Ah... how wonderful the encounters in life are!

Lin Yuanfei looked bitterly at the violent storm under the dark sky, and murmured.

"I don't play anymore... I really don't play anymore..."

I will experience the daily life of youth when I go back!Don't worry about these messy things anymore.

Anyone who dares to disturb me to fish, I will blow the dog's head off!

Chapter 202

"Okay, the dungeon is finished, let's share the equipment."

Inside the entrance of the abandoned drainage canal, Lin Yuanfei was lying sickly in the corner, and said slowly.

The girls in front of him looked dumbfounded.

"Equipment? What equipment?"

"Oh, I mean, let's sum up our experience," Lin Yuanfei said with a weak face, "After killing the boss, don't you want to share your experience? I didn't have time to talk about it just now, but now I've finally settled down. Let's share with each other. Information."

Lin Yuanfei said, "I have a lot to say to you."

In front of him, several girls were all looking at him.

Saeko Busujima, Shizuka Marikawa, two sisters with big breasts.

My wife Yuno, my wife Yuki, pink hair sister Hana.

Gui Yanye, a hatchet girl, is holding a samurai sword she got from no one knows where.

Student Council President Akiko Sato, in a half-dream, half-awake, half-comatose state, looks like the kind that she won't resist if she is given [beep beep] and [beep beep] now.

But among so many beauties, there is only one man.

One man and six women, lively and fragrant, all of them are charming, this is the template of a winner in life!

...It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei felt that he was about to get cold.

"Puff... cough cough cough... no, no."

Lin Yuanfei clutched his chest, coughed in pain, and said, "Who of you can help me wash the wound, although the mud on my body was washed away by the rain just now, I think the rain is a bit dirty, and the wound hurts so much. Wash it."

After hacking to death the leader of the cult and preventing their strange god descending ceremony, Lin Yuanfei, a man and three women sneaked away from the top of the mountain.

When they left, the group of cultists continued to pray in the small square, and they didn't realize that their high priest had been hacked to death inside.

Lin Yuanfei and the others sneaked away from the corner and went down the mountain.

Because the storm broke the power line, the island has been cut off, and it is pitch black, so no one has found their whereabouts.

Leaving the area where the cultists gathered without any danger, Lin Yuanfei and the others returned to the entrance of the abandoned drainage channel and hid.

However, not long after everyone sat down, Lin Yuanfei began to vomit blood.

"The wound hurts, the wound hurts... hiss... Is the rainwater in Japan so dirty? Why does it hurt so much when it drips on the wound?"

Lin Yuanfei put down his backpack with a tangled expression, took out a few cans of mineral water from the backpack, and said, "Wash the wound with mineral water, there is no clean water source around here."

Then, Lin Yuanfei took out a small medical kit and said, "Sister Jingxiang, aren't you a doctor? Come and help me wash the wound and put on a bandage. My wound is completely torn and I feel very uncomfortable."

In fact, Lin Yuanfei was no longer suffering at this time.

The wounds on his body were all cracked and torn, and the wounds were even bigger.

Soaked in rainwater for a long time, the white skin and flesh turned out, looking very disgusting like the belly of a dead fish.

Ordinary girls probably fainted when they saw such injuries. Fortunately, almost all the girls present were unusual—well, the ordinary Akiko Sato was in a coma.

Then, under the watchful eyes of several girls, Lin Yuanfei took off his clothes, revealing his strong and broad upper body.

The descendant of the Feitian Yujian style was originally tall and burly. Although Lin Yuanfei's height was only about 177, but with his strong tendons, he looked like a smaller Dashi Johnson.

With his sinewy body, he felt that even if ordinary people punched him twice, it would be harmless, and he had the ferocious aura of a beast.

Yan Ye couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Wow! Master is in good health... so strong!"

Yuki covered her mouth, as if she was surprised, "Lin... Lin Yuan-jun, you... are you a beast?"

Yuno pondered, "This bull-like body, if you have sex with an ordinary girl, that girl will die..."

Saeko Busujima licked her lips and smiled softly, "Hayashi Yuan-kun is such a good man..."

Lin Yuanfei looked embarrassed—why do I think your reaction is so wrong?

On the other hand, Ju Chuan Shizuka calmly cleaned Lin Yuanfei's wounds, and didn't react too much to this strong and robust body.

She first washed the sewage from the wound with mineral water, then disinfected it with hydrogen peroxide provided by Lin Yuanfei, applied medicine, and finally began to wrap the bandage.

During the whole process, Lin Yuanfei grinned in pain.

But none of the girls present was joking.

To be honest, with Lin Yuanfei's bruises all over his body, and thinking that this guy dragged such a serious injury just now and was killing evil spirits and killing cultists, the girls were all silent.

Because of such a serious injury, a normal person would have died long ago!

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