto Rei's body is thrown into the cave within the specified time, the underground alien can be released.

Such a dangerous thing, Lin Yuanfei must not let it stay at the entrance of the cave.

Let Yan Ye drop off the cliff, and it's over.

Even if the group of cultists outside came in, they couldn't find Rei Miyamoto's body for a while, perfect!

In the increasingly violent torrential rain, four people left here.

Then, near the wall, I saw Yuki who looked pale and seemed to have been waiting for a long time, shivering in the cold wind.

The moment he saw Lin Yuanfei, Yuki almost didn't cry.

"Woo... Mr. Lin Yuan..."

At this time, Lin Yuanfei was covered in dirty things mixed with blood and mud, and looked as miserable as he wanted.

It can even be said that it doesn't look like a human being.

If an ordinary person looked like this, he would probably have breathed in but not exhausted, but Lin Yuanfei could still barely maintain his consciousness. It has to be said that this body is really strong.

But at this time, he was too tired. Although he was full of doubts, Lin Yuanfei really didn't have time to ask Yuki, his sisters and Yan Ye why they appeared here.

Anyway, you can guess with your knees, Yuki and Yuno appear here, it must be that he and Saeko Busujima had just left, Yuki forced Yuno to untie the rope, and then came to help together.

Although Yuki didn't obediently waited obediently, which made people feel a little helpless, but Lin Yuanfei would have been cold without Yuno's help.

And in the final analysis, although the two parties are friends, Lin Yuanfei is not someone else, and he is not qualified to point fingers at other girls.

If Yuki was his girlfriend or relative's sister, Lin Yuanfei would scold him without saying a word.

But unfortunately, they are just strangers who have just met for a few days.

So Lin Yuanfei could only sigh silently, keeping this favor in his heart.

Now, exactly four days have passed since the day he traveled to this world.

Recalling [-] hours ago, at this time last night, I was still sleeping in the same room with my sister Hua, the two sides were discussing life and ideals, smelling the fragrance of the girl's boudoir, waiting for the arrival of a new day, how leisurely it is ?

Now, his whole body is covered in blood and muddy water, his wounds have all burst open, and his muscles all over his body are aching, as if he is about to die.

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